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Nota de Imprensa
February 7, 2025
Governo dos Açores assinala início da obra da ERPI em São Roque do Pico
A Secretária da Saúde e Segurança Social, Mónica Seidi, esteve hoje presente na cerimónia de lançamento da 1.ª Pedra da Reconstrução e Ampliação da Estrutura Residencial Para Idosos (ERPI) e Criação de Valência de Centro de Dia em São Roque do Pico. Estiveram também presentes na cerimónia a Provedora da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de São Roque do Pico, Maria Manuela Goulart Pereira, a Vice-Presidente da Câmara Municipal de São Roque do Pico, Susana Alexandra Azevedo Vasconcelos, os órgãos Sociais da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de São Roque do Pico, tendo sido convidados ainda os deputados eleitos pelo círculo eleitoral do Pico ao Parlamento regional e diversas entidades da ilha. “O simbolismo deste dia, ao longo do tempo, tomará forma, dando a resposta necessária a, pelo menos, mais 19 utentes. O Governo Regional dos Açores não abdicará nunca das condições de segurança que, ao lado dos 57 trabalhadores desta instituição, garante diariamente às exigências da atualidade, que vão desde o licenciamento ao conforto dos nossos utentes”, vincou a governante. O projeto prevê não só a reabilitação e requalificação do espaço existente, mas também uma ampliação que permitirá o aumento do número de vagas e a melhoria das condições dos utentes conforme as regulamentações mais recentes. Os acordos com esta instituição subiram mais de 500 mil euros desde 2021 e, para esta obra em concreto, o investimento é feito no valor de cinco milhões de euros, com financiamento pelo Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR). “As pessoas estão sempre em primeiro lugar, não é um investimento apenas em betão, é em humanismo, como aquele que vemos nesta instituição, funcionários e órgãos dirigentes todos os dias a trabalhar em prol dos mais vulneráveis”, concluiu Mónica Seidi.
Nota de Imprensa
February 7, 2025
Regional Government maintains close dialogue with canning industry
The Regional Secretary for the Sea and Fisheries, Mário Rui Pinho, met today with the Pão do Mar Association, representing the canning industry in the Azores, ensuring a dialogue of proximity and continuity with these professionals. "We have reviewed the current situation," he said, presenting the payment schedule for POSEI support. "All the administrative constraints" on this matter will be solved by March. Payments for the years 2021, 2022, and 2023 will be made. The 2024 payment will be made the following year “and from then on” the full annual stabilisation of these payments will be safeguarded. At the meeting, the canneries presented a counter-proposal regarding the supplementary payment, which is not included in this year's budget, seeking a mechanism to transfer funds in this area in subsequent years. "In June, we will assess how this process can evolve," stated Mário Rui Pinho, who assured that a new meeting with the sector's entrepreneurs is scheduled for that month.
Completion diploma ceremony of the Textile Fiber Preparation - Wool Spinning course
Nota de Imprensa
February 7, 2025
Azores Craft Lab created to boost training, experimentation and innovation activities in the craft sector
The Azores Craft Lab - Innovation, Arts and Crafts has been formally created. It is a new public service implemented and promoted by the Crafts and Design Centre of the Azores (CADA) to promote training, experimentation and innovation activities in crafts, Maria João Carreiro announced on Thursday. The Azores Craft Lab is operating at the Azores Qualification Centre (CQA) in Ponta Delgada, albeit in a temporary space until the completion of the refurbishment project of that public infrastructure under the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), which is expected by the end of this year. "We want to open the Azores Craf Lab to artisans, creative minds and the community. It is a service geared towards craft know-how through training, experimentation and innovation, maximising synergies in terms of equipment and audiences with the CQA. Accordingly, we have decided to associate this new service with the capacity and mission of the CQA - training and qualifying young people and adults," she explained. The Regional Secretary for Youth, Housing and Employment spoke at the delivery ceremony of diplomas for the graduates who completed the Textile Fibre Preparation - Wool Spinning course. She also welcomed the graduates of the Weaving Project(s) course, promoted under the RRP Qualifica.In measure. "The opening of these two courses is the first example, to be repeated, of CADA and CQA coming together to respond to a desire expressed by many artisans and even those who are not artisans but are interested in learning, experimenting and working with the arts and crafts artisanal techniques," she said. As Maria João Carreiro noted, "There was no better way to start bringing the Azores Craft Lab to life than by opening, for the first time in the Azores, two accredited and certified training courses in the area of handicrafts.  The Regional Secretary also expressed her "confidence" in this new facility for the “qualitative leap” that is aimed at democratising access to handicrafts, raising awareness of this heritage among young people and other audiences, promoting knowledge, production and innovation, and marketing craft know-how.
