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May 18, 2024
Ensino Profissional dos Açores apurado para o Portugal Skills com 19 medalhas de ouro
Maria João Carreiro congratulou esta sexta-feira, na Praia da Vitória, os 86 jovens formandos das Escolas Profissionais dos Açores que competiram no Azores Skills - 25.º Campeonato Regional das Profissões, entre os quais 19 medalhados com ouro, 19 medalhados com prata e 18 medalhados com bronze. “Não posso esconder a satisfação e o orgulho com que testemunhei a inequívoca demonstração da vossa capacidade, talento e competência para o desempenho das profissões que querem vir a exercer”, enalteceu a Secretária Regional da Juventude, Habitação e Emprego, na sessão de encerramento do Azores Skills.  Os formandos medalhados com ouro poderão representar os Açores no Portugal Skills, que decorre de 12 a 16 de novembro, em Santa Maria da Feira. Maria João Carreiro valorizou o facto de esta edição do Azores Skills ficar marcada pela “maior participação de sempre” de alunos em competição, de escolas profissionais participantes e de profissões em competição, bem como pela “inequívoca qualidade dos formandos que exercitaram as suas competências. “Saio deste campeonato com a renovada convicção do bom trabalho das vossas escolas e dos vossos formadores para vos capacitar para um mercado de trabalho que deve reconhecer ainda mais no Ensino Profissional nas Escolas Profissionais uma garantia de profissionais qualificados, capazes e motivados”, afirmou. Conforme notou a titular da pasta da Qualificação Profissional e Emprego, “o Ensino Profissional nas Escolas Profissionais está vivo, recomenda-se, é uma escolha do presente e será cada vez mais uma escolha de futuro”. Nesse sentido, a governante apelou aos participantes no Azores Skills para que sejam embaixadores do Ensino Profissional nas Escolas Profissionais, associando-se à campanha em curso “A Tua Primeira Escolha” para sensibilizar os jovens para os novos cursos em oferta nas Escolas Profissionais para o ano letivo 2024/2025. “Contamos convosco para defender e afirmar a importância do Ensino Profissional nas Escolas Profissionais junto da comunidade e das empresas”, disse. O 25.º Campeonato Regional das Profissões, promovido através da Direção Regional de Qualificação Profissional e Emprego, arrancou na segunda-feira e contou ainda com a participação de 23 jurados e 18 presidentes de júri. Participaram nesta iniciativa formandos de 13 Escolas Profissionais dos Açores. Resultados por profissões em competição: Pastelaria 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Tatiana Aguiar – Escola Profissional da Praia da Vitória 2.º Lugar (Prata): Beatriz Machado – Escola Profissional da Praia da Vitória Cozinha 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Gilberto Franzon – Escola Profissional da Praia da Vitória 2.º Lugar (Prata): Carolina Gaspar – Escola Formação Turística e Hoteleira 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Miguel Furtado - Escola Profissional de Vila Franca do Campo Caring 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Laura Amaral Gonçalves - Escola Profissional da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de P. Delgada – MEP 2.º Lugar (Prata): Natacha Medeiros Bizarria - Escola Profissional da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de P. Delgada – MEP 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Paula Alexandra Melo Vasconcelos – EPROSEC Serviço de Restaurante e Bar 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Marília Oliveira - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores, IPRA 2.º Lugar (Prata): Gonçalo Gil - Escola Profissional da Praia da Vitória 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Nina Macedo - Escola Profissional de Vila Franca do Campo Agropecuária 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Francisco Mendes - Escola Profissional da Praia da Vitória 2.º Lugar (Prata): André Pereira - Escola Profissional de São Jorge 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Samuel Sales - Escola Profissional da Praia da Vitória Eletricidade e Instalações 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Samuel Gata - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores, IPRA 2.º Lugar (Prata): Tiago Rebêlo - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores, IPRA 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Gonçalo Fagundes - Escola Profissional da Praia da Vitória CAD Construção Civil 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Tiago Oliveira - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores, IPRA 2.