
Welcome Note

The Regional Directorate for Prevention and Control of Dependencies is the operational service of the Regional Secretariat for Health and Sport, whose mission is the Promotion of Health and Healthy Lifestyles as well as the Prevention and Intervention in Additive Behaviours and Dependencies (CAD).

Its vision focuses on the consolidation and further development of an integrated and effective policy in the context of Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies, based on intersectoral coordination, aiming at health gains and well-being in society.


All interventions are centred on citizens from an active perspective of their life cycle. In this regard, it is essential to provide responses as early as possible, which should not only focus on disease but also on the promotion of health, through the reinforcement of personal skills, and family and social ties.

This space aims to provide updated information on our strategies and projects to be developed as well as to collect your opinions/suggestions, clarify your doubts and answer your questions by email.