


The Regional Labour Inspectorate has the following tasks:

To monitor and inspect compliance with legal and contractual provisions concerning working relations and conditions, in particular those relating to safety and health at work;

To raise awareness, information and advice in the context of working relations and conditions and in the field of safety and health at work, with a view to clarifying the persons involved and their associations with a view to complying with the applicable rules;

Promoting and collaborating in the development and implementation of scientific and technical knowledge in the field of safety and health at work;

To participate in the development of occupational safety and health policies;

SMEC_ALL_Ensuring the procedure for labour infringements and the organisation of their individual register;

To draw up opinions and studies relating to labour legislation;

To verify the legal requirements relating to the provision of information on the company’s social activity, working time, and to grant authorisations relating to employment relationships;

Propose measures necessary to overcome the shortcomings or omissions identified in relation to the absence or inadequacy of the legislative provisions which it is incumbent upon it to ensure compliance with;

Receive and process communications and notifications concerning working conditions and employment relationships which are to be addressed to him under the law;

To promote actions and provide information aimed at clarifying subjects of employment law and their professional associations with regard to the interpretation and effective compliance with the applicable rules and in the field of safety and health at work;

Mandating the authorisation process for external occupational safety service;

To authorise the exercise of the occupational safety activity by the employer or designated worker;

To exercise the licensing powers conferred on it by law; and

To carry out the other tasks legally assigned to the department responsible for inspection by the ministry responsible for labour.

Legislation applicable:

Status of the Regional Labour Inspectorate:

Regional Regulatory Decree No 14/2001/A. of 9 November 2001

Organic law:

Regional Regulatory Decree No 28/2020/A. of 10 December 2009

Regional Regulatory Decree No 7/2013/A of 11 July 2009, as amended and republished by Regional Regulatory Decree No 13/2014/A of 7 August 2006.