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Nota de Imprensa
February 7, 2025
Applications open for Portuguese Language Courses for Foreigners
Applications for the organisation of Portuguese Courses for Foreigners are open until March 31. Interested entities can submit applications to the Regional Directorate for the Communities until March 31. The Portuguese Language Courses for Foreigners are an initiative promoted by the Regional Government, through the Regional Directorates for the Communities and Educational Administration. They intend to contribute to the full integration of foreign citizens living in the archipelago, through their personal and professional development. Eligible training entities are public, private or cooperative organisations, including public school establishments, local authorities, companies, business associations, unions and other local, regional or national organisations. These courses are aimed at foreign citizens residing in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, aged 18 or over, who can attest that they do not hold Portuguese nationality. They are also required to hold a valid permanent residence permit in Portugal or proof that they are taking the necessary procedures to obtain, renew or extend it. The successful completion of these courses certifies trainees with Portuguese language proficiency skills - A2 level, under the terms of the provisions of the Portuguese Nationality Regulations as well as the legal scheme on the entry and permanence of foreigners.  In 2024, the initiative registered five courses attended by 94 trainees from 32 countries. CRESAÇOR - Regional Cooperative of Solidarity Economy, CRL, promoted three courses in São Miguel, AIPA - Association of Immigrants in the Azores organised one course in Terceira and the Horta Municipal Council promoted one course in Faial. Since its inception in 2013, 31 courses have been held, taught by six entities on the islands of Faial, Flores, Pico, São Miguel and Terceira, reaching around 691 trainees from 67 countries.  The Portuguese Language Courses for Foreigners are regulated by ordinance no. 49/2012 of April 27, amended and republished by ordinance no. 56/2014 of August 19.   For further information, the entities interested in promoting these courses should contact the Regional Directorate for the Communities by telephone on 296 204 700 or email at [email protected]. Alternatively, the information on these courses is also available on the Regional Government Portal, via the link:
Nota de Imprensa
February 6, 2025
Mónica Seidi praises transfer of patients to HDES Modular Structure
The Regional Secretary for Health and Social Security, Mónica Seidi, is deeply proud of the smooth transfer of patients still admitted to CUF Hospital to the Modular Structure of the Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo (HDES). "24 patients were transferred without incident, which was our expectation but unforeseen events can happen. Fortunately, it was not the case; it was an absolute success," she said. The emergency service in São Miguel is now operating at the Modular Hospital, and all Regional Health Service services have left CUF Hospital. Visits to inpatients have also resumed as of today, February 6. Mónica Seidi thanked "the professionals who, once again and in record time, did an outstanding job in this transfer of patients, both critical and non-critical, involving health workers, drivers, firefighters, the Divino Espírito Santo Hospital Disaster Committee, administrative and ancillary services, among others." "Everyone did their best and the result was a smooth and uneventful transfer," she emphasised. She also thanked CUF Hospital "as it opened its doors without hesitation from the outset, demonstrating its professionalism and a sense of solidarity, for which we express our heartfelt thanks." The Regional Government stresses that, although the normal functioning of the emergency services has been restored, the population should always call the Azores Health Line on 808 24 60 24. It was reinforced on January 12 with another two nurses during peak call times.
