Introduction to the Regional Directorate for Science and Technology

The Regional Directorate for Science and Technology is the body of the XIII Regional Government of the Azores, which is responsible for ensuring the legal and technical conditions for promoting the Azores as a knowledge-based society, leveraged in the foundations of basic and applied scientific research, innovation and the digital transition.

We have developed our work in the framework of the Regional Secretariat for Culture, Science and Digital Transition. 

DRCTD is headed by a regional director and is part of the Directorate for Services for Science, Innovation and Digital Transition.

The work carried out by DRCTD is financed by the Region’s annual budget [ORAA 2021] and is framed by the Annual Regional Plan [PRA 2021]. 

In 2021, DRCTD has a budget of [insert value] to conduct actions, projects and funding on the following action lines:

[please list]. 

Structure and Team

Under the direct responsibility of the Regional Secretariat for Culture, Science and Digital Transition, DRCTD has a single service directorate, the Directorate for Services for Science, Innovation and Digital Transition — DSCITD, which is responsible for coordinating and developing the actions for the implementation of regional policy in the fields of science, dissemination of scientific and technological culture, research and innovation, business and non-business entities in the Azores’s Scientific and Technological System, as well as digital transition and transformation, in the regional public and private sector.

The DSCITD is headed by a Director of Services and comprises the following services:

  • Science, Technology and Innovation Division, led by a Head of Division;
  • Digital Transition and Transformation Division, led by a Head of Division;
  • Administrative and Financial Support Section, coordinated by a technical coordinator.

Throughout its services, the Regional Directorate for Science and Digital Transition has a corps of human resources composed of [insert number], including [insert number] senior technicians and [insert number] technical assistants. 
