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Nota de Imprensa
July 2, 2024
Maria João Carreiro recebeu técnicos da OCDE no âmbito do Mecanismo de Reforço de Talentos
Maria João Carreiro recebeu em audiência uma equipa de técnicos da OCDE, no âmbito do Mecanismo de Reforço de Talentos, cuja candidatura, promovida pela Secretaria Regional da Juventude, Habitação e Emprego, através da Direção Regional de Qualificação Profissional e Emprego, foi aprovada em março. De acordo com a Secretária Regional da Juventude, Habitação e Emprego, esta primeira reunião nos Açores, na qual participou o Diretor Regional de Qualificação Profissional e Emprego, Renato Medeiros, serviu para os técnicos da OCDE recolherem informações e testemunhos sobre o impacto das alterações demográficas nos Açores. Na deslocação às ilhas de São Miguel e do Pico, os técnicos reuniram-se, também, com dirigentes da Administração Pública Regional, Administração Pública Central, responsáveis autárquicos, Universidade dos Açores, Câmara do Comércio e Indústria de Ponta Delgada, Associação de Municípios da RAA (AMRAA) e outras entidades privadas com e sem fins lucrativos. Durante a missão de uma semana, os técnicos visitaram, ainda, empresas locais, tendo reunido, no total dos encontros tidos nas duas ilhas, com cerca de 50 pessoas. O Mecanismo de Reforço de Talentos é uma iniciativa da Comissão Europeia para apoiar as regiões europeias na formação, captação e retenção de talento face a um quadro de declínio acelerado da população em idade ativa. Este mecanismo vai permitir à Região beneficiar de análises pormenorizadas, recomendações políticas e planos de ação adaptados para enfrentar os desafios demográficos e territoriais específicos através do apoio e aconselhamento especializado da OCDE. As temáticas a abranger irão incidir sobre o uso do solo e o ordenamento do território, as necessidades relativas às infraestruturas, a prestação de serviços, os vários níveis de governação, as finanças regionais, as tendências locais de emprego, as políticas para reter e reintegrar trabalhadores, entre outras. A dinamização do Mecanismo iniciou-se em abril deste ano e irá decorrer até maio de 2025. Entre as 10 regiões europeias selecionadas por um comité de peritos da Comissão Europeia para receberem este apoio estão, além dos Açores, a Região Norte de Portugal, Nord-Vest (Roménia), Castela e Leão e Estremadura (Espanha), Campânia (Itália), Centre-Val de Loire (França), Pohjois-Savo (Finlândia), Tessália (Grécia) e Banská Bystrica (República Eslovaca).
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Nota de Imprensa
July 2, 2024
Governo dos Açores avança com valorização da carreira médica
A Secretária da Saúde e Segurança Social, Mónica Seidi, foi hoje ouvida na Comissão de Política Geral a propósito da proposta de Decreto Legislativo Regional que estabelece as regras e procedimentos relativos aos processos de descongelamento e valorizações dos trabalhadores da carreira especial médica a adotar pelos serviços e organismos que integram o Serviço Regional de Saúde da Região Autónoma dos Açores. A governante começou por lembrar que esta proposta se encontra consensualizada, desde novembro de 2023, com os sindicatos que representam a classe, e que vem repor justiça à avaliação de desempenho dos trabalhadores médicos. “Considerando que a carreira médica esteve congelada até 2018 era importante repor medidas que dignificassem estas carreiras, tal como foi feito com outros profissionais do setor”, esclareceu a Secretária Regional. E prosseguiu: “teremos também um ponto e meio atribuído a cada trabalhador médico entre 2009 a 2018, por cada ano de trabalho”. A governante afirmou ainda que esta situação gerará, naturalmente, retroativos, cujo pagamento será feito de forma faseada, também acordada com os sindicatos, uma vez que se está a falar de um valor superior a três milhões de euros. Mónica Seidi anunciou ainda que esta medida abrangerá cerca de 250 médicos, ou seja, à data de 1 de janeiro de 2018, estes profissionais estão em condições de perfazer 10 pontos e poderão progredir na carreira, assim como sucessivamente nos anos seguintes tal se verificará com os restantes trabalhadores da classe. De referir, igualmente, que o modelo de avaliação de desempenho dos trabalhadores médicos a implementar na Região faz parte do protocolo da mesa negocial assinado na semana passada com os representantes da classe, e que, até à implementação do mesmo, está salvaguardada a atribuição de 1.5 pontos. As negociações no âmbito da mesa negocial decorrerão até janeiro de 2025, e revelam “o forte empenho que este Governo, tal como na legislatura anterior, tem demonstrado na valorização dos nossos profissionais de saúde”, concretiza a governante.