º Lugar (Prata): António Raposo - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores, IPRA 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Cát:ia Borges - Escola Profissional da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de P. Delgada - MEP Desenvolvimento de Aplicações para Dispositivos Móveis 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Rodrigo Miguel Rocha Anjos - EPROSEC 2.º Lugar (Prata): Francisco Rego Pinto - EPROSEC 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Leonardo Soares Martins Vieira - Escola Profissional de Vila Franca do Campo Cloud Computing 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Daniel Pimentel - ENTA – Escola de Novas Tecnologias dos Açores 2.º Lugar (Prata): Rafael Raposo - ENTA – Escola de Novas Tecnologias dos Açores 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Gonçalo Resendes - ENTA – Escola de Novas Tecnologias dos Açores Web Technologies 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Nelson Ponte - EPROSEC 2.º Lugar (Prata): Leandro Amaral - EPROSEC 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Martim Cabral – EPROSEC Gestão de Redes Informáticas 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Marco Melo - ENTA – Escola de Novas Tecnologias dos Açores 2.º Lugar (Prata): Francisco Maiato - ENTA – Escola de Novas Tecnologias dos Açores 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Miguel Raposo - ENTA – Escola de Novas Tecnologias dos Açores Cyber Security 1.º Lugar (Ouro): João Vieira - ENTA – Escola de Novas Tecnologias dos Açores 2.º Lugar (Prata): Diogo Pacheco - ENTA – Escola de Novas Tecnologias dos Açores 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Gonçalo Sousa - ENTA – Escola de Novas Tecnologias dos Açores Contabilidade e Gestão | CRM 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Matilde Ferreira - EPROSEC 2.º Lugar (Prata): Bruno Louro - EPROSEC 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Pedro Sousa - EPROSEC Desenvolvimento de Jogos Digitais 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Daniel Pereira - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores - IPRA 2.º Lugar (Prata): Miguel Massa - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores - IPRA 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Tiago Câmara - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores – IPRA Mecatrónica Industrial 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Henrique Viveiros - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores - IPRA 2.º Lugar (Prata): Simão Lima - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores - IPRA 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Francisco Medeiros - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores - IPRA Eletrónica 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Ricardo Rebelo - Escola Profissional da Praia da Vitória 2.º Lugar (Prata): Iúri da Silva Abano -Escola Profissional da Praia da Vitória Tecnologias de Energias Renováveis 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Diogo Melo - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores - IPRA 2.º Lugar (Prata): Rodrigo Carvalho - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores - IPRA 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Odair D’Oliveira - Escola Prof. Monsenhor João Maurício Amaral Ferreira 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Élcio Ramos - Escola Prof. Monsenhor João Maurício Amaral Ferreira Robótica Móvel 1.º Lugar (Ouro): Gonçalo Botelho e Henrique Marques - Centro de Qualificação dos Açores - IPRA 2.º Lugar (Prata): Gonçalo Sousa e Martim Leitão - ENTA – Escola de Novas Tecnologias dos Açores 3.º Lugar (Bronze): Sílvia Pacheco e Miguel Brás - ENTA – Escola de Novas Tecnologias dos Açores
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Abertura do Wine in Azores
Nota de Imprensa
May 17, 2024
Comissão Vitivinícola Regional bateu recorde de marcas, referências comerciais e agentes económicos dos últimos cinco anos, anuncia António Ventura
