
José Medeiros Ferreira Fellowship

Each year, the Regional Government of the Azores awards the ‘José Medeiros Ferreira’ Study Fellowship for attending a post-graduate course at the College of Europe.
This grant will cover the cost of tuition fees (which include accommodation and food) and a return journey between the student’s home and the place of the course.
Individuals who, having applied for and admitted to a post-graduate course at the College of Europe, are cumulatively up to 30 years of age (completed at the start of the course), have completed and completed secondary education in the Region and have been resident in the archipelago for at least three years may apply for the ‘José Medeiros Ferreira’ scholarship.
The award of the ‘José Medeiros Ferreira’ Study Fellowship is decided following the admission of the Azores candidate (s) to the College of Europe.
Interested parties must first apply to the College of Europe and then to the Government of the Azores Stock Exchange.

Regulation of the José Medeiros Ferreira Study Fellowship Programme

The deadline for applications for the academic year 2024/2025 at the College of Europe was 16 January 2024.

The opening of applications for the academic year 2025/2026 should take place in the last quarter of 2024, on a timely date.

The College of Europe is a private education institution, founded in 1949, with a recognised international prestige and has great traditions in studying, analysing and discussing European affairs, hosting every year on its campuses in Bruges (Belgium), Natolin (Poland) and Tirana (Albania), more than 400 postgraduate students in the fields of law, economics, politics and administration, international and diplomatic relations, interdisciplinary European Studies or Transformation and European Integration.

Candidates to attend the College must have a Bachelor’s degree and have a written and verbal command of English and French. 
All information about the College of Europe, as well as the application forms, can be found at:


Applications for the College of Europe run until 16 January

Applications for the College of Europe run until 18 January

Government of the Azores awards Medeiros Ferreira Study Exchange to Rodrigo Silva

Applications for the College of Europe run until 19 January

Regional Government of the Azores allocates Bolsa Medeiros Ferreira to André Garcia

Applications to the College of Europe and the Medeiros Ferreira Fellowship run until 15 January

Applications to the College of Europe and the José Medeiros Ferreira Fellowship run until 16 January

Applications to the College of Europe and the José Medeiros Ferreira Fellowship run until 18 January

Applications are open for attendance at the College of Europe and the José Medeiros Ferreira Fellowship

Regional Directorate for European Affairs and External Cooperation
Rua Adviser Dr Luís Bettencourt No 16
9500-058 Ponta Delgada – São Miguel – Azores
Telefone: 296 204 700 | Mail:  [email protected]