 Reunião com a Direção da Associação Terceirense de Caçadores
Nota de Imprensa
July 2, 2024
Caça ao coelho-bravo volta a ser permitida nas oito ilhas com atividade cinegética, anuncia António Ventura
O Secretário Regional da Agricultura e Alimentação enalteceu hoje, em Angra do Heroísmo, o contributo e participação de todas as entidades envolvidas no processo de estabelecimento dos calendários venatórios para a época que agora começa, onde destacou a permissão da caça ao coelho-bravo nas oito ilhas com atividade cinegética, algo que já não ocorria há mais de dez anos. António Ventura falava à margem de uma reunião com a Direção da Associação Terceirense de Caçadores, sobre os calendários venatórios para a época de 2024/2025, para cada uma das ilhas, que já se encontram disponíveis para consulta em Jornal Oficial. “Na época venatória que agora começa, com maior ou menor pressão de caça, destaca-se a permissão da caça ao coelho-bravo nas oito ilhas com atividade cinegética, algo que já não ocorria há mais de dez anos, embora numa situação de abundância distinta da do período pré RHDV2 (2014/2015)”, sublinhou. Segundo o governante, o estabelecimento dos calendários venatórios partiu de propostas da Direção Regional dos Recursos Florestais e Ordenamento do Território (DRRFOT), e estes foram “baseados nos resultados da monitorização das diferentes espécies cinegéticas e demais trabalhos desenvolvidos ao longo do ano pelos serviços florestais, no âmbito da gestão dos recursos cinegéticos regionais”. “Estas propostas foram apresentadas e discutidas com as várias partes interessadas em cada ilha, nomeadamente organizações de caçadores, de agricultores, produtores florestais e de defesa do ambiente, e resultam do melhor compromisso entre os interesses das várias entidades, garantindo desde logo uma gestão cinegética sustentável, o respeito por princípios de conservação da natureza e o equilíbrio ecológico e em articulação com as restantes formas de exploração da terra,” continuou. António Ventura adiantou que cada calendário venatório está “ajustado à realidade e interesses atuais da respetiva ilha, sendo a todo o momento passível de alterações, assim a evolução da situação o justifique”.  “Os interessados poderão encontrar nos respetivos documentos os períodos, processos, locais e limite diário de abates aprovados para cada espécie cinegética”, acrescentou. Por outro lado, o Secretário Regional justificou que “o declínio registado no efetivo nidificante de narceja-comum de São Miguel e do Faial levou a que a caça às narcejas fosse interditada nessas ilhas”.  Para as demais espécies cinegéticas, a situação populacional não obrigou a alterações de maior, das condicionantes à sua caça.
