- Management Instruments
- PRR - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
Proposal for bathing waters to be identified in the Azores in 2025 already out for public consultation
Pescadores açorianos poderão continuar a capturar goraz em 2025 nos mesmos níveis de 2024
Nota à imprensa
The Azores sea represents a significant part of the country's vast area under maritime jurisdiction. For the Azores, the sea has always played a very important role, namely in its development, influencing the economy and shaping its own identity.
Given the relevance of the Azores sea, the Regional Secretariat for the Sea and Fisheries (SRMP), a department of the XIII Regional Government, was created with the aim of providing a more adequate response to the pursuit of the Region's interests in the sectors of the sea, fisheries and fisheries inspection.
The SRMP is responsible for the definition and implementation of regional policies in the areas of oceanography, fisheries and aquaculture, enhancement and preservation of the marine environment, as well as other matters related to the sea. They include the planning and management of the coastline and marine protected areas, and maritime spatial planning.
Based on a global vision of promoting a healthy ocean, through a sustainable blue economy, the regional strategy for the Azores Sea is of particular importance, as well as the Azores Maritime Spatial Planning Plan, as structural elements to develop and leverage the economy of the sea.
It is also important to mention that the regional policies for the governance of the ocean will be based on co-management work to promote an integrated and sustainable management, aligning the interests of various political and economic agents and stakeholders. They will always rely on the contribution of researchers, fishers and associations of the sector.
Aware that the economic viability and competitiveness of the fisheries sector entail the definition of strategies that take into account the state of resources, the SRMP will focus on the scientific assessment of the target resources of different fishing activities. This may eventually lead to the adaptation of the fleet to existing resources, always safeguarding the social and economic component of the sector.
Considering that the sea represents a fundamental pillar for the future viability of the Azores, the Regional Secretariat for the Sea and Fisheries is committed to strengthening fundamental instruments for the implementation of Community policies and the respective national and regional support policies for the sea sector.
The Regional Secretary for the Sea and Fisheries
Manuel Humberto Lopes São João
December 20, 2024
Proposal for bathing waters to be identified in the Azores in 2025 already out for public consultation
The Regional Secretariat for the Sea and Fisheries, through the Regional Directorate for Maritime Policies, is conducting a public consultation on the coastal bathing waters to be identified in 2025 on all islands. The proposal is to identify 88 bathing waters for the next season, the same number as in 2024. This public consultation is accessible on the Regional Government website at https://portal.azores.gov.pt/web/gov/consultas until January 31, 2025. Contributions should be preferentially emailed to the following address: [email protected]. The procedure for identifying bathing waters aims to ensure that, every year, bathing waters are identified as suitable for bathing in the sea whilst safeguarding public health. The public consultation underlines the importance of public information and participation. It is an opportunity for any interested person or organisation to submit their comments and suggestions, particularly the conditions for using bathing waters, the safety of bathers and the sustainability of natural systems. After the technical assessment of all the contributions, the list of coastal bathing waters identified for 2025 is approved by ordinance and published in the Official Journal of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, in conjunction with the duration of the bathing season for each bathing area. A bathing water quality monitoring programme will be implemented throughout the bathing season, collecting samples, checking their suitability for bathing, and deciding on the measures to be taken in the event of microbiological or other forms of contamination.
December 12, 2024
Pescadores açorianos poderão continuar a capturar goraz em 2025 nos mesmos níveis de 2024
O Governo dos Açores congratula-se com as conclusões da reunião do Conselho de Ministros Europeus das Pescas e Agricultura, realizada em Bruxelas, sobre as possibilidades de pesca para os anos de 2025 e 2026, especialmente no que à quota do goraz diz respeito. Inicialmente, o Conselho Internacional para a Exploração do Mar apresentou uma recomendação que estipulava um corte na quota a atribuir aos Açores na ordem dos 35% para os próximos dois anos. Perante esta situação, o Governo dos Açores, através da Secretaria Regional do Mar e das Pescas, em conjunto com o Governo da República, apresentou um conjunto de argumentos sobre o impacto que tal medida poderia gerar nas comunidades piscatórias da Região Autónoma dos Açores. Assim, e após intensas negociações, o Conselho de Ministros aprovou uma situação de compromisso que permitiu a fixação de um total admissível de capturas (TAC) provisório durante o primeiro semestre de 2025 na ordem das 280 toneladas. Esta situação permitirá à Região apresentar dados complementares que permitam uma defesa da manutenção da quota estabelecida até 30 de junho de 2025, com uma reavaliação tendo por base novos dados científicos que serão fornecidos e que irão permitir fixar um TAC definitivo para 2025. O Governo Regional irá continuar empenhado em melhorar o reporte dos dados científicos, e para isso conta com a colaboração de toda a fileira do setor, e em especial dos armadores das embarcações registadas nos portos da Região. Para Mário Rui Pinho, Secretário Regional da tutela, será sempre importante relembrar aos decisores destas questões relacionadas com a imposição de TAC, que há que conciliar as questões ambientais, de biodiversidade, económicas, e no caso dos Açores em particular, com uma pesca de pequena escala, as questões sociais, pelos reflexos que cortes tão significativos podem provocar nas comunidades da Região.