
July 10, 2020 - Published 1689 days, 15 hours and 7 minutes ago

Regional Directorate for Housing

The Regional Directorate for Housing (DRH) is the entity that studies, coordinates, supervises and implements housing actions in accordance with the goals set out by the Regional Government. It collaborates closely with local authorities, institutions of public utility and private or cooperative entities, with a view to creating better housing conditions for the population.

Regional Implementing Decree no. 4/2020/A

Regional Directorate for Housing


Article 14 - Description and mission

1 - The Regional Directorate for Housing, designated as DRH, is the department of the Regional Solidarity for Social Solidarity responsible for studying, proposing, implementing, coordinating, monitoring, evaluating and supervising the policies pursued by the Regional Government for housing.

2 - In carrying out its mission, the DRH collaborates with local authorities, institutions of public utility, housing cooperatives and other entities, both public or private, with a view to promoting better housing conditions for the population.

3 - The DHR is headed by a regional director, a level 1 senior management position.


Article 15 - Competences

1 - DRH has the following responsibilities in the area of housing policies:

a) Study the housing situation with a view to drafting proposals for legislative and regulatory policy measures;

b) Prepare the regional housing plan as well as the annual and multiannual plans for the sector;

c) Promote financial policy measures for the sector in the Region and contribute to the financing of social housing programmes promoted by the public, cooperative and private sectors;

d) Monitor the implementation of housing promotion policy measures and programmes according to the approved plans and regulations;

e) Manage and maintain the social housing stock owned by the Region;

f) Support the Regional Government in the definition of social leasing policies as well as in the sale of the housing stock owned by the Region;

g) Foster projects and measures aimed at the recovery and renovation of the housing stock;

h) Undertake interventions that, for convenience, are carried out under direct administration;

i) Inspect housing works carried out by the Region, either under a works contract or under direct administration, in close collaboration with the other SRSS departments;

j) Sign cooperation agreements, protocols and contracts with private non-profit institutions for the development of housing policies.

2 - DRH has the following responsibilities in the area of housing administration:

a) Promote, implement and evaluate housing and urban redevelopment plans that fall within the responsibility of the public sector as well as housing and urban redevelopment policy measures and instruments;

b) Develop and manage the application of financing instruments for social housing and urban redevelopment programmes promoted by public, cooperative and private entities;

c) Manage and maintain the housing stock with a view to implementing social housing policies;

d) Propose the appropriate legislative and regulatory measures for the pursuit of housing and urban redevelopment policies;

e) Participate in and foster national networks for the analysis and assessment of interventions in the housing and urban redevelopment sectors;

f) Grant subsidies and other forms of support and incentives for urban leasing;

g) Co-finance actions and programmes in its areas of competence, namely in the acquisition, construction and rehabilitation of buildings owned by the Region;

h) Sign development contracts or programme contracts in the areas of housing and urban redevelopment and revitalisation;

i) Participate in companies, real estate investment funds, consortia or other organisations pursuing purposes that fall within its area of competence, namely with regard to the management of the housing assets owned by the Region, social housing and urban redevelopment;

j) Manage the programmes specifically assigned to this department, especially those concerning lease support, urban management and urban redevelopment;

k) Ensure the conservation of its housing assets and allocate dwellings under legally established home ownership or lease schemes;

l) Acquire or lease property aimed at housing people in situations of housing shortage or installing equipment for collective use in social housing developments;

m) Sign contracts with legal persons or individuals for the allocation of dwellings or buildings for social housing purposes;

n) Support and encourage the implementation of urban redevelopment and revitalisation initiatives to be promoted by public, private or cooperative entities;

o) Monitor the implementation of social housing projects funded or subsidised by this department;

p) Promote training, information and technical support initiatives in the areas of housing, urban redevelopment and urban revitalisation;

q) Manage specific urban redevelopment and revitalisation operations and programmes.

3 – DRH has the following financial responsibilities:

a) Monitor projects financed by social housing programmes;

b) Sign development contracts or programme contracts for controlled-cost housing;

c) Participate in companies whose main purpose is housing promotion, construction, development or management.