O Secretário Regional da Agricultura e Alimentação anunciou hoje, em Angra do Heroísmo, que nos primeiros cinco meses de 2024 a Comissão Vitivinícola Regional (CVR-Açores) contava já com 97 marcas, com 142 referências comerciais e 36 agentes económicos inscritos, número muito superior ao registado nos últimos cinco anos. “Temos mais referências comerciais, mais marcas comerciais e mais agentes económicos em cinco meses, comparativamente aos últimos cinco anos, em que em nenhum ano na totalidade conseguiu bater esse recorde, e isso representa uma vitalidade e um dinamismo do setor como nunca antes visto”, realçou. António Ventura falava na abertura do Wine in Azores, onde frisou haver “uma apetência e uma vontade de apostar na vitivinicultura nos Açores que é mérito da iniciativa privada”. O responsável pela pasta da agricultura disse ainda que o programa comunitário VITIS irá abrir este ano para todos os vitivinicultores, justificando a demora na abertura das candidaturas por via da exigência efetuado ao Governo da República para que considere as vinhas da Região como “históricas”, por forma a que as vinhas abandonadas possam ser consideradas. O Secretário Regional anunciou também que a Marca Açores, agora na tutela da Agricultura, vai poder passar a apoiar este tipo de evento como o Wine in Azores em todas as ilhas, de âmbito regional, mas também para fora da Região. “Aquilo que deve ser a publicidade e a promoção dos nossos agroprodutos, onde se incluem os vinhos, também tem de fazer parte da Marca Açores, pois os vinhos são uma marca açoriana, pelo que a Marca Açores não pode deixar de considerar o esforço dos promotores”, vincou o governante. No âmbito da investigação e experimentação, António Ventura lembrou ainda que está a decorrer um projeto de investigação, em parceria com a Universidade dos Açores, para a melhoria das “nossas castas tradicionais”, designadamente o verdelho, falo do arinto dos Açores e do terrantez do Pico.
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Hearing with the Portuguese Red Cross Directorate
Nota de Imprensa
May 17, 2024
President of the Government praises "quality and immediate response" of Portuguese Red Cross
The President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, received António Saraiva, President of the Portuguese Red Cross, at an audience today. After the meeting, they visited the Medical Unit installed at the Carlos Silveira Municipal Hall in Ponta Delgada, accompanied by a Red Cross delegation. José Manuel Bolieiro highlighted the Portuguese Red Cross's "quality and immediate response" and made a commitment to increasing the resources of the Portuguese Red Cross in the Azores, including its two centres on the islands of São Miguel and Terceira, through a cooperation protocol. This strategic cooperation aims to ensure that each island can respond immediately and adequately to its needs, not only to meet the immediate needs arising from emergencies, such as the recent fire that hit the Divino Espírito Santo Hospital (HDES) in Ponta Delgada but also to plan future responses. For the President of the Regional Government, "this immediate response capacity allowed us to have a Medical Unit, which ensured the grouping of patients who were evacuated" without compromising the services provided to users and providing the necessary conditions for health professionals to ensure the regular performance of their duties. The President of the Government also pointed out that the Portuguese Red Cross was able to streamline the resources available, allowing the Advanced Medical Centre to be designed innovatively: "we are seeing the satisfaction of health professionals and patients with the response capacity installed." He spoke today on the sidelines of the visit, adding that the Red Cross could be part of a future multidisciplinary team dedicated to planning a new hospital. Following the fire that hit the HDES, the Portuguese Red Cross set up a Medical Unit at the Carlos Silveira Municipal Hall on May 10, composed of 12 tents, installing a complete infirmary in full operation. These facilities can accommodate up to 30 patients, with additional space planned for another four in isolation. With a view to ensuring more comprehensive and effective medical care, additional resources from Mainland Portugal are planned, which will expand the Medical Centre's capacity to accommodate up to 60 patients. António Saraiva, President of the Portuguese Red Cross, assured that the capacity of the Carlos Silveira Municipal Hall in Ponta Delgada will not be exhausted, with 60 patients being accommodated, and "if necessary, more patients can be accommodated, as the excellent conditions of the space make this possible."