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Nota de Imprensa
July 2, 2024
Several applications for support for fisheries investments now open
The Regional Secretariat for the Sea and Fisheries, through the Regional Directorate for Fisheries, informs that applications are now open for the Support Scheme for Onboard Investments in Energy Efficiency, Safety and Selectivity, Investments in Productive and Organisational Innovation in Fishing Companies and Collective Actions, with a co-financing amount of two million Euros. There is also a Support Scheme for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) processing fisheries and aquaculture products in the area of productive investments, with a co-financing amount of 9.6 million Euros, under the Mar 2030 Programme of the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). The Support Scheme for Onboard Investments in Energy Efficiency, Safety and Selectivity, Investments in Productive and Organisational Innovation of Fishing Companies and Collective Actions aims to promote competitiveness and viability of fishing companies, through investments in fishing vessels. These investments are aimed at improving the hygiene, health, safety and working conditions of fishers, promoting the value and quality of fishery products, fostering processes to digitise the activity and improve energy efficiency, mitigating the effects of climate change and reducing the impact of fishing on the marine environment. Fishing vessel owners, associations, cooperatives, and producers' organizations with valid registration, as well as public entities within the autonomous regional administration responsible for managing the sector, and other public or private non-profit organizations involved in relevant areas, can apply for these support measures. Local authorities that actively support fishing professionals or their associations are also eligible. Applicants should consider the specifications outlined in the respective Opening Notice. The public support rates vary between 40%, namely in the case of operations to replace or modernise main or auxiliary engines, and 100%, namely in the case of operations to improve the selectivity of fishing gear in terms of size and species and relating to small-scale coastal fishing. The Support Scheme for SMEs processing fisheries and aquaculture products in the area of productive investments aims to boost the competitiveness of companies in the fisheries and aquaculture products processing sector, namely by promoting energy efficiency, digitisation and the integration of the circular economy into production patterns, fostering innovation and enhancing the value of products and improving production processes, creating skilled jobs and internationalisation opportunities. SMEs can apply for this support. In the case of co-promoted operations led by companies, higher education institutions, their R&D institutes and units, private non-profit institutions whose main purpose is R&D, and other public and private non-profit institutions carrying out or participating in scientific research activities can also apply. Public support rates vary between 65% for SMEs and 75% for start-ups and spin-offs, or in co-promoted projects aimed at introducing innovative products, processes or equipment into the company. The rate may rise to 100% in co-promoted operations led by companies, where the beneficiary is a public body. The applications now announced are part of Opening Notice no. MAR2030-2024-36 - the submission of applications runs continuously until 2027 and must be made via Balcão dos Fundos, at The notice is published on the Portugal 2030 portal,, the Mar 2030 portal,, and the Regional Directorate for Fisheries portal, 
Certifying Ceremony of the Violas of the Earth with Geographical Indication
Nota de Imprensa
July 2, 2024
"Violas da Terra" bearing national and European GI certification
The "Violas da Terra" (traditional Azorean guitars) are the Region's first handmade product among Portuguese handicrafts bearing a Geographical Indication (GI) certification, with production recognised throughout the national and European territory.  The certification ceremony took place on Monday at the Traditional Portuguese Cordophones Forum. The was event organised by a.Certifica as part of the International Craft Fair - FIA Lisboa and was attended by Maria João Carreiro, Regional Secretary for Youth, Housing and Employment. José Agostinho Serpa, from the island of Flores; António Mota, from the island of Terceira; Hugo Raposo, from the island of São Miguel; and Raimundo Leonardes, from the island of São Jorge, are the first "Violas da Terra" artisans to receive the GI certification sign. On the occasion, the Regional Secretary responsible for "Azorean Handicrafts" stressed the importance of this certification for the "protection of 'Violas da Terra' craft know-how," as their certified production will now be restricted to the territory of the Azores and certified Azorean artisans. "The GI certification of craft products is important to us as it guarantees the quality, reputation and differentiating characteristics of products, which now have the historical value of their art and the quality of their production acknowledged on national and European territory," she said. The certification of "Violas da Terra" with the GI sign "is a responsibility and an opportunity for artisans," she continued. GI certification benefits include, for example, the protection of intellectual property rights, safeguarding the authenticity of products and promoting the competitiveness of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. GI certification also contributes to the preservation and promotion of craft products whose production is linked to a specific geographical area and to greater profitability and attractiveness for traditional craft occupations, creating incentives for the manufacture of quality products. According to Maria João Carreiro, "the handicraft sector in the Azores is going through one of its best periods," praising the work of the Crafts and Design Centre of the Azores (CADA) in bringing artisans and Craft Production Units closer to a "public service designed to boost the sector." José Wellington Nascimento, author of the Technical Specifications for the certification of "Violas da Terra," also took part in the certification ceremony. The ceremony ended with a performance of "Ilhas de Bruma" by José Agostinho Serpa, on "Viola da Terra," and Azorean singer Mariana Rocha.