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Nota de Imprensa
February 6, 2025
Azores Brand at Lisbon Food Affair next week
The Azores Brand celebrated its tenth anniversary this week. It now has 7,500 certified products among 307 companies. The Azores will again be present at the Lisbon Food Affair, which takes place in Lisbon between February 10 and 12, in an initiative promoted by the Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Food, through the Azores Brand Management and Promotion Office. 22 Azorean companies will participate in the Azores Brand area, the largest at the event, featuring products from different categories of the food sector certified with the Azores Brand seal.  The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Food, António Ventura, praised the event and stressed that it is part of a "distinctive positioning focused on three pillars - innovation, internationalisation and sustainability." "The Lisbon Food Affair is an exclusively professional trade fair for the Portuguese agrifood sector, aimed at manufacturers and distributors of food and beverages, equipment, services and technologies for distribution. It is an excellent opportunity for Azorean companies to work the markets where they already operate but above all to enter new markets where their value-added products, with unique characteristics and specificities, such as that of Azorean products, are effectively valued," he said. The Region participated in this fair for the first time in 2024, with the presence of 20 Azorean companies, which held more than 80 meetings with international buyers over three days. In addition to new business and contacts, the Azores' stand at the event was also distinguished with the Innovation prize awarded to the company Loop Pursuit for its Bananika product, a banana cider. "It is a source of pride and prestige for Azorean companies to participate in the Lisbon Food Affair and, simultaneously, to highlight the identity of a Region through their Azores Brand products. We value the excellence, innovation and quality of a strong culture in line with its values and the satisfaction of a unique experience when tasting each of our products," continued António Ventura. This year's edition of the Lisbon Food Affair features the following companies: Azores Brewing Company; CD Lux Investment Unipessoal; Conseran - Conservas Do Atlântico Norte; Cooperativa Celeiro da Terra; Cooperativa Vitivinícola da Ilha do Pico; CPdA - Companhia Portuguesa de Algas; Fábrica de Licores Eduardo Ferreira & Filhos; Flying Fish Azores; Garcez & Santos; RTM Lacticínios do Pico; Insulac - Produtos Lácteos Açoreanos; LactAçores; Loop Pursuit; Marta Tomé & Filhas; MPD - Grupo Bensaude; Plantações de Chá Gorreana; Pronicol - Produtos Lácteos; Quinta dos Açores - Produção Alimentar; Quintal dos Açores; Seaterra; Sociedade Conserveira Açoriana and Sociedade Corretora.  Alongside the active participation of these companies, the Azores Brand Management and Promotion Office is organising a showcooking this year, similar to last year’s event. This programme will showcase the uniqueness of Azorean products through culinary demonstrations, featuring the signature of chef Diogo Rocha. Diogo Rocha is the chef of the only Michelin-starred restaurant in Central Portugal, awarded in 2009, in addition to the Michelin Green Star, honouring his work towards sustainability in the culinary world. Diogo Rocha is also a lecturer at the Seia School of Tourism, where he teaches Culinary, and has authored several culinary books throughout his career. "In the Azores, agriculture is environmentally friendly and responds to humanity's concerns regarding the fight against climate change, animal welfare and soil preservation and, as such, we are marking the world map with our benchmark in production quality. The Azores Brand is a project on the rise and a source of pride for the companies representing our Brand. It is a work in favour of authenticity, exceeding expectations and needs. Our product is one of excellence, sustainability, quality and credibility - this is how the Azores Brand can be summed up," stated the Regional Secretary.
Reading the Communiqué of the Council of Government
February 6, 2025
Communiqué from the Council of the Government
The Council of the Government, which met on February 6, 2025, in Ponta Delgada, decided to adopt the following measures: 1. Approve the Resolution determining the application of incentives for the stability of the teaching staff on the islands of Santa Maria, Graciosa, São Jorge, Flores and Corvo, in the internal and external teaching applications for 2025/2026. Education is our greatest asset. With education, training and qualifications we can reach the social lever and no longer be limited by the context and reality surrounding us. With education, we can contribute to personal development and that of our land and communities. We need to provide appropriate educational responses to the diversity of students, promoting educational success. In line with the Programme of the XIV Government, the Resolution now approved determines the use of incentives for the stability of duly qualified teaching staff in the schools within the regional education system, in the internal and external teaching applications for 2025/2026, namely the granting of support for accommodation and travel. Given teaching staff shortages in various schools, it is necessary to swiftly regulate the establishment of teachers by implementing incentives on the islands as well as in the schools and teaching areas most in need. These incentives stem from the need to ensure the establishment of teachers in schools where the teaching vacancies available in the first application phase are often not filled. As such, the incentives will be granted to teachers placed in schools located on the islands of Santa Maria, Graciosa, São Jorge, Flores and Corvo. The budget limit for the support to be granted is set at €176,608.00, divided between the years 2025 and 2026 as follows:  for 2025, the amount of €57,600.00; for 2026, the amount of €119,008.00. 