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February 21, 2025 José Manuel Bolieiro highlights Azores as leaders in ocean protection and blue economy The President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, took part on Thursday in the conference "European Pact for the Ocean and Marine Protected Areas: The Case Study of the Azores," held at the European Parliament in Brussels. The event, organised by MEP Paulo Nascimento Cabral, was attended by Tiago Pitta e Cunha, Executive Director of the Oceano Azul Foundation, and Carmen Crespo Díaz, MEP and Chair of the Committee on Fisheries. The initiative focused on the Azores' leading role in approving the largest network of marine protected areas in the North Atlantic. Environmental challenges and the need for a European Ocean Pact to strengthen the blue economy and promote sustainable management of marine resources were also discussed. The head of the Azorean Government highlighted the Azoreans' strong connection to the sea and the archipelago's geostrategic importance in the European context. "The Azores are a benchmark in ocean protection. This pact must have a geopolitical dimension, emphasising the importance of the Atlantic in the European Union's strategy, especially regarding transatlantic relations," he said. The recent approval of the new Azores Marine Protected Areas Network by the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores last October and the signing of the new Memorandum of Understanding for the Blue Azores Programme were also highlighted at the conference. With this measure, 30% of the Azores' sub-area in the national Exclusive Economic Zone will now be legally protected, with half of this area fully protected. With this initiative, Portugal increases marine protection from 4.5% to 19.1%, making a significant contribution to the targets of the European Union's Biodiversity Strategy 2030. José Manuel Bolieiro stressed the essential role of the Blue Azores Programme's partners in achieving this strategic vision: "Collaborating with entities such as the Waitt Foundation, the Oceano Azul Foundation and the Blue Nature Alliance has been fundamental in ensuring that our goals are achieved in a sustainable and balanced manner," he said. With this initiative, the Azores have played a leading role at a global level in ocean protection, standing out as a benchmark in the definition of marine protected areas and the implementation of innovative conservation policies. The conference highlighted the importance of the European Union's holistic approach to the ocean, safeguarding the protection of marine resources and the sustainability of the fisheries sector, as part of a strategy that emphasises the Azores' central role in the governance of European seas.
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Meeting with European Commission Vice-President and Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Raffaele Fitto
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February 20, 2025 José Manuel Bolieiro defends European cohesion that responds to Outermost Regions' specificities The President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, met today in Brussels with the Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Raffaele Fitto, to discuss the need for "specifying" the treatment of Outermost Regions (ORs), particularly regarding cohesion, agriculture, fisheries and transport policies. The head of the Azorean Government emphasised the importance of ensuring the continuity of European cohesion policy, reiterating the need to reduce regional asymmetries and guarantee better integration of the most remote regions. The relevance of this meeting was reinforced by Raffaele Fitto's key role at the European Commission, where he leads the efforts to implement reforms and investments in Member States, ensuring the application of NextGenerationEU and boosting the competitiveness and resilience of regional economies. Additionally, he oversees the sustainability of the food and agriculture sector, sustainable mobility and tourism, the resilience of the fisheries sector and the blue economy. For José Manuel Bolieiro, this close contact with the Vice-President of the European Commission is essential to ensure that the Region's needs are considered in formulating and implementing these policies. The President of the Government defended the creation of a POSEI-Transport programme, highlighting the need for permanent funding separate from structural funds. He also emphasised that "it is essential to ensure a mechanism to guarantee permanently an adequate access service for the Outermost Regions to continental territories," in addition to guaranteeing internal mobility within the archipelago. With regard to agriculture, José Manuel Bolieiro stressed the importance of the POSEI-Agriculture programme, an essential tool for the sustainability of local production and the adaptation of the CAP to the Outermost Regions' specific specificities.  He also pointed out that "support for local production is vital to guaranteeing food safety and socio-economic cohesion," calling for an increase in the programme's budget to tackle its chronic underbudgeting. As for fisheries, seeing that the Azores' situation is different from that of other European regions due to their Exclusive Economic Zone spanning 984,300 Km², José Manuel Bolieiro defended the need to create mechanisms within the scope of the Cohesion Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy to respond to the actual needs of the regional sector. The head of the Azorean Government noted that the archipelago is adapting to the new European blue economy paradigm, a sector in which the Azores have taken a leading role. "The vast extent of the Azorean Exclusive Economic Zone poses unique challenges, requiring specific policies that ensure a sustainable balance between the exploitation of marine resources and environmental preservation," stressed José Manuel Bolieiro. The President of the Government emphasised the potential of the blue economy in the Azores, stressing that "the archipelago's geostrategic position must be leveraged as a driver of European growth. He also pointed out maritime transport, nautical tourism and marine biotechnology as emerging sectors with great potential for the Region's economic development. "The geostrategic importance of the Azores is not limited to the economic sector as it also plays a central role in the security and defence in the North Atlantic. Their location makes the Region a focal point for maritime surveillance, the response to emerging security challenges and international cooperation in the protection of European interests in the Region," he concluded.
