- Portals
- Co-financed projects
- Incentive system for maintaining traditional vineyard landscapes and orchards of traditional species
Regional Government receives award from European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Priolo Lands in Brussels
Regional Government opens redevelopment works at Ferraria Viewpoint
Regional government supports University of the Azores for technological modernisation of Pico Mountain Observatory
As nossas ilhas são reconhecidas internacionalmente pelos seus elevados níveis de qualidade ambiental e por um extraordinário património natural, que temos a responsabilidade de proteger e de legar às futuras gerações.
O XIV Governo Regional dos Açores está comprometido com a preservação e valorização de todo este património único, tendo como objetivo garantir o desenvolvimento sustentável da Região Autónoma dos Açores, através de uma estratégia centrada no fomento da educação, sensibilização e literacia ambiental, que configuram pilares essenciais para a sustentabilidade ambiental dos Açores.
Estamos absolutamente focados na conservação da natureza e na proteção dos nossos ecossistemas, bem como na preservação da biodiversidade e no combate à proliferação das espécies exóticas invasoras.
É também uma missão prioritária da Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática a construção de políticas que garantam a melhoria da gestão de resíduos e uma transição célere para uma economia circular, com vista a atingir as metas definidas a nível regional e contribuir para o cumprimento dos compromissos assumidos a nível nacional e comunitário.
O planeamento e a gestão eficiente dos recursos hídricos representam também importantes desafios, que exigem respostas integradas que permitam assegurar, em quantidade e qualidade adequadas, o abastecimento de água às nossas populações, bem como satisfazer as necessidades atuais da sociedade, perspetivando ainda futuras necessidades expetáveis no contexto de diferentes cenários de evolução social e económica.
As Alterações Climáticas representam um dos maiores desafios com que a humanidade jamais se deparou. É, portanto, necessário que estejamos preparados para garantir a mitigação dos impactes negativos das alterações climáticas, mas, sobretudo, para nos adaptarmos a este fenómeno, assegurando uma transição energética e ecológica firme e responsável, tão acelerada quanto possível, garantindo um desenvolvimento sustentável dos Açores.
A Proteção Civil assume-se cada vez mais como um fator decisivo na segurança e bem-estar da população. É, pois, um desiderato da Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, garantir a existência nos Açores de um Serviço Regional de Proteção Civil e Bombeiros bem organizado, devidamente equipado, e com capacidade de garantir uma atuação preventiva e de resposta rápida e eficaz a situações de risco, acidente grave ou catástrofe, para evitar a perda de vidas humanas, proteger bens e contribuir para preservar a segurança individual e coletiva dos Açorianos.
November 20, 2024
Regional Government receives award from European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Priolo Lands in Brussels
The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, accompanied by the Regional Director for the Environment and Climate Action, Ana Rodrigues, attended the ceremony organised by the European Federation of National and Nature Parks - EUROPARC Federation, held at the European Parliament in Brussels on Tuesday. They received the award for renewing the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in the Protected Areas (CETS) of Priolo Lands for 2024/2028. According to Alonso Miguel, the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism distinguishes good practices in promoting sustainable tourism at environmental, cultural, social and economic levels in protected areas in more than 40 countries. During the ceremony, the EUROPARC Federation highlighted the Priolo Lands CETS as a success story of the joint work between various partners in the sustainable management of the territory. In this context, Alonso Miguel was invited to present the good practices implemented in the Azores as an example for other European territories to follow. The Priolo Lands, located in the municipalities of Nordeste and Povoação, São Miguel Island, were designated as such due to the importance of their habitats for the preservation of the Priolo ("Pyrrhula murina"), a species endemic to the eastern part of São Miguel Island. In his speech, the government official explained that "as a result of the implementation of a wide range of nature conservation, environmental awareness and sustainable land use projects over the last few decades, it has been possible to recover the Priolo's conservation status."This species has transitioned from "critically endangered" to "vulnerable," based on the criteria set by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. "Therefore, it is important to continue this extraordinary work, which was decisive in recognising the Priolo Lands as a territory included in the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism," continued Alonso Miguel. The Priolo Lands were included in the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in 2012. "We were pleased to see that the renewal of the award for the next five years was unanimously approved by the members of the Board of Directors of the EUROPARC Federation," said the Regional Secretary. The renewal of this certificate is the result of a joint effort, which began in 2022, led by the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action. It involves various local stakeholders, such as hotel, restaurant and tourist entertainment companies, associations and non-governmental organisations linked to the environment, tourism, culture and social welfare, such as the SPEA - Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds, the Azores Microbial Observatory, the GeoAçores Association - Azores Geopark, the Furnas Social and Parish Centre and the Nordeste Municipal Centre for Cultural Activities. It also involved various government departments and local authorities, namely the Regional Directorate for Tourism, the Regional