2. Approve the Resolution creating support for the allocation of water heaters to homeowners with permanent dwellings on the islands of Graciosa and Flores. The programme of the XIV Government of the Azores establishes as one of its priorities the gradual decarbonisation, from an energy standpoint, of each island, starting with those with the smallest populations, especially in terms of butane gas, with a view to promoting the Region's energy transition and the subsequent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The support now approved falls within the LIFE IP CLIMAZ Project, under the European Programme for the Environment and Climate Action - LIFE, with the aim of ensuring the implementation of key measures to adapt to and mitigate climate change. With a view to achieving the goals set out in the Azorean Energy Strategy 2030, it is imperative to promote the gradual electrification of consumption towards a regional economy based on low carbon emissions. In this context, the electrification of sanitary water heating through the installation of electric water heaters on the islands of Graciosa and Flores, which already have a significant percentage of renewable energy sources, is an important and effective decarbonisation measure for the Region. With the Resolution now approved, support is created for the allocation of water heaters to homeowners with permanent dwellings on the islands of Graciosa and Flores, who apply for them, and the "Regulation of the Campaign for the Allocation of Water Heaters - Graciosa and Flores" is approved. 3. Approve the Resolution authorising expenditure on the acquisition of various non-specialised medical services to ensure the operation of the Basic Emergency Units, Complementary Care Service and Integrated Continuing Care Units of the São Miguel Island Health Unit for 2025. The XIV Government of the Azores has health promotion and disease prevention as its main priorities, always putting Regional Health Service users first. The Regional Government advocates equal access, with more and better health for all, increased complementarity and synergies between the Regional Health Service institutions, and between these and the private and social sectors, giving freedom of choice as a swift response. The São Miguel Island Health Unit needs to guarantee the regular operation of its services in terms of access to healthcare provision for users. The number of medical workers in the São Miguel Island Health Unit staff is insufficient. It is necessary to purchase various non-specialised medical services for the Basic Emergency Units, Complementary Care Service and Integrated Continuing Care Units of the São Miguel Island Health Unit for 2025. This Resolution authorises expenditure on the acquisition of various non-specialised medical services for the Basic Emergency Units, Complementary Care Service and Integrated Continuing Care Units of the São Miguel Island Health Unit for 2025. With the approval of this measure, it will be possible to procure the services of various professionals and organisations providing medical services, whose total amount does not exceed €1,998,640.00, VAT exempt, through a public procurement procedure. 4. Approve the Resolution authorising the procurement, by public tender, of public regular passenger transport services on the island of São Miguel, for a maximum period of 15 years. Regulation no. 1370/2007 of the European Parliament and the Council on public road passenger transport services lays down how competent authorities can take action in this field. Public intervention may be achieved through the imposition of public service obligations or the signing of contracts relating to public service obligations. The Region is responsible for regulating how public service operators are compensated for the costs incurred and/or the granting of exclusive rights in exchange for compliance with public service obligations. The Legal Framework for Public Passenger Transport Services, approved by Law 52/2015, sets out provisions that apply to public passenger transport service contracts entered into after it comes into force. Therefore, it is necessary to bring all public passenger transport service contracts in force in the Region into line with this legal framework. As part of the implementation of the new management model for public regular passenger transport, the Region intends to sign contracts for the provision of regular passenger transport services for all islands, except Corvo, which does not have a public regular passenger transport system. In this context, procedures have already been launched for the islands of Graciosa, S. Jorge, Pico and Faial, with São Miguel and Terceira still to come. The Regional Land Transport Fund, a Regional Public Institute, is responsible for collaborating in the definition and implementation of land transport support policy and ensuring the implementation of transport support measures determined upon it. With the approval of this Resolution, the Government has decided to procure, by public tender, the acquisition of public regular service of regular passenger transport services on the island of São Miguel, for a maximum period of 15 years. The expenditure incurred under the contract was also authorised, up to a maximum of €4,303,059.00 per year, plus VAT at the legal rate in force. 