4 - DRH has the following management responsibilities:

a) Propose to the Regional Secretary and proceed with the sale of houses included in social housing projects promoted by the Region as well as building plots for social and controlled-cost housing under a title reservation scheme;

b) Allocate dwellings within the regional housing stock under legally established lease schemes;

c) Ensure the maintenance and conservation of the regional housing stock;

d) Propose measures towards the standardise management of the regional housing stock.

5 - DRH has the following responsibilities in the area of technical support:

a) Verify the conformity with the social housing goals set out in the plans for the use of the land to be sold under the terms of subparagraph a) of the preceding number;

b) Analyse technical, economic and social solutions, considering the existing needs, the social and economic conditions of the population, and the balance between comfort, cost and durability of housing.


Article 16 - Structure

For the exercise of its competences, the DRH comprises the following services:

a) Directorate of Support and Social Management Services;

b) Directorate of Project and Property Management Services;

c) Financial Management and Human Resources Section;

d) Legal and Administrative Support Section;

e) Other services:

i) IT Services;

ii) Terceira Housing Services.

Article 17 - Directorate of Support Services and Social Management

1 - The Directorate of Support Services and Social Management, designated as DSAGS, has the following responsibilities:

a) Carry out actions aimed at the implementation of housing solutions;

b) Carry out actions aimed at improving the quality of life of families living in housing developments;

c) Propose and promote, in collaboration with other entities, the solutions for the sale or other forms of onerous transfer of properties owned by the Region;

d) Manage the programmes granting incentives for housing and urban redevelopment;

e) Ensure the management of housing lease contracts for the dwellings allocated on lease schemes;

f) Propose and monitor the signing of development contracts or programme contracts for urban redevelopment and revitalisation;

g) Assess the economic viability and compliance of housing projects financed by the Region and monitor their implementation;

h) Launch campaigns to stimulate and raise awareness for the correct use of housing and communication spaces, promoting the integration of families into new housing spaces;

i) Recommend social infrastructures necessary for various housing developments intended to support the population in general and specific groups;

j) Conduct studies aimed at defining the characteristics of the population living in housing projects, namely their cultural, economic and social status;

k) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of projects to be financed;

l) Promote cooperation initiatives, namely with local authorities and various social partners, aimed at addressing housing needs;

m) Collaborate in the preparation of proposals for new housing programmes and solutions as well as in the regional adaptation or dissemination of support programmes of national scope;

n) Carry out other duties assigned to this service by higher decision-making levels.

2 - The DSAGS is headed by a director of services, a level 1 middle management position.

3 - For the performance of its duties, the DSAGS comprises the following areas:

a) Support, Regulation and Inspection Section;

b) Leasing and Condominium Management Section.


Article 18 - Support, Regulatory and Supervisory Section

1 - The Support, Regulatory and Supervisory Section, designated as DARF, has the following responsibilities:

a) Implement housing support programmes;

b) Draw up the regulations deemed necessary for the proper implementation of housing support programmes;

c) Inform and make decisions on application procedures for housing support;

d) Ensure the provision of public services;
e) Ensure the implementation of approved housing projects and monitor the implementation and supervision of the works and contracts supported by this entity;

f) Monitor the resolution of situations covered by the various housing support programmes;

g) Collaborate in special projects for the recovery of the housing stock and other actions determined by higher decision-making levels for housing;

h) Carry out the necessary actions with a view to the promotion and good implementation of the housing support programmes created by the Regional Government;

i) Conduct social, economic and housing analyses on a case-by-case basis, making the corresponding adjustments to the existing housing programmes;

j) Ensure coordination with the Institute for Social Security of the Azores and other social entities in situations requiring joint efforts;

k) Participate and cooperate in multidisciplinary community-based projects with a view to mitigating housing needs;

l) Promote the integration of families into new housing spaces;

m) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.

2 - The DARF is led by a head of section, a level 2 middle management position.

3 - For the performance of its duties, the DARF comprises the following areas:

a) Public Service Desk;

b) Inspection and Supervision Services.

