
Portuguese Courses for Speakers of Other Languages

The Portuguese Courses for Speakers of other languages are promoted by the Government of the Azores, through the Regional Directorate for the Communities and the Regional Directorate for Education and Educational Administration and are regulated by the Ordinance no 49/2012 of April 27, amended and republished by Ordinance no 56/2014 of August 19.

The courses are aimed at foreign citizens, of legal age, living in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, whose mother tongue is not Portuguese, and they take place during working and after-working hours.

It aims to contribute to the full integration of immigrants living in the archipelago, through their professional and personal development.

The final approval of the course, duly certified, allows immigrants to fulfil the requirements of the regimes for acquiring Portuguese nationality, granting permanent residence permits and long-term residence status, with regard to the requirement and proof of knowledge of the Portuguese language. The courses can be promoted in the Autonomous Region of the Azores by the following training entities:

  1. Public, private or cooperative entities, namely municipalities, companies or business associations, unions and local, regional or national associations;
  2. Public education establishments.

The applications must be presented until March 31st.

For more information contact: [email protected] or 296 204 810