
There is a need to monitor the impact of the registration activities of cetaceans, which are subject to licensing by the regional body responsible for the matter in accordance with the exceptional regime laid down in Article 20 of Decree-Law No 49/2005 of 24 February 2006 (Habitats Directive).

Given that these operations take place most often during the high season and often concern groups of mothers with small pups of cachalots (Physeter macrocephalus), there is a need to minimise disturbance.

Areas of WhaleWatching of the Azores — authorisations granted

Legislation applicable:

Regional Legislative Decree No 9/99/A of 8 March
2009, Regional Legislative Decree No 10/2003/A of 22 March 2009, Regional Legislative
No 13/2004/A of 23 March 2009,
Order No 5/2004 of 29 January 2009


Zone A Zone B Zone C Zone Z