
Privacy policy

The Office of the Regional Deputy Secretary of the Presidency and dependent services values privacy and the protection of personal data, with practices and tools in the field of security and personal data protection.

The principles applicable to data protection ensure strict compliance with Article 35 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of data – General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – and Law No 58/2019 of 8 August, which implements the GDPR in the national legal order, and other applicable legislation, bearing in mind that the information provided by citizens, including their personal data, requires adequate privacy protection.

All personal data provided by citizens are treated with appropriate confidentiality, integrity and availability by ensuring existing best information security practices.

The personal data requested from the citizen shall be provided freely and on the basis of reading, understanding and accepting the published terms and conditions.

The use of our websites must be done by the citizen in a conscious and informed manner and must comply with the applicable legislation on computer crime and intellectual property rights. The citizen will be responsible for infringing these rules in actions that undermine the integrity of our systems or attempt to change information that could cause intent.

This Privacy Policy applies to the following websites belonging to the Office of the Regional Deputy Secretary of the Presidency:

The Office of the Regional Deputy Secretary of the Presidency and dependent services has a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted at [email protected]

Processing of Personal Data

According to the applicable legislation, personal data are any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (a natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as:

— Name
– Address
– Identification document number –
Location data (IP address – internet protocol) –
Identifiers by electronic means or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person, cf. Article 4(1) GDPR.

There are also special categories of data that cannot be processed, such as:

— Racial or ethnic origin –
Sexual orientation –
Political opinions –
Religious or philosophical convitions – Trade union
name –
Genetic, biometric and health data, except in specific cases (e.g. if you have received explicit consent or processing is necessary for reasons of important public interest on the basis of European or national law) – Personal
data relating to criminal convictions and offences, unless authorised by European or national law

The GDPR does not apply if the data subject has died, if the data subject is a legal person or if the processing is carried out by a natural person for a specific purpose duly covered by the Act.

Personal data Recollected

The Office of the Regional Deputy Secretary of the Presidency and dependent services requests and collects information on citizens’ personal data in a clear and objective manner, for specified, unambiguous and legitimate purposes. Data shall not be collected beyond what is strictly necessary to fulfil the public interest purpose.
All personal data collected are preceded by information to the citizen and, where applicable, prior consent, as provided for in Articles 6, 13 and 14 GDPR.

Data Processing and Retention

The Office of the Regional Deputy Secretary of the Presidency and dependent services are responsible for the processing of the data according to their legal basis.
Data shall be retained only for the period laid down by law and may be amended in accordance with the public interest, historical, scientific or statistical reasons justifying it. Personal
data provided by the data subject shall be transmitted in accordance with the legislation in force. 

Storage time

The data retention periods are based on legal and fiscal obligations, depending on the processing to be carried out. The data retention periods are supplemented by Article 21 of Law No 58/2019 of 8 August 2009.
Data shall be retained only for the period laid down by law and may be amended in accordance with the public interest, historical, scientific or statistical reasons justifying it. Personal data provided by the data subject shall be transmitted in accordance with the legislation in force.
In the Azores, Ministerial Implementing Order No 61/2019 of 9 September 2019 is in force, which applies to the Presidency of the Regional Government of the Azores, approving the document management regime for the Autonomous Regional Administration, relating to supporting activities, setting the final destinations and time limits for keeping documentation.

Personal data breach

In the event of a personal data breach, the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD) or another legally constituted data protection supervisory authority shall be alerted and the controller shall make such notification, where possible, no later than 72 hours after having become aware of it, in accordance with Article 33(1) GDPR.
The data subject shall have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (CNPD or other data protection supervisory authority that may be legally constituted), in accordance with Article 14(2) (e) GDPR.

Cookies and similar technologies 

The GSSRP website and dependent services uses cookies, which are a preference information retention mechanism, via the browser, with the aim of optimising navigation and enabling functionalities to ensure better navigation and operability. Under no circumstances are personal data transferred by users or recorded in cookies in the course of their activities on the websites to be transmitted to third parties, be they Partners, Customers or Suppliers.
Users may prevent the use of cookies through browser settings, but the performance of certain tools or services of the website may be affected.
The website and the other GSSRP services do not involve the processing of personal data through automated decision-making, nor does it result in profiling.

Liability decisions

The Office of the Regional Deputy Secretary of the Presidency and its dependent services shall not be liable for damages or damages as a result of the incorrect use of the Internet sites under its management. The use of, and access to, websites and their content should be done through secure IT systems and in a conscious manner. The websites of the Office of the Regional Deputy Secretary of the Presidency and dependent services are developed according to current technology. The use of discontinued technology or old browser versions may make it impossible to use the website.
Electronic sites may contain links to sites operated by third parties over which the Office of the Regional Deputy Secretary of the Presidency and dependent services has no control and for which it assumes no responsibility.
The display of legal provisions on this site does not preclude consultation of the laws in force, officially approved, published in the original editions and media (e.g. the Diário da República or the Official Journal of the European Union).

Changes to privacy policy

This privacy policy may be amended, considering that the changes will enter into force from the date of their placement on this site, with an explicit reference to the update date.

Updatedate: 11 October 2023