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Reading Communiqué from the Council of the Government
May 16, 2024
Communiqué from the Council of the Government
The Council of the Government, which met on May 16, 2024 in Ponta Delgada, adopted the following measures: 1.         Approve the proposal for Regional Legislative Decree adapting the Legal Scheme Applicable to Portuguese Firefighters to the Autonomous Region of the Azores. This law proposal aims to recognise the importance of volunteer firefighters in the Autonomous Region of the Azores. Firefighters are an essential part of the public safety infrastructure, responding to a wide range of emergencies. Adapting the social status of firefighters to the Autonomous Region of the Azores is a way of recognising their importance in the community and providing them with better working conditions. It is also a way of ensuring that the laws and regulations are updated and in line with the current needs of firefighters. The so-called social status of firefighters was adapted to the Region in 2015 by Regional Legislative Decree no. 10/2015/A, of April 9, with the aim of improving the efficiency of the Volunteer Fire service in the Region. The update that is now being proposed has two clear goals: Firstly, to reinforce volunteer fire service by providing support to all firefighters who, on a voluntary basis, carry out operational work throughout the year in their respective fire brigade, a situation that already exists, but for which no support has been established. It also aims to ensure that access to the length of service bonus will be at no cost to volunteer firefighters. As already known, volunteer firefighters in Portugal can benefit from an increase in their length of service, up to a maximum of five years, by paying 50% of the amount calculated by the Social Security services for early retirement purposes, with the remaining 50% being paid by the League of Portuguese Firefighters. It is now proposed that, in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, the Regional Government should pay 50% of the amount that, until now, was borne by firefighters so that they do not have to incur any costs or expenses to benefit from the bonus. This measure is also intended to encourage and anticipate the renewal of personnel, since, at the moment and in the light of the Social Status of Firefighters still in force, firefighters, when eligible for this bonus, are forced to pay the amount to anticipate their retirement age and instead choose not to claim this benefit, while continuing in service. With this amendment, which is now being proposed, firefighters will be exempt from any payment to access early retirement. The amount calculated by Social Security services for this purpose will be covered at 50% by the Regional Government and the remaining 50% by the League of Portuguese Firefighters, ensuring that firefighters will not be forced to continue working. Therefore, these tangible measures will have a direct impact on the lives of regional firefighters and will make a fundamental contribution to stimulating volunteer fire service. 2.         Approve the proposal for Regional Legislative Decree establishing the rules and procedures for unfreezing medical special careers to be adopted by the services and organisations that make up the Regional Health Service. Despite the efforts made by the Regional Government to implement the performance evaluation system for medical workers, it has not yet been possible to implement it in the services that make up the Azores Regional Health Service. Accordingly, the aim is to regulate the method of recording the performance of duties by these professionals, so as not to jeopardise their normal career development, and to establish the rules and procedures for the process of unfreezing special medical careers by awarding one and a half points (1.5) for each year of service between 2009 and 2018, regardless of the existence of any performance evaluation. 3.         Approve the proposal for Regional Legislative Decree establishing the legal framework for technical and financial cooperation between the autonomous regional administration, parishes and regional parish associations. Maintaining mutually effective relations between the Regional Government and Local Authorities is one of the programme goals of the XIV Regional Government of the Azores. The XIV Government of the Azores intends to continue decentralising, through cooperation and sharing, the financial investment resources available in the regional budget to municipalities and parishes, in a process that has been objective, equitable and transparent. This proposal for a Regional Legislative Decree intends to ensure greater stability, predictability and planning in actions aimed at parishes, within the scope of decentralisation, through cooperation. It also proposes the creation of the Regional Fund for the Development of Azorean Parishes, expanding and reinforcing cooperation with parishes as well as the areas of collaboration with the Regional Administration, while clarifying the legal framework, and determining its scope and procedures. 4.         Approve the Resolution authorising the expenditure under the international public tender for the supply, installation and support of the Mobile.Gov Platform as well as ratifying the awarding of the tender, in the amount of €2,909,602.60. Considering the organisation of the XIV Regional Government and the amount of the tender awarded, it is necessary to ensure the awarding of the contract concerning this procedure, which, given the amount of the tender awarded, can only take place through the delegation of powers to the Vice-President of the Government. 5.         Approve the Resolution recognising the "Areia Larga Suites & SPA 5 stars" project as a Project of Regional Interest (PIR). The project in question, which includes the construction of a hotel unit, in the form of tourist apartments, is in line with the regional development strategy. It meets the general measures and goals enshrined in the XIV Regional Government of the Azores. The investment project will positively impact the production of tradable goods that can be traded internationally or exposed to foreign competition. It will contribute to increasing exports as well as boosting and promoting the Azores abroad, with a view to harnessing its resources and potential. The "Areia Larga Suites & SPA 5 stars" project involves an overall investment of approximately 6.8 million Euros and will create 16 jobs. 6.         