Article 19 - Public Service Desk

1 - The Public Service Desk, designated as SA, has the following responsibilities:

a) Provide assistance to the users of housing services;

b) Process requests for support and make the respective registration on the available computer platforms;

c) Update processes with the information submitted to the services, both at the analysis and support stages;

d) Produce statistical data on the activities carried out by this service;
e) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.

Article 20 - Inspection and Supervision Services

1 - The Inspection and Supervision Services, designated for short as SVF, have the following responsibilities:

a) Carry out surveys, conduct technical inspections and produce reports on support programmes;

b) Analyse the budgets submitted by and conform them to the works considered eligible under the respective support programme;

c) Assess the conformity of the documents submitted by the project developers, before the beginning of the work, and by the developer in the course of the work;

d) Verify and supervise the implementation of the works in accordance with the approved project and the stipulated completion period;

e) Monitor and supervise the works and contracts in progress for the purpose of granting subsidies;

f) Assess the works carried out and prepare the respective report for the allocation of support;

g) Collaborate with the Public Service Desk in the provision of information and clarification to users;

h) Produce statistical data on the activities carried out by the services;

i) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.

Article 21 - Leasing and Condominium Management Section

1 - The Leasing and Condominium Management Section, designated DGAC, has the following responsibilities:

a) Manage all lease and sub-lease contracts in which the Regional Directorate for Housing is the grantor;

b) Manage and supervise all relations with condominium management companies responsible for buildings where there are housing units owned by the Region;

c) Ensure the drafting of all types of housing contracts in which the Regional Directorate for Housing is the grantor, whenever necessary;

d) Ensure that tenants in the Region receive assistance;

e) Ensuring that condominium management companies responsible for buildings where there are housing units owned by the Region receive assistance;

f) Monitor and ensure the updating of housing contracts dependent on the social and economic situation of tenants;

g) Collaborate in special projects for the recovery of the housing stock and other actions defined by higher decision-making levels in the area of housing;

h) Carry out the necessary actions with a view to the promotion and good implementation of the housing support programmes created by the Regional Government;

i) Participate and cooperate in multidisciplinary community-based projects with a view to mitigating housing needs;

j) Collaborate with the Planning and Maintenance Services operated by the Property Management and Maintenance Section of the Directorate of Project and Property Management Services;

k) Promote the integration of families into new housing spaces;

l) Conduct surveys to verify the contractual terms of tenants in the Region;

m) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.

2 - The DGAC is led by a head of section, a level 2 middle management position.


Article 22 - Directorate of Project and Property Management Services

1 - The Directorate of Project and Property Management Services, designated as DSPGP, has the following responsibilities:

a) Develop methodologies for the definition and evaluation of housing, leasing and urban redevelopment policies;

b) Develop, implement, manage and monitor housing and urban redevelopment programmes and projects;

c) Plan, manage and maintain the housing stock, infrastructures and developable land in compliance with housing policies;

d) Stimulate and participate in regional, national and international initiatives aimed at analysing and assessing interventions in the areas of housing, leasing and urban redevelopment;

e) Develop, update and manage data information systems on the regional housing stock and urban redevelopment;

f) Promote the organisation of the revision and updating of digital geographic information;

g) Develop, support, monitor or disseminate statistical, technical and research studies with a view to updating knowledge and proposing measures for the housing and urban redevelopment sectors;

h) Monitor and assess the implementation of the projects to be financed;

i) Carry out cooperation actions, particularly with local authorities and the various social partners, aimed at addressing housing needs;

j) Collaborate with the Legal and Administrative Support Section in the acquisition, sale and registration, on behalf of the Region, of the buildings or construction plots that may be necessary to pursue the goals of the Regional Directorate for Housing;

k) Collaborate with the Legal and Administrative Support Section in the procedures for compulsory acquisition on the grounds of public utility and for the sale of property with a view to achieving the goals of the Regional Directorate for Housing;

l) Provide, on behalf of the Region and in cooperation with the Regional Directorate for the Budget and Treasury, all the title deeds of the buildings acquired by the Region that are necessary for the accomplishment of the goals pursued by the Regional Directorate for Housing;

m) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.