5. Approve the Resolution granting the definitive transfer, free of charge of six urban properties located in Bairro Horteco - Rua Ilha Azul, parish of Angústias, municipality of Horta, to the University of the Azores. 6. Approve the Resolution establishing the exceptional support scheme for companies affected by the passage of the depressions Hippolytus and Dorothea on the islands of Faial and São Miguel. 7. Approve the Resolution establishing the exceptional support scheme for companies affected by the worsening weather conditions in the Western Group, which culminated in the passage of depression Garoe across the island of Flores in January 2025. 8. Approve the Resolution authorising the granting of financial support, through the Regional Secretariat for Parliamentary Affairs and Communities, to public and private entities, individuals and legal persons, non-profit entities, associations and foundations, aimed at supporting activities, events, actions and projects in the aerospace field with an economic, innovative, scientific, cultural and/or educational focus. These should be aligned with the implementation of the Azores Strategy for Space and promote the Autonomous Region of the Azores. 9. Approve the Resolution authorising the signing of a contract programme for 2025 between the Autonomous Region of the Azores and IROA, S.A. - the most significant in more than 15 years, amounting to 7.2 million Euros. It will regulate cooperation between both parties in the implementation of the provisions of the 2025 Annual Regional Plan, namely in the Actions incumbent on IROA, S.A. 10. Approve the Regional Implementing Decree regulating Regional Legislative Decree no. 35/2023/A of October 17, which created Mobility Fores for public passenger transport. 11. Approve the Resolution delegating to the Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures the powers to procure and authorise expenditure on the "Design/construction contract for the replacement of the runway lighting system at Pico Island aerodrome," with a base price of €2,500,000.00, plus VAT at the legal rate in force, and a maximum completion period of 540 days. 12. Approve the Resolution authorising the Regional Secretariat for Youth, Housing and Employment to grant subsidies and other forms of financial support to public and private entities, including non-profit entities. It also sets the budget amount for the support to be allocated to actions and projects aimed at the refurbishment, improvement and recovery of degraded housing or termite-infested housing, the promotion of social, artistic, cultural and activities developed by associations mainly for young people. Furthermore, the document approves the promotion of consumer rights, training, the promotion and development of regional handicrafts, and the respective draft contract programme to be signed between the Autonomous Region of the Azores and beneficiaries.
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Visit to the work of Furnas bypass
Nota de Imprensa
February 6, 2025
Furnas bypass almost complete to ensure quicker access between Pedras do Galego and Ribeira Quente junction
The Furnas bypass, an important project included in the Azores Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), representing an investment of 7.7 million Euros, is progressing smoothly and is almost complete. The Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures, Berta Cabral, visited the site. On the occasion, she noted that ‘this bypass to Furnas ensures a faster route, covering 1.6 kilometres, between Pedras do Galego and Ribeira Quente junction. It creates safe and functional traffic conditions and removes most traffic, namely heavy vehicles, from the centre of the parish." The Furnas Bypass falls within the RRP component of the Azores' land infrastructures and routes. It corresponds to the first of two phases aimed at improving accessibility to the municipality of Povoação, São Miguel Island. The second phase comprises the construction of the new road that will link Furnas/Povoação, the municipality seat. Berta Cabral says traffic will not be affected during this work, as a new road is being built. The second phase, whose planning is being developed internally at the Regional Secretariat, will link Furnas to Lomba do Cavaleiro. According to the government official, this will "guarantee faster and safer access and include Povoação in the road network connecting all the municipalities on São Miguel Island." Povoação was "the first municipality to develop its tourism and business potential and the last as far as the road network is concerned. It has been the most neglected, at least until now, in terms of accessibility for residents and tourists," she said. "We are working with the confidence of the relevance of this investment on the island of São Miguel in improving accessibility and bringing all parishes and municipalities closer," she emphasised. With the construction of this bypass and others on various Azorean islands, "we are creating the conditions for a more balanced economic development, promoting better conditions for the mobility of economic operators, and diverting traffic away from urban areas." The interventions in the Regional Road Network, "also intend to reduce distances, travel times and traffic jams," stated Berta Cabral.  She continued: "With the investment underway, we intend to expand and improve road infrastructures in the Azores, improving accessibility to population centres and hubs where economic activity is concentrated and to the main entry points to each island. We also intend to build ring roads to the main urban areas, with a reduction in urban crossings." Berta Cabral reiterated that "none of the roads planned in the RRP will be left unbuilt," and the deadlines are being fully complied with.
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