
Welcome Note

Dear visitor,

Welcome to another space dedicated to health in the Region.

Health is a fundamental area nowadays. Physical well-being and mental well-being greatly contribute to the enrichment of the population at various levels. A healthy population contributes to a high level of self-esteem in the Region, leading to higher productivity and a healthier family environment.
However, health in the Azores Autonomous Region is not only about access to primary care through health care or access to differentiated care at hospitals. It also involves a health education area whose mission is to promote and disseminate measures towards the better use of health services by the population as well as to foster the participation of the community in the various health policy goals of the Region. 
Therefore, the Regional Directorate for Health (DRS) is responsible for promoting this service as the operating system of the Regional Secretariat for Health (SReS) in the coordination, supervision, study and technical-normative support of the health sector. 

In a digital era, it is the responsibility of the DRS to use all the technological means at its disposal to disseminate its services, making them available to the population in general. The use of this portal is, thus, justified as an effective means to achieve these goals. 

The information provided in this area includes various types of support material for health users, whether institutional, generic or functional, all of which regarding regional health. From online forms to all kinds of news and events, this will be a dynamic area, so that users may find on these pages a point of interest for later consultation and useful information for occasional consultation.

Thank you.

Mónica Seidi met with National Commission for Medical Internship
Nota de Imprensa
June 29, 2024
Mónica Seidi met with National Commission for Medical Internship
The Regional Secretary for Health and Social Security, Mónica Seidi, and the Regional Director for Health, Pedro Paes, met this week in Ponta Delgada with the National Commission for Medical Internship. "We have different realities in the Region. Even on the islands with a hospital, you only have to look at the Ponta Delgada Hospital, a first-line hospital with specific services. Meanwhile, on the islands without hospital we have health units that, for example, have inpatient units. This is not the case in Mainland Portugal," she stressed. Several topics were discussed at the meeting, such as tender abandonment and the need to maximise the singularities of the Regional Health Service to attract interns, so that they can immediately "look to the Autonomous Region of the Azores as a place for the future." The Regional Secretary for Health and Social Security expressed gratitude to the twenty-four doctors from different regions of the country who gathered in Ponta Delgada to exchange ideas and work together to find solutions for the challenges faced by both medical interns in the Region and all doctors in general. "Specifically in the Azores, we need a more solid base to prevent specialities from disappearing. We need to act immediately, even though we know these measures will only have a visible impact in six or seven years. Doing nothing is not an option," defended Mónica Seidi. She added, "This meeting was undoubtedly fruitful as all the entities represented here realised that there are common problems. The exchange of ideas and experiences is really beneficial for everyone in a very practical and effective manner."
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Working group set up to implement lung cancer screening pilot project in Terceira and São Migue
Nota de Imprensa
April 19, 2024
Working group set up to implement lung cancer screening pilot project in Terceira and São Migue
The Regional Secretariat for Health and Social Security published today an order setting up a working group to define the technical assumptions for the implementation of a lung cancer screening pilot project on the islands of Terceira and São Miguel. The working group, which will operate with no associated costs, is coordinated by the President of the Azores Oncology Centre and includes the Regional Health Director and Vítor Rodrigues, as an expert. It also comprises members from Island Health Units and Hospitals: Vânia Medeiros, from the São Miguel Island Health Unit; Isabel Cota Silva and João Pedro Silva Toste, from the Terceira Island Health Unit; Carlos José Pavão Matos, from the Divino Espírito Santo Hospital in Ponta Delgada, and Maria Aurora Lino Silva Neves, from the Santo Espírito Hospital on Terceira Island. The existence of this working group is no obstacle to calling in contributors on an individual basis or workers from different services and organisations within the Regional Health Service, as well as from other entities whose contribution is considered relevant to the work in question. The working group is temporary. At the end of its work, it will present the results to the Regional Secretary, Mónica Seidi, along with a proposal to develop the recommended solution. Regarding the creation of this working group, the Secretary for Health and Social Security recalled that "lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in the Region and one of the three leading causes of death." "This is also one of the goals of the 2030 Regional Health Plan, as part of the Regional Strategy to Combat Oncological Diseases. Therefore, it is important to prepare this implementation through a pilot project to test the best solution adapted to our reality," she added.
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