2 - The DSPGP is headed by a director of services, a level 1 middle management position.

3 - For the performance of its duties, the DSPGP comprises the following areas:

a) Projects and Infrastructures Section;

b) Property Management and Maintenance Section.


Article 23 - Projects and Infrastructures Section

1 - The Projects and Infrastructures Section, designated as DPI, has the following responsibilities:

a) Promote urban redevelopment and architectural sustainability of housing developments in the Region;

b) Design, prepare and implement housing programmes and projects to be developed by the Regional Directorate for Housing and promote their assessment and approval by the competent authorities;

c) Coordinate and supervise works under the responsibility of the Regional Directorate for Housing, regardless of being carried out on a works contract basis or by direct administration;

d) Support the planning and implementation of infrastructure projects;

e) Ensure the implementation and monitoring of approved housing projects and the supervision of the works to be supported;

f) Prepare reports or deliver opinions, as requested, and prepare the annual report of its dependent services;

g) Provide reprographic services to this Regional Directorate;

h) Coordinate the action of the experts and arbitrators appointed by the Court of Appeal when intervening in expropriation proceedings;

i) Collaborate in the preparation of expropriation procedures on the grounds of public utility that may be necessary for the pursuit of the goals of the Regional Directorate for Housing;

j) Collaborate in the acquisition, sale and registration, on behalf of the Region, of the buildings or construction plots that are necessary to achieve the objectives of the Regional Directorate for Housing;

k) Organise all appeal procedures relating to expropriation proceedings;

l) Produce statistical data on the activities carried out by this service;

m) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.

2 - The IPR is led by a head of section, a level 2 middle management position.

Article 24 - Property Management and Maintenance Section 

1 - The Property Management and Maintenance Section, designated as DGMP, has the following responsibilities:

a) Promote urban redevelopment and the sustainability of housing developments in the Region;

b) Propose, develop and manage public procurement procedures deemed necessary for the exercise of the competences conferred on DGMP as well as the signing, monitoring and financial supervision of contracts arising therefrom;

c) Develop, prepare and implement programmes and maintenance plans for the residential properties owned by the Region as well as for housing developments and construction plots owned by the Regional Directorate for Housing;

d) Coordinate and contract works under the responsibility of the Regional Directorate for Housing, regardless of being carried out on a works contract basis or by direct administration;

e) Carry out the works that, for convenience reasons, are carried out under direct administration;

f) Support the planning and implementation of infrastructure projects;

g) Ensure the maintenance of properties, housing units and the respective common spaces of the regional housing stock, promoting their management and maintenance in coordination with the Leasing and Condominium Management Section;

h) Participate in condominium meetings whenever it is necessary to incur in regular or extra maintenance expenses either in housing units or in common spaces owned or leased by the Region;

i) Manage and maintain the vehicle fleet, programming, coordinating and ensuring the use and conservation of all machinery, vehicles and other property, movable or immovable, owned by the Regional Directorate for Housing;

j) Draw up reports or deliver opinions on request and draw up the annual report of its dependent services;

k) Collaborate in the acquisition, sale and registration, under the terms of the law and on behalf of the Region, of the buildings or construction that may be necessary for the pursuit of the goals of the Regional Directorate for Housing;

l) Produce statistical data on the activities carried out by this service;

m) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.

2 - The DGMP is led by a head of section, a level 2 middle management position.

3 - For the exercise of its duties, the DGMP comprises the following areas:

a) Property Conservation Technical Sector;

b) Management and Maintenance Technical Sector.  

Article 25 - Property Conservation Technical Sector

1 - The Property Conservation Technical Sector, designated as STCP, has the following responsibilities:

a) Manage and coordinate all the conservation and rehabilitation interventions in the regional housing stock;

b) Supervise and monitor the rehabilitation works of buildings within the regional housing stock as well as interventions in the respective infrastructures;

c) Coordinate all the activities carried out by the team of operational assistants in the rehabilitation and conservation of properties owned by the Regional Directorate for Housing and other infrastructures, by direct administration, including consultations with suppliers, acquisitions and expenditure control;

d) Create and update the data system designed to support the planning and management of interventions in the regional housing stock, manage the opening of application procedures and ensure the organisation of its archives;

e) Prepare inspection reports on buildings under risk as well as on the occurrence of disasters;

f) Support logistics for the organisation of events and ceremonies hosted by the Regional Directorate for Housing and the Regional Secretariat for Social Solidarity;

g) Draw up reports or issue opinions requested by its dependent services;

h) Carry out other duties and activities determined by higher decision-making levels.

