Submission of Single Report 2024 runs from March 16 to June 15
Submission of Single Report until June 15
Governo dos Açores alarga prazo de entrega do Relatório Único das empresas até 30 de junho
With the approval of the organisational structure of the Regional Secretariat for Youth, Vocational Training and Employment of the XIII Regional Government of the Azores, through the Regional Implementing Decree no.11/2021/A, published in the Official Gazette on July 1, 2021, 1st series, SUBSECTION VI, the Employment and Vocational Training Observatory, hereinafter referred to as the OEQP, is now established. It has as its mission and competences the provisions of Article 14 of the aforementioned decree, replacing the former Observatory for Employment and Vocational Training, founded in 1998.
This entity is responsible for producing and processing social statistics as well as for conducting studies in the fields of Labour, Employment and Vocational Training to support the Regional Government in developing its strategies for the areas of labour, employment, training and vocational training.