
Alexandra Andrade Coordinator of the Crafts and Design Centre of the Azores
Biographical Note

She graduated in History and Social Sciences, with a teaching specialisation, from the University of the Azores. She joined the teaching career between 1988 and 1999, the year when she began working the Regional Centre for Handicrafts in the area of certification of handicraft products under the collective certification brand "Artesanato dos Açores" (Azores Handicrafts).

In 2002, she became Coordinator of the Regional Centre for the Support of Handicrafts (CRAA), on secondment, and was responsible for the consolidation of a recent structure as well as for the professional recognition of the sector - implementation of the Artisan Statue and of the Handicraft Production Unit. She was also responsible for the implementation of governmental strategies to support the development of handicrafts in the Azores, such as the creation of a certification system for handicraft companies and a regional network of specialty fairs.

Since 2011, she has held her position as a Senior Technician at the Regional Centre for Handicrafts, resuming her research work for the certification of new handicraft products and for their knowledge and appreciation, through publications with a historical and technical focus.

Among her works already published in this area, it is important to highlight those arising from the research carried out for the certification of handicraft products, such as "Bordados dos Açores," published jointly by the Chamber of Commerce of Ponta Delgada and CRAA in 2001; "Bordado dos Açores"- published in the IEFP Edition, "Fios - Formas e Memórias dos Tecidos, Rendas e Bordados" published in June 2009; "Cerâmica dos Açores," also published by CRAA, under the administration of the Vice-Presidency of the Government, Employment and Business Competitiveness; "A tradição da cultura e tecelagem do linho in Tecelagem dos Açores – Contornos Insulares," published by the Vice-Presidency of the Government, Employment and Business Competitiveness, through CRAA, in 2019. The most recent work, "Rendas dos Açores - Álbum de motivos têxteis," was published by the Regional Secretariat for Youth, Vocational Training and Employment, through the Crafts and Design Centre of the Azores in March 2021.