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Hearing with the Director-General of the Maritime Authority (DGAM), Vice-Admiral Carlos Ventura Soares
Nota de Imprensa
June 30, 2024
Cooperation with Maritime Authority contributed to strategy of developing the country's maritime dimension, stresses José Manuel Bolieiro
This week, the President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, received the Director-General of the Maritime Authority (DGAM), Vice Admiral Carlos Ventura Soares, at an audience to exchange greetings. José Manuel Bolieiro welcomed the presence of the DGAM in the Azores and highlighted the history of cooperation between the Navy and the Autonomous Region, which greatly enhances the strategic policy pursued by the Regional Government, pointing out that the country's maritime dimension is largely due to the Azores.  "It is with great satisfaction that we acknowledge the history of cooperation between the Maritime Authority and the Autonomous Region of the Azores, which has significantly contributed to the strategy of developing the country's maritime dimension," stressed José Manuel Bolieiro. The President of the Government also stated that this cooperation with the National Maritime Authority is essential and "must be complementary to the joint management between the central and regional administrations in areas such as environmental defence and the economic impacts on the development of the Azores." This audience was also an opportunity to highlight the commitment of the National Maritime Authority in the Region, particularly in lifesaving, the fight against pollution, maritime signage and State authority at sea. This year, the Azores will take part in the ASAREX 24 international exercise, scheduled to take place between July 8 and 12, which will include national, Canadian and Spanish resources, as well as regional organisations, in the context of protecting human life at sea. The Atlantic Polex exercise aimed at supporting local authorities in the fight against pollution is scheduled to take place in Horta in 2025. With regard to maritime signage, and in addition to the existing protocols in the Region, Vice-Admiral Ventura Soares highlighted the opening of eight vacancies in the Auxiliary Lighthousekeeper category, which are expected to improve this service in the Azores. As for maritime policing, the DGAM announced the opening of 50 vacancies for Maritime Police officers nationwide in 2024, with another 50 vacancies planned for 2025. This reinforcement will increase the staff of the Regional Maritime Police Command, responding to the need for greater surveillance arising from the current revision of the network of marine protected areas of the Azores.
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Nota de Imprensa
June 29, 2024
Mónica Seidi met with National Commission for Medical Internship
The Regional Secretary for Health and Social Security, Mónica Seidi, and the Regional Director for Health, Pedro Paes, met this week in Ponta Delgada with the National Commission for Medical Internship. "We have different realities in the Region. Even on the islands with a hospital, you only have to look at the Ponta Delgada Hospital, a first-line hospital with specific services. Meanwhile, on the islands without hospital we have health units that, for example, have inpatient units. This is not the case in Mainland Portugal," she stressed. Several topics were discussed at the meeting, such as tender abandonment and the need to maximise the singularities of the Regional Health Service to attract interns, so that they can immediately "look to the Autonomous Region of the Azores as a place for the future." The Regional Secretary for Health and Social Security expressed gratitude to the twenty-four doctors from different regions of the country who gathered in Ponta Delgada to exchange ideas and work together to find solutions for the challenges faced by both medical interns in the Region and all doctors in general. "Specifically in the Azores, we need a more solid base to prevent specialities from disappearing. We need to act immediately, even though we know these measures will only have a visible impact in six or seven years. Doing nothing is not an option," defended Mónica Seidi. She added, "This meeting was undoubtedly fruitful as all the entities represented here realised that there are common problems. The exchange of ideas and experiences is really beneficial for everyone in a very practical and effective manner."
Artigo sem Imagem
Nota de Imprensa
June 29, 2024
José Manuel Bolieiro received Joseph Stiglitz, 2001 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences
This week, the President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, received Joseph Stiglitz, winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, who is visiting the Region. Joseph Stiglitz is recognised as one of the creators of the theory of markets with asymmetric information. This theory explains how market failures can occur when two or more economic agents involved in transactions have qualitatively or quantitatively superior information compared to others. "The Azores are proud to welcome influential thinkers like Joseph Stiglitz. His arrival is a confirmation of the growing relevance of our Region on the international scene and a source of inspiration for all of us," stated José Manuel Bolieiro. Stiglitz graduated from Amherst College and holds a doctorate from MIT. In 2011, he was voted one of the most influential people in the world by Time magazine. Currently, he is a retired professor of economics, business administration, and international business at Columbia University in New York. He also serves as the Chief Economist at the Roosevelt Institute. He is also one of the coordinators of the Committee on Global Thought, co-chair of the Initiative for Policy Dialogue and president of the International Economic Association. In the past, he was President of the Clinton Administration's Economic Council, and Chief Economist and Vice-President of the World Bank. Also in the context of the meeting, the President of the Government stated that this was "an opportunity to meet and dialogue with a relevant and inspiring figure." With his work, Stiglitz has helped to clarify contexts in which markets do not function correctly and has shown how selective government intervention can improve economic performance.
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