
Modernisation and Digitalisation of Regional Public Administration — RAA (10 MEUR) Investment TD-C19-i06-RAA


Responsible Entity:

Regional Secretariat for Culture, Science and Digital Transition

Implementing body: 

Regional Directorate for Science and Digital Transition

Description and objectives:

The modernisation and digitalisation of the Regional Public Administration of the Azores (RPA) aims to contribute to increasing the effectiveness and efficiency and the necessary valorisation of the public service provided in the Azores, by focusing the action of the public administration on the current needs and expectations of citizens and businesses, and by providing it with the necessary empowerment, in terms of human, managerial and technological resources, to meet future challenges.
To this end, the Azores aims at a more future-proof, more proactive, inclusive and open public administration, providing more agile public services, fostering collaboration and co-creation with Azorean citizens, academics and businesses, and boosting investment in skills, innovation, experimentation and new and emerging digital technologies, to better underpin the resilience of the region’s society and economy, through the following action lines:

• Investment programme “APR + more agile services”;

• Investment programme “RWA + Proactive”;


• Provision of at least 10 services managed by regional public administration entities integrated in the interoperability platform of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, based on Free/Libre and Open Source Software;

• Provision of at least 15 transactional and online services, managed by entities of the Regional Public Administration of the Azores, in a simulation system with the support of emerging and disruptive technologies integrated into the APR’s New Services Portal;

Financial timeline (in EUR million)

Years   2020   2021   2022   2023   2024   2025   2026 TOTAL
Investment    0,0   0,0    2,5    3,0    3,0    1,5    0,0 10,0