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- Co-financed projects
- Incentive system for maintaining traditional vineyard landscapes and orchards of traditional species
Press release - Poço da Ribeira do Ferreiro
Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action celebrates World Wetlands Day
Regional Government presents 2024 Report on the State of Azorean Streams
As nossas ilhas são reconhecidas internacionalmente pelos seus elevados níveis de qualidade ambiental e por um extraordinário património natural, que temos a responsabilidade de proteger e de legar às futuras gerações.
O XIV Governo Regional dos Açores está comprometido com a preservação e valorização de todo este património único, tendo como objetivo garantir o desenvolvimento sustentável da Região Autónoma dos Açores, através de uma estratégia centrada no fomento da educação, sensibilização e literacia ambiental, que configuram pilares essenciais para a sustentabilidade ambiental dos Açores.
Estamos absolutamente focados na conservação da natureza e na proteção dos nossos ecossistemas, bem como na preservação da biodiversidade e no combate à proliferação das espécies exóticas invasoras.
É também uma missão prioritária da Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática a construção de políticas que garantam a melhoria da gestão de resíduos e uma transição célere para uma economia circular, com vista a atingir as metas definidas a nível regional e contribuir para o cumprimento dos compromissos assumidos a nível nacional e comunitário.
O planeamento e a gestão eficiente dos recursos hídricos representam também importantes desafios, que exigem respostas integradas que permitam assegurar, em quantidade e qualidade adequadas, o abastecimento de água às nossas populações, bem como satisfazer as necessidades atuais da sociedade, perspetivando ainda futuras necessidades expetáveis no contexto de diferentes cenários de evolução social e económica.
As Alterações Climáticas representam um dos maiores desafios com que a humanidade jamais se deparou. É, portanto, necessário que estejamos preparados para garantir a mitigação dos impactes negativos das alterações climáticas, mas, sobretudo, para nos adaptarmos a este fenómeno, assegurando uma transição energética e ecológica firme e responsável, tão acelerada quanto possível, garantindo um desenvolvimento sustentável dos Açores.
A Proteção Civil assume-se cada vez mais como um fator decisivo na segurança e bem-estar da população. É, pois, um desiderato da Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Ação Climática, garantir a existência nos Açores de um Serviço Regional de Proteção Civil e Bombeiros bem organizado, devidamente equipado, e com capacidade de garantir uma atuação preventiva e de resposta rápida e eficaz a situações de risco, acidente grave ou catástrofe, para evitar a perda de vidas humanas, proteger bens e contribuir para preservar a segurança individual e coletiva dos Açorianos.
February 4, 2025
Press release - Poço da Ribeira do Ferreiro
In view of the concerns recently raised by various media outlets regarding access to and enjoyment of the Poço da Ribeira do Ferreiro (stream) on the island of Flores, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action would like to clarify the following: 1. The Poço da Ribeira do Ferreiro is an extraordinary natural heritage site in the Region, and for this reason, it has been included in the Central Zone and West Coast Cliffs Protected Landscape Area as part of the Flores Island Nature Park; 2. This site represents one of the main tourist assets of Flores Island and is also one of its most emblematic visiting points; 3. The Regional Government, through the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action, has been closely monitoring the situation from the outset and has liaised with the owners of the land covering the visiting area; 4. In the course of the contacts established, a collaborative attitude was demonstrated, with the owners assuring us that, contrary to what has been reported, there is no intention of restricting regular access or limiting the enjoyment of the Poço da Ribeira do Ferreiro; 5. To date, no intensive deforestation or intervention actions have been identified that have resulted in a change in the site landscape; 6. However, to dispel the concerns that have been expressed by the population and visitors, the Regional Government intends to define the visitation area in a minimalist manner and using endogenous materials. This will guarantee adequate conditions for the management and enjoyment of the area, a request for which the owners have already shown their willingness; 7. Nevertheless, it is important to emphasise that, should the situation change or should there be any constraints on normal visitation of the site, the Region has legal mechanisms at its disposal to safeguard the public interest and guarantee free access to and enjoyment of this area; 8. The Regional Government would also like to clarify that it will continue to monitor this situation closely, urging Flores residents and visitors to the Poço da Ribeira do Ferreiro to remain calm. It reiterates its position that no limitation or prohibition will be allowed on the access to and enjoyment of this iconic space. Moreover, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action will undertake the necessary efforts to create suitable conditions for its preservation and visitation.
February 3, 2025
Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action celebrates World Wetlands Day
The Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action has prepared a series of activities to mark World Wetlands Day, an initiative aimed at raising awareness of the need to protect these areas and highlight their importance for life on our planet. "Protecting Wetlands for Our Common Future" is the theme for 2025. The Regional Secretary for the Environment and Climate Action, Alonso Miguel, recalled the existence of 13 Wetlands in the Azores classified as being of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention, given their rarity in the international context, and particularly in the context of the biogeographical region, Macaronesia, corresponding to an area of approximately 13 thousand hectares. Alonso Miguel explained that "wetlands are of fundamental importance to human populations, given the wide range of services they provide, such as regulating the hydrological cycle, recharging aquifers, controlling floods, retaining nutrients, producing biomass, and also mitigating the climate change effects, specifically when it comes to sequestering carbon from the atmosphere." The government official recognised the importance of these ecosystems for biological diversity. As such, the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action is carrying out several restoration, preservation and monitoring actions and projects, such as the LIFE Projects, especially the LIFE IP AZORES NATURA project. The latter is the largest nature conservation project ever carried out in the Azores, with an allocation of more than 19 million Euros. "These conservation projects contribute, in an integrated manner, to improving the sustainability of wetlands, through the involvement of various public entities, associations and the general population, in a logic geared towards the conservation and enhancement of nature and ecosystem services. They are fundamental for the well-being and safety of the population and their economic development," he added. Alonso Miguel recalled that this date also marks National Nature Ranger Day. The Regional Government "highlights their importance in the Region, acknowledging their daily work as the first line of defence for the environment on each island." The Regional Secretary stressed the important role of Azorean Nature Rangers, highlighting their contribution to nature conservation. According to him, they are "essential for raising public awareness of the balanced and responsible management of natural resources as well as for monitoring, preserving and conserving nature and biodiversity." Alonso Miguel highlighted the "recent boost in the resources allocated to Nature Rangers, with the hiring of another 12 staff members and the purchase of essential equipment for their work, such as pick-up vehicles, pneumatic boats and machinery, representing an investment of about one million Euros." "Various training programmes have also been organised and drones have been purchased for each of the nine Environment and Climate Action Services, representing an investment of about 60 thousand Euros, which are at the disposal of Nature Rangers," he said. Alonso Miguel revealed that the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Action is organising various activities for the school community to mark these events on all islands from January 31 to February 7. They intend to raise awareness of the importance of Wetlands in preserving biodiversity and the need for surveillance, inspection and monitoring by Nature Rangers. The Regional Secretary added that "the planned activities include information sessions, interpretation routes, guided tours to environmental centres, bird watching, endemic species planting, invasive species removal and coastal clean-ups. These activities are expected to involve hundreds of participants."