Visita às obras da Variante da vila da Madalena
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March 21, 2025 José Manuel Bolieiro highlights "strategic importance" of Madalena bypass The President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, accompanied by the Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures, Berta Cabral, visited today the site where the Madalena bypass is being built on Pico Island. This project, with a budget of 8.5 million Euros, falls within the Azores Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) and is scheduled for completion by the end of next summer. The works contract aims to improve the regional road network, linking several regional and municipal roads that run around the town of Madalena, over a length of approximately 1.6 kilometres. The bypass will vary in width between 15.40 and 27.40 metres. It will reduce traffic in the town centre, improve access to the Health Centre, the port and the airport, and also promote economic development and improve the quality of life of residents. The head of the Azorean Government highlighted the "strategic importance" of this work for the mobility and development of Pico Island, noting that "this bypass is not just a new road but a future-orientated investment, capable of boosting the local economy and significantly improving the quality of life of its citizens." He also emphasised that "the town of Madalena has developed considerably in recent years and this project ensures the conditions for this development to continue, adding value not only to the town but also to Pico Island as a whole." In addition to the direct improvements to road traffic, he emphasised the role of the bypass in promoting road safety. "This is a commitment we made to the population: guaranteeing safer accessibility, improving links to the town's main services and fostering sustainable economic growth," added José Manuel Bolieiro. The Azores RRP allocates 92 million Euros for the construction of ten bypasses and the renovation of roads on several islands of the archipelago, including Terceira, Santa Maria, Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico, Faial and São Miguel.  The work in the town of Madalena falls within this comprehensive effort, representing the Regional Government's commitment to enhancing road safety, boosting territorial cohesion and promoting economic progress in the Region. The Regional Secretary Berta Cabral noted the importance of this intervention for tourism, one of the Azorean economy's strategic sectors. "Improving accessibility is fundamental to attracting tourists and promoting the island of Pico as a destination of excellence," she said. Scheduled for completion by the end of the summer, the Madalena bypass is a symbol of the Regional Government's strategic investment in modernising infrastructures and safeguarding the well-being of the local population.
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Conselho de Ilha
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March 21, 2025 José Manuel Bolieiro highlights proximity and cooperation for development of Pico Island The President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, reiterated on Thursday the Azorean Government's commitment to developing the island of Pico, during a meeting with the Island Council. He stressed the importance of ongoing "dialogue" with local authorities to "strengthen cooperation" and respond to the challenges the island faces. "This was a successful Island Council, where the questions raised about the projects being developed by the Azorean Government were answered," he said, highlighting the progress made on several issues previously identified by the members of the council.  "This close dialogue with the municipalities is essential so that we can adjust our public policies to their actual needs," he added. Among the topics discussed was the need to improve accessibility by air and inter-island, stressing the importance of Pico as a gateway for territorial connections.  The head of the Regional Government stressed that "accessibility is a common challenge for several municipalities," acknowledging the complexity of the matter and the need to provide adequate solutions. The President of the Government also expressed his satisfaction with the decision taken by the Board of Directors of the SATA Group to increase air links to Pico Island, considering it "an opportunity to develop tourism in the high season." In addition to accessibility issues, structuring projects were discussed, such as the construction of the new Lajes do Pico Health Centre, due to be completed in 2028. By the end of the year, a new state-of-the-art X-ray machine will be purchased, with co-funding from the Azores 2030 programme and the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP), which will improve the health care provided to the population. This investment will also upgrade the technological resources available to local health services. José Manuel Bolieiro also assured the intervention in rural, agricultural and forest roads, which are also leisure and tourism routes, highlighting the Government's commitment to benefiting these infrastructures. “Beyond the priority of expanding the runway, which remains a priority, we underline the importance of accessibility to guarantee the island's sustained development,” concluded the President of the Regional Government.  