Approve the Resolution recognising the "Installation of a meat, bakery, pastry and fish processing plant on São Miguel Island" project, promoted by the company CFA - Centro de Fabrico dos Açores, SA. as a Project of Regional Interest (PIR). The project promoted by the company CFA - Centro de Fabrico dos Açores, SA. is in line with the regional development strategy. It meets the general measures and goals enshrined in the Programme of the XIV Regional Government of the Azores, specifically with regard to investment in the production of tradable goods for export or import substitution. This project involves an overall investment of approximately 14.8 million Euros and will create 15 jobs. 7.         Approve the Resolution approving the new Regulations on the Higher Education Merit Award. The Regional Government is implementing a comprehensive youth policy that includes actions aimed at empowering more young Azoreans and attracting more young people to the various islands of the Azores. The XIV Government of the Azores, following in the footsteps of the previous government, continues to focus on the Education and Training of young people as the qualification strategy that will lead young people to be the masters of their own lives, but also to be positive change-makers in society. This legal document aims to cover the maximum number of students entering higher education for the first time, regardless of the institution they will be attending, and to speed up and simplify the application process. 8.         Approve the Regional Implementing Decree approving the organisational structure of the Pico Island Health Unit. There is a need to adapt the organisational structure of the Pico Island Health Unit to the changes made to the Statute of the Regional Health Service, as well as its respective staff, to the reality of the current regional island staff and align the structure of this island health unit with others, in addition to including of a non-executive member of the board. This legal document seeks to achieve the goal set out in the Government Programme on primary health care, which is essential in a well-structured and organised health policy based on health promotion and disease prevention, always placing health users at the core of the Regional Health Service. 9.         Approve the Resolution appointing António Vasco Vieira Neto Viveiros as a member of the Board of Directors of the Divino Espírito Santo Hospital. 10.      Approve the Resolution delegating the Regional Secretary for Health and Social Security, with powers to sub-delegate to the Regional Director for Social Solidarity, the power to authorise expenditure on works co-financed through Cooperation Contracts. This resolution is justified by the need to speed up the decision and awarding of Cooperation Contracts signed with private non-profit institutions, as provided for in the Azores Social Welfare Code, given that many of them involve the co-financing of works, whose approval powers are limited to the amount of €25,000.00, as far as the Regional Secretary for Health and Social Security is concerned.  The Azores Social Welfare Code establishes that the decision to sign Cooperation Contracts rests with the Regional Government member responsible for social solidarity or the Regional Government Council, depending on the powers to authorise expenditure. Accordingly, and given the limit on the powers of the Regional Secretary for Health and Social Security to approve expenditure on works, up to €25,000.00, it is necessary to delegate the powers of the Regional Government to this member of the Government, up to a limit of €1,000,000.00. 11.      Approve the Resolution authorising the transfer of €3,450,00.00 to IFAP. This arises from the need to fulfil the commitments made under the POSEI-Açores sub-programme - "Animal Production Premium" measure, namely the 2023 Milk Production Reduction Supplement. 12.      Approve the Resolution authorising the Regional Secretariat for Youth, Housing and Employment to grant subsidies and other forms of support for economic actions and projects that fall within the scope of the competences of the said Regional Government department. This stems from the need to increase the amount allocated for support for specific training needs, investments and compensation for the funding of vocational schools and other training organisations, which will enable support for more promoters. There is also a need to support activities during the first half of 2024, as the 2024 budget has not yet been approved. 13.      Adopt the Resolution approving three applications under the legal and financial support scheme for climate emergency, due to damage resulting from the extreme weather events that occurred on August 20, 2023, in the parish of Sete Cidades. 14.      Adopt the proposal for Regional Legislative Decree approving the Flood Risk Management Plan for the Autonomous Region of the Azores 2022-2027. The EU and national regulatory framework stipulates that flood risk management plans must be reviewed on a regular basis. The 1st planning cycle corresponded to the Flood Risk Management Plan for the Autonomous Region of the Azores (PGRIA 2016-2021), approved by Regional Legislative Decree 20/2016/A of October 10. The drafting of the PGRIA 2022-2027 aims to assess the impact generated by the programme of measures adopted in the previous planning cycle (2016-2021) as well as to review the current flood risk management plan, considering the likely impact of climate change on flooding. The drafting process of PGRIA 2022-2027 was overseen by an advisory committee and was under public discussion from October 24 to November 24, 2023. The estimated investment for implementing the measures proposed in the PGRIA 2022-2027 amounts to €18,093,000.00.
