- Instrumentos de Gestão
- PRR – Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
Secretaria Regional da Saúde e Segurança Social
Nova 'app' MySaude Açores entrou em fase de testes
Nova 'app' MySaude Açores entrou em fase de testes
Secretaria Regional da Saúde e Segurança Social
Four more Regional Health Plan 2030 programmes presented
Four more Regional Health Plan 2030 programmes presented
Secretaria Regional da Saúde e Segurança Social
Nota de pesar
Nota de pesar
December 21, 2024
Nova 'app' MySaude Açores entrou em fase de testes
December 18, 2024
Four more Regional Health Plan 2030 programmes presented
December 13, 2024
Nota de pesar
Welcome Note
Welcome to the website of the Regional Secretariat for Health and Social Security of the XIV Regional Government of the Azores
Azores Oncology Centre
Regional Directorate for Health
Regional Directorate for Social Solidarity
Regional Directorate for Prevention and Control of Dependencies
Regional Health Inspectorate
Institute for Social Security of the Azores
Regional Directorate for the Promotion of Equality and Social Inclusion
Nota de Imprensa
December 21, 2024
Nova 'app' MySaude Açores entrou em fase de testes
A MySaude Açores, nova aplicação de telemóvel que irá congregar um leque de diferentes opções do Serviço Regional de Saúde, entrou esta sexta-feira em fase de testes. A aplicação, inserida no projeto MUSA, meta A do Hospital Digital, é um investimento PRR e tem o objetivo de chegar aos 25 mil acessos até setembro. A 'App' já foi descarregada perto de 400 vezes e “o comentário geral, até agora, é que é realmente muito simples", destaca Mónica Seidi. "Basta termos o nosso número de utente para fazer a inscrição” esclarece a Secretária Regional da Saúde e Segurança Social. A aplicação tem neste momento, como funcionalidades, os agendamentos, os dados dos utentes e a teleconsulta, “para que se possa começar a perceber a operabilidade do que já existe, fazer alterações e ter novas ideias e o número de funcionalidades irá crescendo”. A fase de testes decorre na Unidade de Saúde de Ilha de São Miguel e são estes trabalhadores “que terão um primeiro contacto com a aplicação” explica Mónica Seidi, que sublinha, contudo, estar ainda em causa a chamada fase “beta". "Estes utilizadores experimentam a 'app' e nós conseguimos perceber o que funciona bem e o que é preciso mudar”, diz. E concretiza: "em finais de janeiro, esta já será uma aplicação pública, que poderá ser descarregada por qualquer utente do Serviço Regional de Saúde, e vão surgir, claro, novas funcionalidades. Vamos chegar a todos os açorianos e vamos dar um grande passo na acessibilidade aos cuidados de saúde”.
December 21, 2024
Nova 'app' MySaude Açores entrou em fase de testes
A MySaude Açores, nova aplicação de telemóvel que irá congregar um leque de diferentes opções do Serviço Regional de Saúde, entrou esta sexta-feira em fase de testes. A aplicação, inserida no projeto MUSA, meta A do Hospital Digital, é um investimento PRR e tem o objetivo de chegar aos 25 mil acessos até setembro. A 'App' já foi descarregada perto de 400 vezes e “o comentário geral, até agora, é que é realmente muito simples", destaca Mónica Seidi. "Basta termos o nosso número de utente para fazer a inscrição” esclarece a Secretária Regional da Saúde e Segurança Social. A aplicação tem neste momento, como funcionalidades, os agendamentos, os dados dos utentes e a teleconsulta, “para que se possa começar a perceber a operabilidade do que já existe, fazer alterações e ter novas ideias e o número de funcionalidades irá crescendo”. A fase de testes decorre na Unidade de Saúde de Ilha de São Miguel e são estes trabalhadores “que terão um primeiro contacto com a aplicação” explica Mónica Seidi, que sublinha, contudo, estar ainda em causa a chamada fase “beta". "Estes utilizadores experimentam a 'app' e nós conseguimos perceber o que funciona bem e o que é preciso mudar”, diz. E concretiza: "em finais de janeiro, esta já será uma aplicação pública, que poderá ser descarregada por qualquer utente do Serviço Regional de Saúde, e vão surgir, claro, novas funcionalidades. Vamos chegar a todos os açorianos e vamos dar um grande passo na acessibilidade aos cuidados de saúde”.
Nota de Imprensa
December 18, 2024
Four more Regional Health Plan 2030 programmes presented
The Regional Secretary for Health and Social Security, Mónica Seidi, presided over the presentation of the four regional programmes that are still missing from the Regional Health Plan: the Regional Programme to Combat Oncological Diseases, the Regional Programme to Monitor and Improve Infant Mortality, the Regional Programme for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases, and the Regional Programme to Promote Care Integration. According to the government official, these are areas that the Regional Government believes need more specific attention, as they are regional programmes with a direct impact on the mortality rate in the Autonomous Region of the Azores and on the Azoreans' average life expectancy. The Secretary for Health and Social Security stated that the 2030 Regional Health Plan is based not only on prevention but also considers the need to reverse indicators in which the Region has shown less positive results. "These are priority indicators but without ever neglecting prevention and enlightening the population," she added. She recalled: "These programmes are interconnected, and information needs to be integrated, not least to keep professionals motivated, avoid dispersion, and pass on a consistent message." The Regional Secretary considered this an ambitious plan, and for this reason, it is already being implemented. For example, she mentioned the Regional Health Literacy Plan, "which has already included seven actions in Terceira aimed at an older audience and managed to receive interesting contributions from various areas through thematic assemblies." This relevant initiative will reach São Miguel in 2025 and take on other formats, also aimed at the youngest with the launch of a board game and a television programme. She continued: "The first phase of the Azorean Single Health Model (MUSA) is entering its testing phase this week, in a closed environment, and it will grow in phases. As for the screenings conducted by the Azores Oncology Centre (COA), we are already up and running with a very significant uptake. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that these plans are different and the pace of their implementation reflects this."
December 18, 2024
Four more Regional Health Plan 2030 programmes presented
The Regional Secretary for Health and Social Security, Mónica Seidi, presided over the presentation of the four regional programmes that are still missing from the Regional Health Plan: the Regional Programme to Combat Oncological Diseases, the Regional Programme to Monitor and Improve Infant Mortality, the Regional Programme for the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases, and the Regional Programme to Promote Care Integration. According to the government official, these are areas that the Regional Government believes need more specific attention, as they are regional programmes with a direct impact on the mortality rate in the Autonomous Region of the Azores and on the Azoreans' average life expectancy. The Secretary for Health and Social Security stated that the 2030 Regional Health Plan is based not only on prevention but also considers the need to reverse indicators in which the Region has shown less positive results. "These are priority indicators but without ever neglecting prevention and enlightening the population," she added. She recalled: "These programmes are interconnected, and information needs to be integrated, not least to keep professionals motivated, avoid dispersion, and pass on a consistent message." The Regional Secretary considered this an ambitious plan, and for this reason, it is already being implemented. For example, she mentioned the Regional Health Literacy Plan, "which has already included seven actions in Terceira aimed at an older audience and managed to receive interesting contributions from various areas through thematic assemblies." This relevant initiative will reach São Miguel in 2025 and take on other formats, also aimed at the youngest with the launch of a board game and a television programme. She continued: "The first phase of the Azorean Single Health Model (MUSA) is entering its testing phase this week, in a closed environment, and it will grow in phases. As for the screenings conducted by the Azores Oncology Centre (COA), we are already up and running with a very significant uptake. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that these plans are different and the pace of their implementation reflects this."