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isita ao empreendimento Pico Vineyards
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March 20, 2025 José Manuel Bolieiro defends promotion of wine tourism with new hotel in Pico The President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro,  visited today the Pico Vineyards Hotel, a four-star rural tourism development whose construction is nearing completion and is scheduled to open in the coming months. This project represents an investment of 1.6 million Euros, co-financed under the Competir+ Incentive Scheme, and aims to attract wine lovers, nature lovers, and design and architecture tourists with high purchasing power from Europe, the United States and Asia.  The head of the Azorean Government highlighted the importance of projects like this for the economic dynamics of the Autonomous Region of the Azores. "Tourism should leverage the other sectors of the economy, and the Azores have shown vitality and dynamic growth like never before. We intend to continue promoting the qualification, improvement, diversification and differentiation of tourist products, always with a focus on sustainable tourism that values the Region's natural and landscape resources," he said.  The development, located in a vineyard surrounded by basalt stone walls, is committed to using regional raw materials such as basalt stone and cryptomeria, enhancing the local identity - it has 15 accommodation units and a winery, which produced 400 litres of white wine in 2024. The Regional Directorate for Tourism has already classified the project as "innovative, creating diversity and qualifying the existing tourist offer." He also emphasised the importance of the Azores Vine and Wine Institute (IVVA) to the success of the regional wine sector. "The positive dynamics of the wine sector over the last three decades are remarkable. The creation of the IVVA provides integrated and effective support for the sector's challenges, ensuring the standardisation of policies and regulations," he said.  In recent years, the island of Pico has seen significant tourism growth, with a 12% increase in the number of overnight stays in 2024, reaching 242,505, and a 16% increase in revenue from hospitality establishments, totalling seven million Euros. These figures underline the importance of projects such as the Pico Vineyards Hotel in consolidating the island as a leading tourist destination. The event, included in the statutory visit to Pico, was also attended by the Regional Secretary for Finance, Planning and Public Administration, Duarte Freitas, the Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Food, António Ventura, the Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures, Berta Cabral, and the Mayor of Madalena, Catarina Manito.
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Pinhal da Paz
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March 21, 2025 Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Food celebrates International Day of Forests International Day of Forests is being celebrated today, March 21, with various activities organised by the Regional Directorate for Forest Resources and Spatial Planning (DRRFOT). These awareness-raising activities aim to highlight the importance of forest ecosystems on all the Azorean islands except Corvo and are organised in conjunction with schools, local authorities, environmental non-governmental organisations and companies. They will include the planting of endemic species produced by the forestry services' nurseries, hiking in nature areas, awareness-raising activities and visits to forestry dissemination centres, involving approximately 3,300 participants throughout the autonomous region. Over the years, forests have been synonymous with human survival, fundamental as a supplier of food, shelter, fibres, wood and fuel for heating and energy. With the progress of scientific knowledge in ecology in the last few decades of the past century, forests have gained prime importance through social recognition for their provision of ecosystem services, such as recreational and leisure purposes, carbon sequestration and storage, regulation of the hydrological cycle, conservation and biodiversity, pollination, soil protection, air purification and oxygen release. Moreover, they create jobs and generate income that contributes to the social and economic development of local populations, based on environmental responsibility principles. The celebration of this day is an opportunity to reiterate the importance of forests as ecosystems that harbour an immense biodiversity of flora and fauna, in addition to playing a fundamental role in climate regulation. However, forests are under threat from a variety of causes, most notably deforestation and forest degradation, which is the greatest current concern for governance worldwide. Deforestation and forest degradation are advancing at an alarming rate around the world. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that every year we lose 10 million hectares of forest on the planet (EU Regulation 2023/1115). According to the FAO (2024), we also lose about 340 million to 370 million hectares of the planet's surface to forest fires every year. These, in extreme cases, negatively affect sustainable development and generate large volumes of greenhouse gas emissions. Deforestation and forest degradation, major drivers of global warming and biodiversity loss, are the greatest environmental challenges of our time. DRRFOT intends that these activities promote knowledge and awareness of forest-related issues so that the population can also be a pillar in the conservation and management of forest areas. With everyone's effort, we will be able to increase the resilience and adaptation of these spaces to the challenges of the coming decades.
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Artigo sem Imagem
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March 21, 2025 Nota à imprensa - Complemento Especial para o Doente Oncológico Na sequência das acusações sem fundamento proferidas hoje pelo deputado do PS Francisco César, a Secretaria Regional da Saúde e Segurança Social vem esclarecer o seguinte: O Governo da coligação PSD/CDS/PPM, em quatro anos, aumentou em 60% o montante do CEDO - Complemento Especial para o Doente Oncológico. Foi um reforço sem precedentes no apoio aos doentes oncológicos nos Açores, invertendo por completo o que acontecia durante as governações socialistas. Os números falam por si. Em 2020 a governação socialista reservava 850 mil euros no Orçamento da Região para o CEDO. Em 2025, o Governo da Coligação prevê quase dois milhões de euros. Os sucessivos aumentos do CEDO demonstram, por si só, que são falsas as declarações do deputado Francisco César em relação a esta matéria, ou não fosse o Governo da coligação aquele que verdadeiramente tem apoiado os doentes oncológicos. O Governo Regional dos Açores reafirma o seu compromisso de continuar a apoiar quem mais precisa, nomeadamente os doentes oncológicos, como sempre fez.
