Public presentation of the
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July 26, 2024 Google Cable is "future project" focused on the Azores, highlights José Manuel Bolieiro The President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, pointed out that the installation of Google's Nuvem subsea cable represents a ‘project for the future focused on the Azores.’ The presentation of the project today is a "day of happiness." Speaking at the Conceição Palace in Ponta Delgada, during the official presentation of the project, José Manuel Bolieiro praised Google's "strategic vision," which presents a "private investment with public value" that is "more about the future than the present." The Regional Government approved the construction of Google's subsea fibre optic cable this week, citing its significant public interest. This project will consolidate the Region's centrality in the Atlantic. "We have a territory limited to the terrestrial component, the country itself has a residual size and the Azores are a remote region. However, if we combine the territorial dimension with the maritime and spatial dimensions, then Portugal and the Azores already have a strong geographical centrality," emphasised José Manuel Bolieiro. The President of the Government also pointed out the role of "security and trust" that the Armed Forces play in this activity, highlighting the "immediate and real knowledge" of information transmitted by cables such as the Nuvem. "I am proud of the history of the Azores, but I believe the Azores have more of a future than a past with this type of initiative," stated the President of the Government. Speaking to journalists at the end of the session, José Manuel Bolieiro stated that the Regional Government had maintained the talks with Google for the cable linking the United States to Europe in the Azores in "secrecy at all times." In addition to the Managing Director of Google Portugal, Bernardo Correia, the session was attended by the President of ANACOM, Sandra Maximiano, the US Consul in the Azores, Margaret C. Campbell, and several mayors from São Miguel Island, among other guests.
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Visit to the construction contract of the new Aerogare of the Graciosa Aerodrome
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July 24, 2024 Future Graciosa air terminal will be distinctive and unique, says José Manuel Bolieiro The President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, visited today the construction site of the new Graciosa terminal, which should be completed in the first quarter of 2025 and will consist of a distinctive and unique building. "I believe this is a fantastic solution from an aesthetic standpoint," he emphasised while recalling the "complexity" of the work and the "many difficulties" experienced during its construction. "We are at a gateway that will be magnificent for the island of Graciosa as a tourist destination. This new terminal is not just a work of art" but stands out from "all the other aerodromes and terminals in the Azores and even in the country," stressed the President of the Government. With a budget of about six million Euros, with approximately one million Euros representing a regional effort, the work will lead to the reorganisation of the entire area adjacent to the terminal, namely in terms of parking spaces and vehicle traffic. The visit to the air terminal marked the end of the Regional Government's annual statutory visit to the island of Graciosa.
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Nota de Imprensa
July 26, 2024 Nota à imprensa A Direção Regional de Saúde informa que foi realizada uma investigação ambiental, com colheita de águas termais, na Caldeira Velha, na Poça da Dona Beija e no Parque Terra Nostra, na ilha de São Miguel.  A análise laboratorial das amostras colhidas foi realizada pelo INSA, sendo os resultados compatíveis com contaminação microbiológica. Como tal, mandam as boas práticas de Saúde Pública que, quando o resultado de uma análise microbiológica da água é impróprio para o fim a que se destina, devem ser tomadas medidas que garantam a segurança da população.   Assim, usando o “Princípio da Precaução” determinou-se a aplicação das seguintes medidas aos locais identificados anteriormente:   1) Determinar o encerramento dos referidos espaços;  2) Excluir público da área dos tanques;  3) Proceder a uma desinfeção de choque;  4) Efetuar a drenagem, limpeza e desinfeção dos tanques e acessórios; 5) Rever as medidas de controlo e avaliação de risco;  6) Após enchimento dos tanques, efetuar novas análises; 7) Manter o encerramento até que a avaliação de risco tenha dado resultados satisfatórios.   Estas indicações foram dadas às entidades gestoras dos espaços em causa, que estão a colaborar de forma ativa e empenhada.    A Direção Regional da Saúde continuará a acompanhar a situação, aplicando as medidas que se verifiquem necessárias na defesa da Saúde Pública, e assegurando a vigilância adequada para que a frequência destes espaços continue a ser feita com a máxima segurança possível.
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Nota de Imprensa
July 26, 2024 4,409 unemployed registered in the Azores in June The Regional Government, through the Regional Secretariat for Youth, Housing and Employment, informs that there were 4,409 unemployed registered at the Regional Training and Employment Centre as of late June, a drop of 0.72% compared to the previous month and 10.88% compared to the same month last year.  In June, 109 jobs advertised by this centre were filled in, corresponding to the placement of 120 Azoreans in the labour market. As for the unemployed looking for a new job, 74.09% come from the service sector, corresponding to 89.45% of all registered unemployed.  Regarding the number of unemployed per island, São Miguel accounted for 70.83% of the unemployed in the Region, followed by Terceira, standing at 13.74%, Pico, at 4.29%, Faial, at 3.72%, São Jorge, at 2.189%, Graciosa, at 2.04%, Flores, at 1.50%, Santa Maria, at 1.68% and Corvo, at 0.02%. In terms of municipalities, Ponta Delgada, Ribeira Grande and Angra do Heroísmo accounted for 58.70% of all registered unemployed people in the Azores. Concerning social and professional integration programmes, as of June 2024, there were 1,697 people enrolled in these programmes in the Region: 915 men and 782 women. As for the measures to promote youth employment, 1,595 young people are taking part in training projects in a real work context, with special emphasis on the "Estgaiar L" and "Estagiar T" programmes. There are also 167 Azoreans undergoing training. Statistical publications on employment in the Region can be consulted on the Regional Government Portal: 
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Nota de Imprensa
July 25, 2024 Press release Regarding the opening news segment aired on RTP/Açores newscast on July 24, 2024, the Regional Secretariat for Health and Social Security would like to clarify the following: It is false that the Divino Espírito Santo Hospital (HDES) building poses a risk to the safety of workers and patients. We regret the unfounded alarmism with which the news is presented, contrary to the conclusions reached by the Regional Civil Engineering Laboratory (LREC). The LREC has refuted the content of the news report, clearly stating that the building "has a significant reserve of structural capacity." In the document, which has been public knowledge since it was submitted to the Legislative Assembly of the Azores on July 5, LREC stresses that it "conducted a series of technical inspections and field tests on Block C4 of the HDES building to assess the damage caused by the May 4 fire in terms of structural materials, and draw up the respective report on the structural assessment of the building." In the report, LREC pointed out that "there was no evidence of deformation of structural elements or degradation of external cladding." The experts noted that "there was no evidence of cracking or significant deformation of structural elements such as pillars and beams, or signs of deformation of the roof slabs." LREC also assessed the "structural integrity of the building" and concluded that the "building, as far as the pillars are concerned, still has a significant reserve of structural capacity for the action of gravitational loads." There was also the observation that "the building presents some construction deficiencies that occurred during construction." For this reason, the observations carried out by LREC will be considered by the Regional Government during the recovery process of HDES. The Regional Secretariat for Health and Social Security announces that extensive work has already been carried out to clean up and remove burnt goods and equipment in the Emergency Department and Operating Rooms. Areas such as the kitchens are now fully operational and are being used to prepare meals for patients in the East Wing. The areas that have not been recovered are off-limits at this stage. The Emergency Department cannot be opened to the public at this time, as its opening presupposes Operating Rooms and an Intensive Care Unit, given that patients may require that type of care. As such, there is a need to carry out renovation work in that department, remedying the operational deficiencies already detected before the fire. The Regional Government reiterates its commitment to total transparency and determination in this process, intending to continue finding solutions to ensure peace of mind for the population and improved access to health care for Azoreans, without unfounded scaremongering.
