Network of Centres of Science of the Azores


The Network of Science Centres of the Azores (RECCA) is a structure set up by the Government of the Azores which brings together various scientific dissemination spaces. In addition to the common objectives of promoting scientific culture in different areas of knowledge, it links them to the interactive nature and openness to the community.

The six clustered centres under the Azores Science Centres Network are dynamic structures that regularly promote activities and exhibitions — see to keep abreast of the scientific dissemination agenda. 

The Network aggregates six scientific dissemination centres:

ExpoLAB — Centre for Living Science
The ExpoLAB has a particular focus on promoting scientific knowledge in the different fields of natural sciences and technology, focusing on experimentation and laboratory activities. 

Observatory Astronomco de Santana — Azores
OASA, as a Centre for Science, focuses on the scientific dissemination of subjects related to Astronomy and knowledge of the Universities. 

Environment Observatory of the Azores
The OAA’s action focuses on promoting experimental activities and scientific dissemination of environment-related issues.

Azores Sea Observatory
The Sea Observatory is a science centre dedicated to the promotion and development of activities to disseminate marine sciences, in particular with regard to the Azores Sea.

promotes knowledge on biodiversity and microbial ecology, underlining its importance for the balance and evolution of ecosystems on Earth, with particular attention to the Azorean ecosystems. 

Vulcanological and Geothermal Observatory of the Azores
The OVGA is active in applied research and scientific dissemination in the field of Vulcanology, Sismology and Geothermia

The pooling of the Centres for Scientific and Technological Disclosure of the Azores into the Network of Science Centres of the Azores dates back to 2013 (Order No 688/2013 of 17 April), with the aim, inter alia, of promoting measures to promote and disseminate scientific knowledge and to motivate the general population and young people in particular for the various fields of science.

Experience and results have demonstrated the success of the Network over the years and in 2020 have underpinned the implementation of new development measures, as reflected in the new RECCA 2030 governance model approved by Government Council Resolution No 174/2020 of 30 June 2020.
