
Welcome Note

The Regional Directorate for European Affairs and External Cooperation operates under the Vice-Presidency of the Regional Government of the Azores.

Welcome to the Regional Directorate for European Affairs and External Cooperation. 

We are the department of the Regional Government of the Azores responsible for conducting the European and external policies pursued by the Azores.

At a European level, we carry out two essential tasks. Firstly, we are responsible for monitoring, coordinating, consulting and overseeing the European affairs that fall under the direct responsibility of specific governmental departments, such as Agriculture, Fisheries, Transport, Taxes, etc.

Secondly, we play an active role in the European interregional cooperation, with special emphasis on the Conference of Presidents of the Outermost Regions and the cooperation in the context of the Macaronesia area.

As regards External Cooperation, we seek to promote and enhance the Atlantic centrality of the Autonomous Region of the Azores and its integration into the International Relations system. Accordingly, we privilege the Region's position in the context of the Transatlantic Relationship and particularly its relations with the United States. Furthermore, we focus on the Region's cooperation with other infra-state and even state entities outside the European space, namely with Cape Verde as well as with Member States and Provinces of the United States, Canada and Brazil, in particular.