2 - The STCP is led by a head of sector, a specific level 2 management position subject to the provisions of Article 6 of the Regional Legislative Decree no.2/2005/A of May 9, as amended by the Regional Legislative Decrees no.2/2006/A of January 6, 8/2008/A of March 31, 17/2009/A of October 14 and 34/2010/A of December 29.


Article 26 - Management and Maintenance Technical Sector

1 - The Management and Maintenance Technical Sector, designated as STGM, has the following responsibilities:

a) Plan, coordinate and ensure the production of aggregates to meet the needs of the Regional Directorate for Housing and manage production contracts, regardless of the location of supply areas;

b) Plan and execute works assigned to the workshops;

c) Manage the facilities, equipment and warehouses servicing the Regional Directorate for Housing;

d) Control, through quick reading files, the stocks and movement of materials and spare parts for equipment maintenance and construction, setting limits on new purchases;

e) Propose the acquisition of equipment, materials and products intended for its activities, participating in the preparation of the documents deemed necessary to carry out purchasing procedures and issuing technical opinions on the proposals submitted;

f) Manage and maintain the vehicle fleet, planning, coordinating and ensuring the use and conservation of all machinery, vehicles and other property, movable or immovable, owned by the Regional Directorate for Housing;

g) Draw up reports or deliver opinions requested by its dependent services;

h) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.  

2 - The STGM is led by a head of a sector, a specific level 2 management position subject to the provisions of Article 6 of the Regional Legislative Decree no.2/2005/A of May 9, as amended by the Regional Legislative Decrees no.2/2006/A of January 6, 8/2008/A of March 31, 17/2009/A of October 14 and 34/2010/A of December 29.


Article 27 - Financial Management and Human Resources Section


1 - The Financial Management and Human Resources Section, designated as DGFRH provides support to the regional director in the areas of human resources, financial resources and documentation as well as ensures the operation of the administrative services of the Regional Directorate for Housing:

a) Provide financial advice and support to the Regional Director and other services of the Regional Directorate for Housing;
b) Ensure the response of the Regional Directorate for Housing to audits carried out by the Court of Auditors in conjunction with the other services of the Regional Directorate for Housing and the Office of the Regional Secretary;

c) Participate in the response provided by the Regional Directorate for Housing, in the context of arbitration and legal proceedings in conjunction with the other services of the Regional Directorate for Housing and the Office of the Regional Secretary;

d) Manage human resources, including the issuance of opinions whenever requested;

e) Carry out staff administration tasks, namely: selection, recruitment, admission, reception, promotion, progression, mobility, dismissal, retirement, processing of salaries and other allowances, attendance control, seniority registration, holiday plan, and investigation and follow-up of occupational accidents;

f) Identify training and qualification needs, preparing the annual training plan;

g) Carry out educational and information initiatives within its area of competence;

h) Ensure the development of the necessary procedures for the follow-up of the Performance Evaluation System for the Regional Public Administration of the Azores (SIADAPRA) and the preparation of the respective annual report;

i) Collect and analyse the data deemed necessary for the preparation of the social balance sheet;

j) Promote health and safety at work and propose actions for its implementation;

k) Ensure the preparation of budget proposals and other planning instruments for this regional directorate;

l) Provide the official correspondence, archive and general documentation services of the Regional Directorate for Housing;

m) Provide accounting services;

n) Ensure the acquisition and management of the assets owned by the Regional Directorate for Housing;

p) Provide administrative services to the various entities and services of this regional directorate;

q) Manage training facilities and equipment;

r) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.
2 - The DGFRH is led by a head of section, a level 2 middle management position and operates under the direct authority of the regional director.

