
Emiliana Leonilde Diniz Gil Soares da Silva Regional Director for Rural Development
Biographical Note

Emiliana Leonilde Diniz Gil Soares da Silva graduated in Zootechnical Engineering at the University of the Azores, Portugal.

She holds a Master's degree in Economics and Agrarian Sociology from the Technical University of Lisbon (School of Agriculture), Portugal.

She holds a Doctorate degree in Agro-Food Economics from the University of Córdoba, Spain.

She received her aggregation in Agricultural Economics at the University of the Azores, Portugal.

She has lectured at the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (School of Agriculture) and at the University of the Azores (Departments of Agricultural Sciences and Economics and Business Management). In this context, she has taught economics and agricultural management to technological specialisation courses as well as to graduate and master's degree programmes. She has also taken part in academic examinations as supervisor and examiner.

She has taught economics and agricultural management to graduate and master's degree programmes at various European and American universities.

She is an expert in European policies at the Ministry of Agriculture and the Sea and at the Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning.

She has participated in many regional, national, European and international projects in the areas of economics and agricultural management and other related areas.

She is a member of the research centre at the Centre for Applied Economics Studies of the University of the Azores and was part of the Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies of the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro.

She has been a journal referee for more than fifty scientific articles on economics, management and other related areas in national but mostly in international journals.

She has published about one hundred and thirty papers: books, book chapters, articles in national and international journals, articles in national and international conference proceedings, workpapers and other publications in the fields of economics and agricultural management.

She was a member of several scientific conference committees as well as convenor, discussant, topic editor and guest speaker at national and international conferences.

She has organised various events, conferences, workshops and scientific event sessions.

She was also part of the management bodies of the University of the Azores.

She has been distinguished with several prizes, honourable mentions and commendations for her academic and scientific activity.

She is a member of the Portuguese Engineers Association and of the Portuguese Agricultural Economics Association.