
April 10, 2023 - Published 685 days, 13 hours and 48 minutes ago

Institute for Food and Agricultural Markets

Institute for Food and Agricultural Markets
The Institute for Food and Agricultural Markets (IAMA) has the following responsibilities:
a) Regulate the regional agri-food market, mainly through intervention operations
b) Support the implementation of economic and technological policy measures aimed the production and processing of agri-food products, contributing to the technological improvement of agricultural products and by-products and their subsequent industrial processing
c) Support the definition and implementation of food quality policies, particularly regarding the establishment of standards as well as the promotion and monitoring of products intended for human and animal consumption
d) Exercise all the powers assigned to it by national entities regarding the products of its area of activity

For the pursuance of its duties, IAMA has the following responsibilities:
a) Monitor developments on the Azorean agricultural and livestock markets up to the first processing
b) Guide, regulate and organise these markets by managing and implementing the mechanisms and tools provided for in the respective market organisations
c) Collaborate with national government bodies responsible for implementing at national level all the tools for the guidance, regulation and organisation of agricultural markets provided for in national and common market organisations
d) Maintain contact with national and Community bodies on matters relating to the common agricultural policy within their areas of competence
e) Monitor developments in the regional, national and Community legislative and statistical framework on matters within its competence and propose, when necessary, their adaptation to the Region
f) Propose economic, technological and industrial policy measures aimed at agri-food industry and trade
g) Supervise slaughterhouses, poultry slaughterhouses, egg grading stations, milk processing plants, fruit stations and other infrastructures used for the wholesale distribution of agricultural and livestock products owned by private entities, monitoring the quality of the services provided
h) Monitor the quality of agricultural products from their production up to the first processing
i) Collaborate in nationwide actions carried out in the area of food quality policies, namely those regarding the study and preparation of appropriate standards for the monitoring of food and feed products
j) Promote the quality of agricultural and livestock products up to their first industrial processing, improving the quality of industrial establishments as well as of packaging, storage and transport conditions
l) Issue certificates of quality and authenticity of agri-food products and award quality marks
m) Issue opinions on the quality and quantity of food products to be imported to the Region and collaborate with the regional services of the Directorate-General of Customs within its area of competence

IAMA is composed of the following bodies:
a) The Board composed of three members, a president and two members
b) The Advisory Board

For the pursuance of its duties, IAMA operates the following services:
a) Support services:
- Administrative Services Department
- Technical Office
- Directorate of Organisation and Management Services
b) Operational services:
- Directorate of Agricultural Market Services
- Directorate of Quality Services
c) External services:
- São Miguel Slaughterhouse
- São Miguel Milk Classification Service
- Terceira and Faial Offices

IAMA Board
The board of IAMA has the following responsibilities:
a) Manage the services of IAMA and guide them in the performance of their duties;
b) Manage IAMA in accordance with approved plans and programmes;
c) Draw up and submit for approval the multiannual and annual activity plans, the budget and the accounts report;
d) Propose and implement the measures deemed necessary for the exercise of powers assigned to IAMA;
e) Authorise expenditure within the limits laid down by law

Advisory Board
The Advisory Board has the responsibility to issue opinions on:
a) The business plans implemented by IAMA
b) The market situation of agri-food products
c) Any other matters referred to it by the President

Composition of the Advisory Board:
a) President of the Board
b) Regional Director for Rural Development
c) Director of the Planning Office of the Secretariat Regional for Agriculture and Forestry
d) A representative of the Regional Secretariat for Economic Affairs
e) Three representatives of farmers' associations
f) Two representatives of the cooperative production sector
g) A representative of the dairy industry
h) A representative of the meat processing industry
i) A representative of the fruit and vegetable processing industry
j) A representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Azores
l) A representative of unions in the agri-food sector

Administrative Services Department
The Administrative Services Department has the following responsibilities:
a) Draw up and update the records of all staff
b) Promote the recruitment, selection, training and professional development of all staff
c) Organise information on retirement and dismissal procedures
d) Carry out administrative work related to the processing of salaries and other allowances as well as of social benefits, namely those allocated under ADSE (State Health Care System)
e) Ensure the management of all assets owned by IAMA, providing for their conservation and maintenance
f) Organise and update the asset inventory and register
g) Promote the acquisition of machinery, transport equipment, furniture and other equipment necessary for all IAMA bodies and services, through open or restricted public tenders or direct adjustments for the acquisition of goods and services
h) Carry out all tasks related to the processing of official correspondence, the registration and classification of incoming and outgoing documentations and the monitoring of the movement of documents by support services
i) Organise and update the general archive
j) Provide typing service and general administrative support to the services of IAMA Headquarters
l) Ensure the provision of public services and clarification requests

The Administrative Services Section comprises:
a) the Staff Section
b) The Assets and General Affairs Section

Technical Office
The Technical Office is responsible for the study, coordination and support of IAMA bodies and services and for provision of technical advice in its areas of competence.