3 - For the exercise of its duties, the DGFRH comprises the following areas:

a) Human Resources Department;

b) Official Correspondence and Archive Service;

c) Accounting Department.

Article 28 - Human Resources Department

1 - The Human Resources Department, designated as SRH, has the following responsibilities:

a) Ensure the processing of salaries and other staff allowances, and prepare the procedures relating to the applications for social benefits;

b) Organise and update the staff biographical records;

c) Organise and prepare the staff professional records;

d) Issue certificates and other documents;

e) Monitor attendance and punctuality and ensure compliance with legislation on absences and leaves;

f) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.

2 - The SRH is coordinated by a worker under an employment contract of indefinite duration appointed for that purpose by order of the Regional Director for Housing, a position subject to the provisions of Article 7 of the Regional Legislative Decree no. 2/2005/A of May 9, as amended by the Regional Legislative Decrees no. 2/2006/A of January 6, 8/2008/A of March 31, 17/2009/A of October 14 and 34/2010/A of December 29.

Article 29 - Official Correspondence and Archive Service

1 - Official Correspondence and Archive Service, designated as SEA, has the following responsibilities:

a) Provide official correspondence services, ensuring the reception, registration, categorisation and delivery of correspondence;

b) Organise the archive and general documentation of the Regional Directorate for Housing with a view to their effective conservation and easier access;

c) Carry out administrative services of the Regional Directorate for Housing;

d) Collaborate with the Accounting Department in the management of the working capital allocated to the Regional Directorate for Housing;

e) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.

Article 30 - Accounting Department

1 - The Accounting Department, designated SC, has the following responsibilities:

a) Collaborate with the services of the Regional Directorate for Housing in the actions deemed necessary for the preparation of the respective plan and budget;

b) Propose and monitor the implementation of the plan and budget allocated to Regional Directorate for Housing;

c) Prepare the elements required to draw up financial implementation reports;

d) Prepare the proposed amendments to the budget and transfer of funds;

e) Ensure the processing of revenue and expenditure as well as the respective budget control;

f) Confirm, organise and archive accounting documents;

g) Collaborate in financial and accounting procedures to be submitted under Community funding programmes in cooperation with service directorates;

h) Organise and update the register of the assets owned by Regional Directorate for Housing;

i) Supervise and manage the working capital allocated to this service;

j) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.

2 - The SC is coordinated by a worker under an employment contract of indefinite duration appointed for that purpose by order of the Regional Director for Housing, a position subject to the provisions of Article 7 of the Regional Legislative Decree no. 2/2005/A of May 9, as amended by the Regional Legislative Decrees no. 2/2006/A of January 6, 8/2008/A of March 31, 17/2009/A of October 14 and 34/2010/A of December 29.



Legal and Administrative Support Section

Article 31 - Competences

1 - The Legal and Administrative Support Section, designated as DAJN, provides legal advice and administrative support to the Regional Director and other services of the Regional Directorate for Housing, namely as follows:

a) Provide legal support to the Regional Director as well as to other services of the Regional Directorate for Housing, wherever appropriate, in coordination and collaboration with the Regional Secretariat for Social Solidarity;

b) Participate in the preparation of projects and proposals for laws or regulations and issue opinions on them;

c) Collaborate with other services of the Regional Directorate for Housing in the proposal, development and management of public procurement procedures as well as in the signing, monitoring and supervision of contracts arising therefrom;

d) Prepare all formalities regarding the negotiation intentions in which the Regional Secretariat for Social Solidarity and/or the Regional Directorate for Housing are grantors, regardless of their status, verifying beforehand the legal conformity of the procedures underlying them;

e) Conduct proceedings regarding acts and contracts legally subject to prior audit by the Court of Auditors, preparing the documents necessary for their submission as well as the replies to any clarifications requested;

f) Conduct proceedings regarding other acts and contracts legally subject to submission to the Court of Auditors, namely ancillary contracts, preparing the documents necessary for their submission as well as replies to any clarifications requested;

g) Collaborate and prepare the response of the Regional Directorate for Housing, jointly with the office of the Regional Secretary, in the context of audits conducted by the Court of Auditors;

h) Collaborate in the acquisition, sale and registration, on behalf of the Region, of the buildings or construction plots that may be necessary to pursue the goals of the Regional Directorate for Housing under the terms of the law;

i) Coordinate the action of the experts and arbitrators appointed by the Court of Appeal when intervening in expropriation proceedings;

j) Conduct expropriation proceedings on the grounds of public that may be necessary to pursue the goals of the Regional Directorate for Housing;

(k) Organise all appeal proceedings relating to expropriation of any kind;
l) Prepare and carry out on behalf of the Region, jointly with the Regional Directorate for the Budget and Treasury, the registration of all buildings acquired by the Regional Directorate for Housing at the appropriate registry offices;

m) Carry out the registration, in collaboration with the Regional Directorate for the Budget and Treasury, of all public buildings built by the Regional Directorate for Housing in the urban land registry as well as in the land registry, with a view to their incorporation into the regional housing stock;

n) Take the necessary steps towards the full identification and evaluation of the properties to be purchased and propose the terms of their acquisition or, whenever necessary, delegate such powers to another service of the Regional Directorate for Housing;

o) Conduct all procedures for the sale of property in pursuit of powers assigned to the Regional Directorate for Housing;

p) Monitor processes relating to the registration and issuance of certificates;

q) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.

2 - The DAJN is led a head of section, a level 2 middle management position, and is under the supervision of the Regional Director.

3 - The holder of the position referred to in the preceding paragraph shall perform notary duties under the terms defined in the Regional Implementing Decree no.29/89/A of September 20 as well as the other legally authorised powers, namely in the Code of Notaries.


SECTION V - Other services

Article 32 - IT Services

1- IT Services operate under the supervision of the Regional Director.

a) Manage the IT system;

b) Manage the logistical and technical support to the services of the Regional Directorate for Housing in the area of telecommunications and information technology;

c) Manage administrative and financial applications;

d) Coordinate the IT and telecommunications services of the Regional Directorate for Housing and its dependent services, coordinating them with the global policies pursued for the regional administration;

e) Provide technical support to the correspondence management service of the Regional Directorate for Housing;

f) Administer, manage and maintain the architecture of information systems as well as the infrastructures of the various computer and communications systems;

g) Propose, implement and coordinate the development of computerisation projects involving the information system;

h) Carry out the systematic analysis of the development of the information system and propose appropriate solutions;

i) Study technological innovations and contribute to their dissemination;

j) Ensure the correct operation and maintenance of computer systems and equipment as well as the management of communications networks;

k) Propose the acquisition of equipment and systems considering the evolution of technologies and the needs of services, promoting their proper maintenance, updating and use;

l) Provide technical support to users of computer systems and propose the definition of standards for their use and other IT resources;

m) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.

3 - The IT services are coordinated by a worker under an employment contract of indefinite duration appointed for that purpose by order of the Regional Director for Housing, a position subject to the provisions of Article 7 of the Regional Legislative Decree no. 2/2005/A of May 9, as amended by the Regional Legislative Decrees no. 2/2006/A of January 6, 8/2008/A of March 31, 17/2009/A of October 14 and 34/2010/A of December 29.

Article 33 - Terceira Housing Services
1 - The Terceira Housing Services, designated as SHT, are under the direct administration of the Regional Director.

2 - The SHT is responsible, in general, for exercising the operational competences of the Regional Directorate for Housing in compliance with the guidelines set out by the Regional Director.

3 - The SHT is functionally coordinated with DSAGS, DSPGP, and DGFRH and DAJN services, complying with the guidelines set out for these services with regard to their areas of intervention.

4 - The SHT has the following responsibilities:

a) Provide all information to the public and ensure compliance with the measures determined by higher decision-making levels;

b) Receive documents and prepare all the applications that have to be submitted to the Regional Directorate for Housing for approval, including the required information;

c) Ensure the maintenance and conservation of all movable and immovable assets owned by the Regional Directorate for Housing;

d) Carry out other duties and tasks determined by higher decision-making levels.

5 - The SHT is led by a head of section, a level 2 middle management position.