
July 10, 2020 - Published 1668 days, 13 hours and 40 minutes ago

Regional Directorate for Health

The Regional Directorate for Health (DRS) has the following responsibilities:

a) Contribute to the definition of the goals, policies and overall strategy of the sector to ensure the health care coverage of the Region;

b) Implement the policies defined for the sector with a view to consolidating a uniform health system;

c) Guide and coordinate activities in the areas of health promotion, disease prevention, early diagnosis, health care provision and rehabilitation of citizens;

d) Guide the operation of health institutions, establishments and services that make up the Regional Health Service, coordinating their action;

e) Monitor, pursuant to the applicable legislation, the private activities carried out by this sector, notwithstanding the supervisory powers of the Regional Health Inspectorate;

f) Study and propose the necessary measures to improve the existing organisational structures and their operation;

g) Draft proposals for normative acts;

h) Draw up instructions for the proper implementation of legislation and regulations;

i) Promote the preparation and development of the Regional Health Plan;

j) Regulate the acquisition of health services, in coordination with other entities, namely through protocols, agreements and conventions, whenever there is insufficient response capacity of the official services;

k) Ensure compliance with the rules regulating the practice of professionals in the sector;

l) Cooperate with entities representing professionals so as to ensure a better ethical and technical level within the specific careers of the health sector;

m) Promote the preparation of the Regional Health Service for disaster situations in conjunction with the Azores Regional Civil Protection and Fire Service;

n) Ensure compliance with international health conventions, agreements or regulations as well as the health protection of the Region;

o) Collaborate with other departments that carry out activities related to the sector;

p) Cooperate with regional, national and international organisations operating in the area of health;

q) Plan, coordinate, implement and promote the evaluation of combat, prevention, health care and social reintegration programmes;

r) Promote the integration and compatibility, at regional level, of the action programmes implemented by services and institutions in this sector, making a comprehensive evaluation of their implementation;

s) Support actions to discourage the consumption of psychoactive substances in coordination with the Regional Directorate for Prevention and Control of Dependencies;

t) License health care units in the social and private sectors, defining the respective technical-therapeutic requirements, and monitor their operation and compliance, jointly with the Regional Health Service;

u) Conduct administrative offence proceedings within its competences;

v) Carry out procurement procedures for the Regional Health Service on a centralised basis;

w) Supply goods and services to the entities that make up the Regional Health Service;

x) Allocate funding to health units in accordance with the health care goals set out by each unit under the terms of the respective contracts signed with it;

y) Stipulate rules and principles guiding the budget management of health units, supervising their implementation;

z) Assess the economic and financial management of institutions and services integrated into or financed by the Regional Health Service, preparing regular reports on their financial situation and the management of their human and material resources;

aa) Promote the development of information systems for the institutions dependent on the Regional Health Service;
bb) Carry out works of public interest for the Regional Health Service;

cc) Carry out the continuous assessment of performance indicators and practices of the institutions and services that make up the Regional Health Service as well as health technologies, through common indicators of activity, health care quality, organisation, patient satisfaction and human resources;

dd) Define the operating model and operational coordination of the Azores Health Line in conjunction with the Azores Regional Civil Protection and Fire Service.

Constitutive Documents

The organisational structure and competences of the Regional Directorate for Health are defined in articles 10 to 27 of the Regional Implementing Decree no.1/2020/A of January 23, which approves the organisational structure and senior staff of the Regional Secretariat for Health.