Directorate for Forest Resources and Spatial Planning and the Municipal Councils of Nordeste and Povoação. "The preparation of the renewal process included a series of public participation actions and meetings of the local technical team to review and redefine the Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy in the Priolo Lands. Three forums were held to assess the results achieved in the implementation of the previous Action Plan, promote public participation and prepare the new Action Plan for 2024-2028," said the Regional Secretary. The new CETS Priolo Lands Action Plan represents an investment of about seven million Euros to be implemented over a five-year period by the different partners, with the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action allocating more than 2.1 million Euros. The Plan contains 51 actions, divided into various areas of intervention, such as conserving natural and cultural heritage, promoting sustainable tourism, stimulating the local economy and social cohesion, maintaining infrastructures and accessibility, promoting and raising environmental awareness, training and empowering technical teams, and encouraging the reduction of the ecological footprint. Alonso Miguel concluded that "the renewal of the award represents further international recognition of the work carried out in the Azores regarding the preservation and enhancement of the natural and cultural heritage, with a view to sustainable development from an environmental, social and economic standpoint." In this regard, he reiterated the importance of consolidating the Priolo Lands as a sustainable tourism product, recognised for its differentiated hiking trails, events and themed itineraries, aimed at a wide audience, with a view to preserving and enhancing the natural and cultural heritage of this unique territory.
November 16, 2024
Regional Government opens redevelopment works at Ferraria Viewpoint
The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, and the Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures, Berta Cabral, opened on Friday in Ginetes, municipality of Ponta Delgada, the redevelopment project for the Ferraria Viewpoint, better known as the Sabrina Island Viewpoint. Alonso Miguel stated that "the intervention was primarily aimed at preserving and enhancing this extraordinary protected area. It is part of a series of interventions already carried out, underway or in preparation on all islands of the archipelago, with a view to safeguarding the protection of the Azores' unique natural heritage in compliance with the provisions of the Regional Government Programme." The government official responsible for the environment stressed that the Pico das Camarinhas - Ponta da Ferraria Natural Monument, included in the São Miguel Island Natural Park, "features a diversity of structures and geological singularities that make it a special place, classified as a Geosite, within the scope of the Azores Geopark." In this regard, he also stressed that "it is an increasingly sought-after destination for visitors, under enormous tourist pressure, which needs to be redeveloped, organised and protected." Alonso Miguel explained that ‘the aim was to embellish and dignify this entire space, protecting and enhancing the significant set of natural, cultural and historical values present at this location. This was achieved by creating new access conditions and the necessary infrastructures to support visitors while regulating vehicle access to Ponta da Ferraria and ensuring its load capacity was respected." According to the Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, "the redevelopment of the viewpoint, which was in a poor state of repair and did not lend the slightest dignity to this unique location, has allowed it to be organised into three levels, linked by a footpath duly integrated into the landscape." Alonso Miguel noted that the "highest level, next to the access areas, is reserved for a viewpoint area, serving as a transition zone between the carriageway and the more sheltered environment that is intended inside the space." He added that ‘the middle level includes a pleasant picnic area and the last level is a smaller viewpoint area. "A new car park was also built with capacity for two buses and 68 light vehicles, including three places for people with reduced mobility. The project also included the construction of a building with toilets, a control area and technical areas to support the maintenance of the viewpoint," he added. Berta Cabral also emphasised the quality of the work carried out at Sabrina Island viewpoint. According to her, it "will improve its usability and organise visitation, protecting and further enhancing this place which, due to its natural heritage, has become one of the most sought-after and visited sites on the island of São Miguel." For the Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures, ‘this investment serves several purposes. Firstly to preserve and improve the natural heritage of this area, which is part of Pico das Camarinhas. It also creates a new and upgraded tourist attraction for residents and non-residents on the south coast of São Miguel Island, with this magnificent view of one of the most emblematic lighthouses in the Azores, the Ferraria Lighthouse. For Berta Cabral, ‘the redevelopment of this viewpoint created another quality tourist site in the Azores, providing better conditions for enjoying this fantastic place and, simultaneously, making an important contribution to dispersing tourist flows on the island. Creating new and diversified leisure and visitation spaces is fundamental to avoid overloading the more traditional ones, such as Sete Cidades, Lagoa do Fogo and Furnas." Ferraria is also a popular spot. In this regard, "this intervention, with the construction of the car park, will regulate access to the bathing area, ensuring the implementation of an appropriate sustainability policy," stated Berta Cabral. The project was designed by the Regional Directorate for Public Works, involving an investment of about one million Euros. It represents another important contribution and step in promoting the natural, cultural and historical heritage.