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Nota de Imprensa
February 21, 2025 506 eligible professionals receive overall support of 262 thousand Euros from FUNDOPESCA The Regional Secretariat for the Sea and Fisheries, through the Regional Directorate for Fisheries, processed today the payment of the Azores Fishers' Salary Compensation Fund - FUNDOPESCA, following its activation on January 22. Once the applications were analysed, the Regional Directorate for Fisheries reported that 690 applications were submitted, with 506 meeting the criteria established by the Administration Board.  This analysis resulted in the allocation of €201,972.17 to eligible fishing professionals, plus the Social Security contributions corresponding to the days of inactivity, totalling €60,596.41. This Social Security burden stems from the amendment introduced by the XIII Regional Government. Hence, following this FUNDOPESCA activation, the total amount reaches 262,569.58 €. Regarding rejected applications, the most common were professionals receiving unemployment benefits, professionals on sick leave and professionals receiving pensions when FUNDOPESCA was activated. Other rejections resulted from verification of compliance with criteria related to contributions to Lotaçor, number of loads and minimum fishing figures, as stipulated in the FUNDOPESCA regulations. The Regional Directorate for Fisheries reiterates its commitment to ensuring that FUNDOPESCA is allocated fairly and transparently, according to the regulations in force.
PEMTA 2030
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February 21, 2025 Diversification of Regional Network of Hiking Trails qualifies destination and decentralises tourist flows, says Berta Cabral Fourteen new hiking trails are being implemented, which will be part of the Regional Network of Hiking Trails shortly, along with three new trail proposals approved at the last meeting of the Hiking Trails Monitoring Committee (CAPP). The Regional Secretary for Tourism, Berta Cabral, defended that "these interventions fall within the destination qualification policy defined in the Strategic and Marketing Plan for Tourism in the Azores (PEMTA 2030), expanding and diversifying the Regional Network of Hiking Trails in the Azores." Currently, the Regional Network of Hiking Trails has 96 approved hiking trails, totalling 838 km signposted with internationally recognised marks and codes that ensure safety conditions for hikers and environmental protection in the areas where they are located.  "For two consecutive years, we have been distinguished as the “Best Adventure Tourism Destination in the World” and these new routes allow us to continue the work of elevating the tourist experience and consolidating the Azores' position as a destination of excellence for this type of tourism - active, silent, nature and adventure tourism," stressed Berta Cabral. Two of the three proposals for new hiking trails are located in Terceira, and the other in São Jorge. On the island of Terceira, the proposal to create the Lagoa do Cerro Trail, 5.5 kilometres long, was approved by the Angra do Heroísmo City Council. It highlights the Lagoa do Cerro, which gives the trail its name, a wetland of great ecological interest and a privileged place for observing local and migratory birds. There is also the Ribeiras/Matas da Agualva Trail, about eight kilometres long, presented by the Agualva Parish Council. It features a rich historical and cultural heritage linked to the water architecture, with mills, "pulos" (waterfalls), gullies, stone sinks, washhouses and other interesting infrastructures that portray the historical connection between the community and the local water resources. On São Jorge Island, the Santo Antão Parish Council presented the Grutões Trail, which is around 6.5 kilometres long, taking visitors to the "Grutões" site and passing by Fajã de São João. This route provides a unique experience for experienced hikers, immersed in nature and local history, recalling the ancient crossings that connected people to the fajãs in search of milder climates during the winter. The promoters of these new approved trails will implement the routes by the beginning of next year. The Regional Directorate for Tourism will be responsible for the respective signposting as well as the installation of information panels and promotion on the Tourism Portal. The Regional Network of Hiking Trails in the Azores is systematically monitored, supervised and improved by the Support Centre for Nature Tourism Activities of the Regional Tourism Directorate. In 2024, 183 monitoring reports were produced, corresponding to more