The Technical Office comprises
a) The Technical Support Section
b) The Information and Documentation Section

Technical Support Section
The Technical Support Section has the following responsibilities:
a) Draw up programmes, projects, studies and opinions on relevant matters
 b) Collaborate in the preparation of the annual and multi-annual activity plans of IAMA
c) Support IAMA bodies and services in all areas
d) Coordinate the preparation of studies deemed necessary for the implementation of measures and standards in the areas of IAMA activity

Information and Documentation Section
The Information and Documentation Section has the following responsibilities: 
a) Collect, process and disseminate information on the market prices of agricultural and other selected products on a regular basis to markets and commercial agents
b) Compile and register annual statistics on imports and exports of agricultural products of major regional interest as well as the results of production, distribution and trade of agri-food products
c) Monitor the operation of the regional agricultural market and the evolution of the national and Community markets in the same sector
d) Lay down the applicable rules for agri-food markets and ensure their dissemination
e) Promote the dissemination of information among associations in the production and primary processing sectors
f) Ensure the technical processing of publications and promote their dissemination among the services
g) Issue publications, either on a regular or occasional basis, concerning matters that fall within the competences of IAMA
h) Provide the service of distribution and sale of publications
i) Archive all technical and legislative documentation relating to IAMA activities and update the respective files

Directorate of Organisation and Management Services
The Directorate of Organisation and Management Services is the operational support service responsible for the areas of organisation, budget management, preparation of accounting documents and processing of accounting

The Directorate of Organisation and Management Services comprises:
a) The Financial Management Section
b) The IT Department

Financial Management Section
The Financial Management Section has the following responsibilities:
a) Collect information on revenue and expenditure for the preparation of ordinary and extraordinary budgets
b) Monitor the implementation of the budget
c) Ensure the necessary collection of revenue, fund requisitions for IAMA under the Budget of the Autonomous Region of the Azores and transfers of budget funds
d) Prepare the information on budget control to be submitted to the Regional Directorate for the Budget and Accounting as well as the necessary information for the organisation and preparation of the annual management account and the respective report
e) Process and verify all revenue and expenditure documents and record all transactions on the accounting ledgers
f) Organise the archive containing all management documents
g) Collect the revenue generated by IAMA and undertake the payment of authorised and processed expenditure
h) Keep treasury ledgers updated
i) Prepare balance-sheets on a regular basis

The Financial Management Section comprises:
a) The Budget and Accounting Section
b) The Treasury Section

IT Department
The IT Department has the following responsibilities:
a) Ensure the coordination of all services using IT equipment
b) Coordinate data processing planning
c) Conduct studies with a view to optimising the use of computer equipment, considering the resources available
d) Collaborate in the training of staff working at this department
e) Organise and implement training activities for IT users
f) Coordinate the study and the logical and functional analysis of computer applications to be implemented
g) Study the technical characteristics of the computer equipment and software to be used
h) Ensure quality control of information and results

Directorate of Agricultural Market Services
The Directorate of Agricultural Market Services is the department responsible for monitoring, studying and organising national and Community agricultural markets as well as for guiding, regulating and organising the same markets at regional level.
The Directorate of Agricultural Market Services comprises:
a) The Milk and Dairy Section
b) The Meat and Other Animal Products Section
c) The Plant Products Section

The sections mentioned in the previous article have the following responsibilities in their respective areas:
a) Monitor and analyse the operation and evolution of regional markets in their respective products, proposing the necessary measures and actions for their organisation, orientation and regulation
b) Ensure regional representation in national management bodies and working groups on the markets for their products. participating in meetings held in or outside the country where matters within their area of competence are addressed
c) Monitor and analyse the operation of Community, international and national markets and propose, accordingly, appropriate measures for the proper integration of the regional market
d) Carry out the monitoring operations deemed necessary for the implementation of market intervention measures.
e) Collaborate systematically in the development of an information system for the markets of the respective products, through coordination with other entities or services
f) Collaborate in the preparation of expenditure budgets arising from the application of price and guarantee schemes provided for in the regional and Community framework

Directorate of Quality Services
The Directorate of Quality Services is the service with competence in the areas of agricultural product quality
The Directorate of Quality Services comprises:
a) The Animal Quality Products Section
b) The Plant Product Quality Section

Animal and Plant Product Quality Sections
The Animal and Plant Quality Sections have the following responsibilities in their respective areas of activity:
a) Collaborate in the appropriate studies for the definition of food and nutrition policy
b) Collaborate in the preparation of regulations and technical standards for food and feed products, including their respective packaging and branding
c) Verify the application of regulations and quality standards to products, raw materials, ingredients and additives
d) Promote good packaging, branding and labelling practices
e) Implement measures to promote the quality of agricultural products and improve the quality of industrial establishments involved in primary processing, packaging, storage, transport and sale
f) Carry out the necessary inspections to issue certificates of quality and authenticity of products and award quality marks
g) Issue opinions on the quality and quantity of products to be imported into the Region
h) Collaborate with the regional services of the Directorate-General of Customs within its area of competence

São Miguel Slaughterhouse
The São Miguel Slaughterhouse includes all the slaughterhouses located on the islands of São Miguel and Santa Maria

Milk Classification Services
The Milk Classification Services are responsible for carrying out all activities related to the classification of milk produced by farmers based on hygiene quality and composition, namely:
a) Collect individual samples on site and under the conditions defined by the services
b) Run all the laboratory tests on the samples collected according to the legislation in force and draw up the classification lists on a regular basis
c) Report the classification results to the competent authorities
d) Draw up activity reports

IAMA Offices
The IAMA offices are responsible for carrying out the activities necessary for the performance of the duties and powers assigned to IAMA on the islands where they operate

Terceira Office
The Terceira Office operates on the islands of Terceira, São Jorge and Graciosa
The Terceira office comprises:
a) The slaughterhouses located on the islands where it operates
b) The Terceira Milk Classification Service (SERCLAT)

Faial Office
The Faial office will operate on the islands of Faial, Pico, Flores and Corvo, comprising the slaughterhouses located on these islands

Constitutive Documents: