- Institucional
- Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
Applications open for Portuguese Language Courses for Foreigners
Governo dos Açores congratula-se com atribuição do Selo Protetor a instituições regionais
Portuguese language courses for non-native speakers take place on three islands
The mission of the Regional Directorate for Education is to develop, guide, coordinate and evaluate the Azorean education system by promoting its development and ensuring its quality, equity and democracy.
We have accomplished many goals in the regional education system. However, we are aware of the huge responsibility that comes with the preparation of children and young people for full citizenship in the challenging society of the 21st century.
Our goal is to provide Azorean schools with the best possible conditions so that teachers and students may fulfil themselves throughout their educational and professional path. We believe it is possible to achieve better results by investing in the professional development of our teachers in a culture of professional rigour, hard work, critical thinking, creativity and innovation.
We will work together with the entire school community as well as with other partners who wish to join us in one of the most important social tasks: the education and training of new generations of Azoreans.
This space not only provides information on our education system, but also allows citizens to contact us, asking questions or making suggestions.
All are welcome to the Regional Directorate for Education page.
February 7, 2025
Applications open for Portuguese Language Courses for Foreigners
Applications for the organisation of Portuguese Courses for Foreigners are open until March 31. Interested entities can submit applications to the Regional Directorate for the Communities until March 31. The Portuguese Language Courses for Foreigners are an initiative promoted by the Regional Government, through the Regional Directorates for the Communities and Educational Administration. They intend to contribute to the full integration of foreign citizens living in the archipelago, through their personal and professional development. Eligible training entities are public, private or cooperative organisations, including public school establishments, local authorities, companies, business associations, unions and other local, regional or national organisations. These courses are aimed at foreign citizens residing in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, aged 18 or over, who can attest that they do not hold Portuguese nationality. They are also required to hold a valid permanent residence permit in Portugal or proof that they are taking the necessary procedures to obtain, renew or extend it. The successful completion of these courses certifies trainees with Portuguese language proficiency skills - A2 level, under the terms of the provisions of the Portuguese Nationality Regulations as well as the legal scheme on the entry and permanence of foreigners. In 2024, the initiative registered five courses attended by 94 trainees from 32 countries. CRESAÇOR - Regional Cooperative of Solidarity Economy, CRL, promoted three courses in São Miguel, AIPA - Association of Immigrants in the Azores organised one course in Terceira and the Horta Municipal Council promoted one course in Faial. Since its inception in 2013, 31 courses have been held, taught by six entities on the islands of Faial, Flores, Pico, São Miguel and Terceira, reaching around 691 trainees from 67 countries. The Portuguese Language Courses for Foreigners are regulated by ordinance no. 49/2012 of April 27, amended and republished by ordinance no. 56/2014 of August 19. For further information, the entities interested in promoting these courses should contact the Regional Directorate for the Communities by telephone on 296 204 700 or email at [email protected]. Alternatively, the information on these courses is also available on the Regional Government Portal, via the link: https://bit.ly/3ZQhXDQ.
October 22, 2023
Governo dos Açores congratula-se com atribuição do Selo Protetor a instituições regionais
Pela primeira vez nos Açores, há duas Entidades com Competência em Matéria de Infância e Juventude (ECMIJ) certificadas com o “Selo Protetor”, um sistema integrado de gestão do risco e do perigo das crianças e jovens. As candidaturas do Colégio São Francisco Xavier - Província Portuguesa das Irmãs de S. José de Cluny em São Miguel, e a Associação Olhar Poente, na ilha Terceira, resultam de todo um trabalho de promoção e divulgação da Vice-Presidência do Governo Regional, através do Comissariado dos Açores para a Infância, de proteção e defesa dos direitos humanos das crianças, um dos pilares fundadores do desenvolvimento e progresso de uma comunidade. O “Selo Protetor” é uma iniciativa da Comissão Nacional de Promoção dos Direitos e Proteção de Crianças e Jovens, que já vai na sua 6ª edição. Constitui-se, para todas as ECMIJ, como mais uma ferramenta para o desenvolvimento de metodologias pró-ativas de promoção dos direitos das crianças e jovens, para além da oportunidade de autodiagnóstico e capacitação das mesmas. Podem candidatar-se toda as entidades que demonstrem intencionalidade preventiva na proteção e defesa dos direitos das crianças e jovens, bem como no desenvolvimento do trabalho em parceria, respondendo de modo positivo aos requisitos exigidos. Cumprindo o seu Plano Anual de Atividades, o Comissariado dos Açores para a Infância contou com a colaboração das Direções Regionais da Solidariedade Social e da Educação e Administração Educativa na divulgação e promoção da adesão a esta medida de política pública, junto de todas as entidades com respostas sociais educativas e todos os estabelecimentos de ensino da Região. A Vice-Presidência do Governo Regional, através do Comissariado dos Açores para a Infância, congratula-se com a atribuição do Selo a estas duas entidades, a quem felicita porque, a partir de agora, ganham mais prestígio, mas também uma responsabilidade acrescida na salvaguarda dos direitos das crianças e jovens.