Region must shift sedentary lifestyle paradigm, defends Artur Lima
Governo Regional promove 23.ª edição da Gala do Desporto Açoriano
Regional Government promotes "Merit Measure" in Sport
Our mission is to ensure the implementation of the established policies for sports, creating, coordinating and supporting the activities in the sports system. It includes physical and sports activities as well as school sports activities in order to spread sports among the Azorean population.
As such, this page is intended as the first means of contact for the provision of information and clarification, available to all.
This space should not and cannot replace a relation of proximity and cooperation with the different entities that are our interlocutors, as it is one of the main pillars of the Regional Directorate for Sport.
Another pillar is based on the establishment of criteria and the transparency of procedures for the granting of aid, which can be confirmed through the documents available for different areas of intervention.
Despite our information dissemination efforts, you will certainly find areas for improvement or questions you may have. Don't hesitate! All questions or suggestions are welcome.
September 29, 2024
Region must shift sedentary lifestyle paradigm, defends Artur Lima
The Vice-President of the Regional Government, Artur Lima, presided over the closing of the 2nd International Conference "Awakening in the Fight against the Motor Pandemic - The Results," which took place at the Angra do Heroísmo Cultural and Conference Centre. The results of a study commissioned by the Regional Government from the Faculty of Sport of the University of Porto were announced at the meeting. The aim was to assess the physical and motor conditions of children and young people in the Region. "The results of this study present us with several challenges in the motor area, which ultimately extend to health, social inclusion and equal opportunities," said Artur Lima. The study, which included a sample of more than 5,300 Azorean children and young people, will serve as the basis for preparing a strategy to minimise the damage to health caused by the motor pandemic induced by covid-19. The Vice-President also underlined "the Regional Government's willingness to pursue public policies aimed at promoting sport and physical activity as part of the solution in the fight against this motor pandemic." "We need to shift the paradigm of sedentary lifestyles and physical activity so that we can have a healthier population that is less prone to health problems in the future. And this is what we have awakened in this conference, with the contribution of various regional directorates and experts from different areas," he added. The initiativeemerged in 2022, following the project "Triumph through sport, education and health in the fight against the motor pandemic induced by covid-19 in Azorean children and young people." The covid-19 pandemic has led to the closure of schools and sports centres. It has also resulted in restrictions on physical activity, with a severe impact on the health of children and young people in the Azores. In addition to the strategic partnership with the University of Porto, the project involved various organisations in the Regional Government, namely those with responsibilities in Social Solidarity, Health, Sport, Education and Youth.
June 7, 2024
Governo Regional promove 23.ª edição da Gala do Desporto Açoriano
A Secretaria Regional da Educação, Cultura e Desporto, através da Direção Regional do Desporto (DRD), promove a XXIII edição da Gala do Desporto Açoriano. A Gala do Desporto Açoriano mantém os principais objetivos de homenagear e distinguir os agentes desportivos e as entidades do associativismo desportivo que, desta feita, se notabilizaram ao longo da época desportiva 2022/2023 e 2023 através dos resultados e das classificações alcançadas, bem como do contributo que deram ao desenvolvimento desportivo regional por via do seu trabalho. A Direção Regional do Desporto mantém a votação aberta ao público, em regime online, para as categorias “Comunicação Social”, “Desportista do Ano” e “Prestígio Desportivo Anual”. Este ano, a categoria “Desportista do Ano” contempla a atribuição de um galardão a atletas do género masculino e outro do género feminino. Assim, cada entidade/indivíduo pode votar num dos nomes indicados para cada categoria através dos seguintes links: “Comunicação Social” “Desportista do Ano” e “Prestígio Desportivo Anual” As votações estão disponíveis até ao dia 3 de julho do corrente ano. Para a categoria “Comunicação Social” estão em votação os seguintes nomes: Entidade: Diário Insular RTP Açores/RDP Açores Diário da Lagoa Rádio Clube Asas do Atlântico Rádio Clube de Angra O Dever Jornalista: Mateus Rocha José Silva Mariana Lucas Furtado Carlos Rodrigues Lino Inocêncio Para a categoria “Desportista do Ano”, que este ano contempla a atribuição de um galardão ao género masculino e outro ao género feminino, estão em votação os seguintes nomes: Género masculino Gonçalo Oliveira Rodrigues - Jet Ski - Clube Náutico de Lagoa Rui Pedro Cansado Ribeiro - Ginástica Aeróbica - Clube de Actividades Gímnicas de Ponta Delgada Simão Teixeira Cordeniz - Basquetebol - Sport Club Lusitânia Género feminino Júlia Vitorino Leal - Ténis de Mesa - Grupo Desportivo do Centro Social do Juncal Ana Margarida Filipe - Atletismo - Clube Desportivo da Associação Cristã da Mocidade da Ilha Terceira Leonor Jora Januário - Ginástica Aeróbica - Clube de Actividades Gímnicas de Ponta Delgada Para a categoria “Prestígio Desportivo Anual” estão em votação os seguintes nomes: Maria Alexandra Soares dos Reis Graça da Ponte - Ginástica Aeróbica - Treinadora - Clube de Actividades Gímnicas de Ponta Delgada Maria Nélia Brito Nunes - Voleibol - Dirigente - Associação de Jovens da Fonte do Bastardo Paulo Jorge Saraiva Borges - Futsal Adaptado - Treinador - Clube Desportivo de Santa Clara Bruno Paulo Almeida França - Judo - Dirigente - Associação de Judo do Arquipélago dos Açores