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Azores Education Strategy 2030
Nota de Imprensa
May 16, 2024
Sofia Ribeiro presents Education Strategy to bring the Azores closer to the country by 2030
The Regional Secretary for Education, Culture and Sport, Sofia Ribeiro, wants to reduce "the gap between the Region and the rest of the country in terms of education indicators." In this regard, the Azores 2030 Education Strategy was drawn up, outlining the goals and actions that should "guide education policies" until the end of the decade. The document was presented today at the Capitães-Generais Palace, in Angra do Heroísmo, and will be under public consultation until June 16. "Although the Azores have been improving results in education, with some significant progress in the last two years, we are still lagging behind the indicators compared to the rest of the country and even Europe," she said. The document presents "evolutionary data" from the previous decade, makes an "assessment of the current situation" and sets "targets for 2030." One of the targets includes the reduction of the early dropout rate in education and training to 15% by 2030. Data for 2023 had already shown a drop from 26.1% to 21.7% in the Azores, while the figure for the rest of the country rose to 8%. With a view to reaching the target, the Regional Secretary intends to "identify and support students who have not completed secondary education." The development of the AaZ - Read Better, Know More programme in all regional schools and the Computational Thinking programme up to the 6th grade are other targets that have been set. The government official also plans to invest in artistic education, continue the dematerialisation of school textbooks and build citizenship modules starting in preschool. The Regional Secretariat for Education intends that, by 2030, "90% of the teachers working in schools will be part of the regional teaching staff" - with this in mind, there are plans to maintain the application system determining the creation of a permanent position for every three full years of fixed-term contracts per teaching area and school establishment. The aim is to create incentives for the pursuit of master's degrees in teaching and the establishment of teachers on several islands, school establishments and teaching groups in shortage. The Strategy stipulates that 85% of employment contracts should be for an indefinite period in the case of school assistants and digital skills should be increased by 50% for all education staff. The Regional Secretary for Education assured that the document will undergo a mid-term evaluation in 2027 and a final assessment in 2030.
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Palace of Conceição
Nota de Imprensa
May 16, 2024
Presidency of the Government marks Azores Day with opening of Ponta Delgada and Angra do Heroísmo palaces to the public
The Presidency of the Regional Government will mark the Azores Day, which this year takes place on May 20, with the opening of the Sant'Ana and Conceição Palaces in Ponta Delgada and the Capitães-Generais Palace in Angra do Heroísmo to the public, with the following programme: Conceição Palace The Conceição Palace - an old convent that dates back to the 17th century, when it was founded by brothers Francisco and João de Andrade Albuquerque to house the Comendadeiras de Nossa Senhora da Conceição (religious congregation) and which has been the headquarters of the Regional Government since 1976 - will be open from 2 pm for guided tours of its most important areas, such as the Lower and Upper Choir rooms, the Government Council room,  the Main Hall and the Dining Room, among others.  Visits are scheduled at 2 pm, 2:50 pm, 4:40 pm and 5:30 pm for groups of up to 25 people. Sant'Ana Palace The Sant'Ana Palace - built in the mid-19th century as the residence of the Jácome Correia family and has been the headquarters of the Presidency of the Government of the Azores since 1980 - will be open from 2 pm for free visits. The palace will open, among other spaces, the Blue Room, the Ballroom, the Dining Room and the Marquis's Bedroom. Visits are scheduled at 2 pm, 2:50 pm, 4:40 pm and 5:30 pm for groups of up to 25 people. The palace garden, a remarkable example of landscape and botany, can also be visited during these hours. Capitães-Generais Palace The Capitães-Generais Palace - an old building that was once the Jesuits' College, the residence of the Captain-General of the Azores and the headquarters of the Civil Government, and is now the headquarters of the Presidency of the Regional Government on Terceira island - opens between 2 pm and 5:30 pm for free visits, where it is possible to visit several of its rooms, including the room containing the royal portraits of the Bragança dynasty. Note: All these activities are free and do not require prior registration. For more information, contact the Presidency of the Regional Government by telephone on 296 301 000 or email at [email protected]
Delivery of a new electric vehicle to Obra Social Madre Maria Clara – Azores.
