
September 20, 2023 - Published 522 days, 7 hours and 52 minutes ago

Regional Directorate for Rural Development

Regional Directorate for Rural Development

Competences and structure

1 - The Regional Directorate for Rural Development is responsible for supporting the Regional Secretary in the development of regional agricultural policies as well as for guiding, coordinating and monitoring its implementation at regional and local level.

2 - The Regional Directorate for Rural Development comprises the following services: a) Directorate of Agricultural and Livestock Services (DSAP); b) Directorate of Veterinary Services (DSV); c) Administrative, Financial and Planning Section (DAFP).

3 - As part of its competences, the Regional Directorate for Rural Development will be supported by island agrarian development services.

Directorate of Agriculture and Livestock Services (DSAP)
1 - The DSAP has the following responsibilities:
a) Guide and coordinate the activities of the services integrated into this directorate;
b) Ensure the collection and processing of the information deemed necessary for drawing up the regulations to be applied in the Region regarding the protection of agricultural production;
c) Conduct the studies deemed necessary for the establishment of regulations on plant health and plant propagating material;
d) Promote and coordinate studies on the adaptation and production of foundation seed, other seeds and vegetative material for the propagation of agricultural species of regional interest, monitoring quality and ensuring their certification;
e) Ensure the diagnosis and zoning of crop enemies to study and promote the implementation of measures aimed at controlling pests and diseases, weeds and other plant pathogens;
f) Ensuring the plant health inspection of imported agricultural products, cooperating with other entities in issuing opinions on their quality, as well as the certification of those exported;
g) Cooperate with other official bodies in detecting pests and diseases that may exist in products of plant origin;
h) Issue certificates of quality and origin;
i) Study and promote the setting up of quarantine units as well as the actions necessary to comply with national and international regulations within its areas of competence;
j) Promote the development and testing of production in the field of agricultural and livestock experimentation, monitoring experimental and demonstration units;
k) Promote rural extension, through the dissemination of acquired technical knowledge and the creation of homogeneous groups by area, crops or location;
l) Promote, in collaboration with other entities, the study and definition of the best adapted crops and breeds as well as the study of the most appropriate farming systems to the characteristics of the different agro-ecological areas and existing socio-economic conditions;
m) Ensure the study and definition of the types of facilities and equipment most suited to efficient agricultural practices, considering the constraints referred to in the previous paragraph and their appropriate environmental context;
n) Promote the dissemination of information on agro-rural development among producers;
o) Establish technical standards and supervise animal breeding activities, namely artificial insemination, milk contrast, registration in cattle herd books, promoting the genetic evaluation of the breeding stock;
p) Draw up and implement the national plan to control pesticide residues in products of plant origin;
q) Promote the development and implementation of vocational training plans for farmers and rural workers as well as for technicians and young people on an alternate basis.
2 - The DSAP comprises the Regional Plant Health Laboratory (LRSV).
3 - The director of DSAP also heads the LRSV.
4 - The DSAP operates various services headed by a coordinator, who is appointed under the terms of Regional Legislative Decree no. 2/2005/A of May 9.

Directorate of Veterinary Services (DSV)
1 - The DSV has the following responsibilities:
a) Draw up, define, coordinate and evaluate the development of health protection measures under the programmes for the epidemiological surveillance, control and eradication of infectious and parasitic diseases in animals, with a view to improving productivity, profitability and quality;
b) Organise and propose emergency measures (contingency plans), promote drills and ensure the operational readiness of health equipment and materials for such actions;
c) Organise and process animal health information through national database systems, collecting statistical information on prophylactic and sanitation actions;
d) Collaborate in the drafting of legislation and/or other rules or regulations concerning the protection and welfare of animals, particularly livestock, pets, wildlife and those used in research or experimentation, shows and exhibitions;
e) Promote, disseminate, monitor, control and supervise the activities concerning the animals referred to in the previous paragraph with the aim of ensuring that their rights are respected;
f) Promote, with other public or private entities, namely with animal welfare associations, the application of legal or regulatory measures aimed at the protection and welfare of animals, both as regards their habitat and their accommodation, management, use, transport and slaughter;
g) Coordinate the activities of municipal veterinarians and other entities in the areas of animal health and veterinary public hygiene;
h) Collaborate in the implementation of information and awareness initiatives on health education and public health protection, developing and coordinating veterinary health education initiatives;
i) Collaborate with other entities in all matters necessary to achieve its goals;
j) ensure the actions deemed necessary for the implementation of national animal identification and registration systems.

