- Air transport
- Maritime transport
- Institutional Information
Competences and constitutive documents of the Regional Directorate for Transport
Constitutive Documents
Regional Implementing Decree no. 15/2011/A of June 21 (Official Gazette no. 118, Series I of June 21, 2011) approving the structure of the Regional Directorate for Air and Maritime Transport and defining its competences and staff.
- Coordinate all activities related to the implementation of the policy goals stipulated for commercial and passenger ports, recreational boating areas and marinas, airports and aerodromes in the Region;
- Propose legislation focusing on the air and maritime transport sectors as well as on the recreational boating sector or issue opinions about the aforementioned legislation;
- Propose political measures deemed necessary to stimulate a maritime and air transport system capable of boosting regional development and ensuring the adequate mobility of the population;
- Manage, administer and develop directly or monitor the entities in charge of managing the airports and aerodromes entirely or partially owned by the Region;
- Exercise the powers assigned to the area of maritime tourism activities under the terms of the law.
- Propose the issuing of airport occupation or use licences;
- Coordinate, in close collaboration with the port authorities and the managing bodies of regional aerodromes, the drafting of all construction, redevelopment or expansion projects of port and airport infrastructures;
- Monitor the activities of port authorities and of the managing bodies of regional airports and aerodromes;
- Make the necessary arrangements to launch public tenders for awarding construction, redevelopment or expansion works of port and airport infrastructures;
- Monitor and participate in the analysis of tender proposals for works or the provision of services related to commercial and recreational ports, marinas, airports and aerodromes, and make the necessary arrangements for drafting the respective contracts;
- Monitor and the prepare the contract procedures under the public tender for works or the provision of goods and services related to airports and aerodromes;
- Monitor the supervision of the works carried out in port and airport infrastructures;
- Approve and monitor the annual monitoring and conservation programmes for commercial and recreational ports and marines developed by port authorities;
- Approve and monitor the annual conservation and maintenance programmes for regional airports and aerodromes;
- Monitor the financial implementation of the investment programmes developed by the port authorities and the management entities in charge regional airports and aerodromes;
- Issue opinions on the annual investment plans for regional port and airport infrastructures developed by the respective management entities;
- Monitor port and airport activities in the Region;
- Monitor the compliance with the legislation applicable to air and maritime transport;
- Propose the model for authorising the operation of inter-island maritime passenger transport, inter-island air passenger transport as well as of regional port and airport infrastructures and collaborate in the processes for granting the respective authorisation;
- Issue or draw up an opinion regarding the operation of regional ports, including dock labour;
- Analyse and issue opinions concerning the proposals on fare regulations of port authorities;
- Issue opinions on the regulations on the exploitation and operation of the ports administered by port authorities;
- Promote or conduct the study on the situation of regional maritime and air companies by establishing the necessary links with several bodies;
- Conduct the studies deemed necessary to coordinate the operation of passengers and goods transport;
- Monitor the application of the legal standards for air and maritime transport;
- Impose fines in the case of offences committed under maritime tourism activities and piloting services;
- Promote, analyse and participate in the development of technical and safety standards for maritime and air transport sectors;
- Perform other duties entrusted to it;
- Promote the update of information on air and maritime transport deemed necessary for the characterisation of the aforementioned sectors;
- Promote the dissemination of all relevant information for the maritime and air transport sectors;
- Promote the conduction of studies to coordinate the operation of the passengers and goods transport system, particularly with regard to traffic, transport costs, fares and the operating conditions of the market;
- Propose and prepare, in collaboration with other services of the Regional Directorate, relevant legislation focusing on the air and maritime transport sectors or issue opinions on the legislation related to these sectors;
- Propose and promote the implementation of works in all regional ports and airports by establishing the necessary links with several governmental services and with other entities involved in this process;
- Promote the agreement and understanding between port authorities and social partners in the area of dock labour;
- Ensure the compliance with the legislation on air and maritime transport and promote the enforcement of the regulations on the sector.