Research, Development and Innovation

Research and innovation play a key role in the economic and social development of any region, highlighting its decisive impact on addressing some of the biggest challenges facing today’s societies. Scientific and technological progress also ensures the improvement of the quality of life of citizens and ensures the positive evolution of their personal and professional development standards.

The Autonomous Region of the Azores has developed its potential in specific scientific and technological areas, stemming from its geographical location and natural conditions, but also from the competences of its research units and existing capacities, for the benefit of regional socio-economic development, but also from its international reach.

Within its remit, the DRCTD collaborates in defining and implementing public policies in the areas of research, development and innovation and supports the scientific community through a wide range of public grants covering, inter alia, support for research and technological development infrastructures, R & D projects, academic or business based projects, promotion of international networks and collaborations, advanced training.

To this end, the DRCTD regularly promotes calls for tenders targeting different sectors of scientific activity and technological development, and also supports specific initiatives of strategic interest to the Region. In this context, it has been committed to the regular, regular and predictable nature of calls for tenders and financing in order to ensure greater stability for the system. 

In the context of the complex scientific and innovation ecosystem in which multiple actors from the quadruple helix intervene and interact, the DRCTD has given particular focus to promoting applied research and the ability to deliver R & D results in innovation through their economic valorisation, transfer and co-creation of knowledge and technologies, in particular with a view to developing new processes, products and services, with a view to fostering a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship and competitiveness.

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