2 - The DSV comprises the following services:
a) Veterinary Public Hygiene Section (DHPV);
b) Regional Veterinary Laboratory (LRV).

Veterinary Public Hygiene Section (DHPV)
The DHPV has the following responsibilities:
a) Define the regulations for the operation and action of health inspectors, with a view to safeguarding the authenticity and health of raw materials and other fresh products of animal origin;
b) Define, regulate and coordinate the activities of official veterinarians and health inspections of animal products intended for public consumption or for industrial purposes;
c) Provide technical advice on installation projects and equipment for the slaughter, inspection, handling, preparation, processing, storage and distribution of fresh products of animal origin;
d) Ensure official approval and registration by defining, verifying and controlling the hygiene and health conditions in the operation of the establishments referred to in the preceding paragraphs, with a view to their licensing and the allocation of the veterinary control certificate;
e) Participate in epidemiological enquiries conducted by the health authorities following outbreaks and food-borne illnesses caused by toxins in the context of veterinary medicine;
f) Ensure the implementation of measures to guarantee the quality of agri-food raw materials and by-products for public consumption at the various stages of production, storage and transport;
g) Establish and disseminate the rules for veterinary inspections applicable to intra-Community trade as well as to imports and exports from third countries with regard to animals and fresh products of animal origin intended for human consumption or other purposes and products of plant origin for animal feed, including the issuing of health and hygiene certificates and other documents in accordance with regional, national and Community legislation;
h) Ensure the participation in all meetings related to veterinary inspections of animals and fresh products of animal origin, providing the competent authorities with all information relevant to the conduction of these inspections;
i) Coordinate the activities of the health inspectors assigned to the various services of the Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Forestry (SRAF).

Regional Veterinary Laboratory (LRV)
1 - The LRV has the following responsibilities:
a) Carry out the necessary laboratory support work for the performance of the duties assigned to the DSV and the DHPV, through testing in the areas of histology and anatomic pathology, bacteriology, virology, mycology, immunology, chemistry, molecular biology, toxicology and genetics;
b) Collaborate in the development and implementation of the national waste detection plan and the feed control plan, with particular reference to the detection of banned substances;
c) Collaborate with inspection authorities in carrying out microbiological control tests on food of animal origin or intended for animal feed;
d) Plan and conduct applied research in areas of major economic and health interest at regional level;
e) Coordinate and guide, from a technical standpoint, the activities of the laboratories located on the other islands.
2 - The LRV is headed by a director, who is also the head of section.

Administrative, Financial and Planning Section (DAFP)
The DAFP has the following responsibilities:
a) Provide technical assistance to the Regional Director by providing information as well as other tools deemed necessary for the definition, coordination and implementation of the activities carried out by this department;
b) Ensure the testing and processing of salaries and other allowances of the staff assigned to the technical and administrative support services of the Regional Directorate for Rural Development;
c) Prepare the budget proposal for the Regional Directorate for Rural Development;
d) Collaborate with the other entities and services of the Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Forestry in the preparation of the annual and medium-term plans;
e) Develop programmes, projects and studies on matters assigned to this department;
f) Ensure administrative procedures and processing of expenditure relating to the implementation of projects and programmes jointly undertaken by various department of the Regional Directorate for Rural Development;
g) Collect the necessary information on staff management and administration;
h) Draw up and update the inventory of assets owned by the Regional Directorate for Rural Development;
i) Promote the acquisition and rental of assets, equipment and material deemed necessary for the operation of the Regional Directorate for Rural Development;
j) Ensure the management, conservation and safety of the assets owned by the Regional Directorate for Rural Development;
k) Ensure the registration, classification, delivery, archiving and monitoring of documentation of the Regional Directorate for Rural Development;
l) Carry out administrative services;
m) Collaborate in the collection of statistical information;
n) Provide legal advice and legislative support to the Regional Director;
o) Provide technical and legal information to all services of the Regional Directorate for Rural Development;
p) Provide legal and technical support, particularly in the areas related to staff matters and the preparation and monitoring of the budget and investment plan for island agrarian development services within the scope of the competences of this Regional Directorate.
2 - The DAFP will include an Administrative Support Section (SAA).