than 2,000 km travelled and inspected on the various trails that make up the network, which resulted in 85 remediation actions. At the end of the year, 8 routes were temporarily closed, mostly due to safety issues related to geomorphological instability. In addition, significant work was carried out on signpost maintenance, particularly on the islands of Pico and Flores, where the signs and trailheads were improved. This work is fundamental to ensuring the quality and safety of hiking trails, a pillar of sustainable tourism in the Azores. Berta Cabral recalled that "hiking trails continue to be one of the region's main tourist attractions, providing visitors and residents with the opportunity to explore the natural beauty, cultural richness and history of the islands by foot. This brings them into genuine contact with Nature and, often, with the Human nature" of the Azores. The Hiking Trails Monitoring Committee is composed of the following members: a representative of the Regional Directorate for Tourism, a representative of the Regional Directorate for the Environment and Climate Action, a representative of the Regional Directorate for Forest Resources, a representative of VisitAzores and a representative of hiking associations in the Region. It also includes a representative of the Association of Municipalities of the Autonomous Region of the Azores and a representative of the Regional Branch of the National Association of Parishes. This committee is responsible, among other things, for reviewing or revoking the classifications of hiking trails and issuing opinions on matters concerning hiking trails.
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Nota de Imprensa
February 21, 2025 Setor apícola em crescimento nos Açores, valoriza António Ventura O setor apícola na Região Autónoma dos Açores tem demonstrado enorme resiliência ao longo do tempo, e os dados dos últimos anos demonstram isso mesmo - apesar dos constantes desafios, sejam de ordem climática, sejam relativos à menor disponibilidade de flora melífera, sejam ainda de ordem sanitária, nos últimos cinco anos verificou-se um crescimento no número de apicultores, apiários e colónias. No final de 2024, e face ao ano anterior, os dados do Registo da Atividade Apícola apontaram um crescimento de cerca de 7% no número de apicultores, 6% no número de apiários, e cerca de 4% no número de colónias. Para o Secretário Regional da tutela, António Ventura, “o setor da apicultura nos Açores está em desenvolvimento e todo o mel produzido encontra sempre mercado”. “A existência de um diálogo entre as várias associações do setor, a Federação Agrícola dos Açores e o Governo, tem permitido o progresso e ajustamento das políticas públicas para a apicultura”, assinala o governante. Importa recordar que têm sido vários os incentivos regionais à produção de mel nos Açores, nomeadamente a inclusão no programa regional de ajudas à compra de equipamentos agrícolas “Agroacrescenta”, com apoios até 50%, majorados em 5% para jovens agricultores e produtos qualificados até ao máximo elegível de 10 mil euros; a atribuição de um suplemento de 30 euros por colmeia em produção; ou a inclusão da Apicultura no Programa de Capacitação dos Agricultores e de Promoção da Literacia em Produção e Consumo Sustentáveis, do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR), com o estabelecimento de vários cursos de formação. Pela primeira vez, e desde este ano, o benefício fiscal do gasóleo agrícola passa a incluir também os apicultores. Os serviços florestais, por seu turno, têm vindo a distribuir de plantas melíferas pelas câmaras municipais e procedem à plantação em locais públicos. O ano de 2025 apresenta-se como o derradeiro ano para ficar cabalmente implementado, na Região, o serviço de esterilização e moldagem de cera, sem encargos para todos os apicultores. Este serviço passará a ser efetuado em exclusivo pelos Serviços de Desenvolvimento Agrário das Ilhas de Santa Maria, São Miguel, Terceira, Pico e Faial, beneficiando todo o universo de apicultores regionais. Para atingir este desiderato, foram adquiridos pela Direção de Agricultura, Veterinária e Alimentação (DRAVA) equipamentos com vista a apetrechar e modernizar os locais de processamento e, também, tem-se vindo a fornecer gratuitamente, nos últimos anos, cera produzida biologicamente, para compensar todos os apicultores das perdas que ocorrem no processo de esterilização e moldagem. A recente entrada da Vespa Velutina em território regional levou a DRAVA a atuar com rapidez, rigor, e em coordenação com serviços oficiais e organizações de apicultores, no sentido da contenção da propagação deste inseto invasor.