Nota de Imprensa
May 16, 2024
Generations on the Move programme contributes to improving social work in Povoação too, says Mónica Seidi
The Regional Secretary for Health and Social Security, Mónica Seidi, was in Povoação, São Miguel Island, to deliver a new electric vehicle to Obra Social Madre Maria Clara - Açores institution. The application, amounting to €36,844.20, was approved and ensured the purchase of a nine-seater vehicle under the Generations on the Move (GERMOV) programme. The vehicle will be used to transport children as part of the childhood centre of that institution. Accompanied by the Regional Director for Social Solidarity, Andreia Vasconcelos, the Secretary for Health and Social Security recalled that "it is with great pride that the Government of the Azores supports this institution, which does so much to help young people in vulnerable situations." "We remain committed to working in line with the European Union's ecological concerns," she added. Mónica Seidi, who is responsible for Social Security alongside Health in the new legislative terms, considers that "this is yet another demonstration of the Azorean Government's commitment to ensuring that these institutions continue to be supported, and it is important to realise that successful solidarity programmes will continue to be part" of the Government's priorities. GERMOV reinforces the Regional Government's support for the Private Social Solidarity Programmes, Charities and similar organisations that make up the social solidarity network of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, contributing to greater social cohesion and the inclusion of different social groups.
Opening of the conference “Azores – Reflections on the Law of the Sea and the Urban Simplex”
Nota de Imprensa
May 16, 2024
Sea is strategic asset "that must be valued, managed and preserved," highlights Mário Rui Pinho
The Regional Secretary for the Sea and Fisheries, Mário Rui Pinho, emphasised today that the Azorean Government "believes in the importance of maritime spatial planning," a "fundamental tool for maritime policies." "The sea is a crucial strategic asset for the Autonomous Region of the Azores, which must be valued, managed and preserved. The extensive size of the maritime space adjacent to the archipelago, combined with the geostrategic position of the Azores and their wealth of natural resources, are factors that differentiate and boost the regional maritime economy," he highlighted. Mário Rui Pinho spoke in Ponta Delgada at the opening of the conference "Azores - Reflections on the Law of the Sea and the Urban Simplex." The sea, he continued, "imposes important challenges and responsibilities in terms of its governance and sustainable management." He explained: "It is in this context that maritime spatial planning in the Azores emerges as a fundamental mechanism for balancing competing interests and ensuring that society enjoys and benefits from our sea, with a view to enhancing and safeguarding it for present and forthcoming generations. It creates the necessary conditions for the private use of maritime space, without jeopardising common use, based on a coherent, transparent and reasoned decision-making process that allows public entities to implement a coordinated and integrated approach to the occupation of maritime space involving stakeholders." Mário Rui Pinho recalled that the Regional Government "has a different understanding of the Constitutional Court's decision in Ruling no.484/2022." The declaration of unconstitutionality, with generally binding force, regarding some rules introduced at the beginning of 2021 in the so-called law of the sea, is a "centralist attitude of the Constitutional Court which, unfortunately, adds up to so many others in previous rulings, once again restricting the competences of autonomous regions," he regretted.  The Regional Secretary also voiced his "hope" that the new National Government will come round to the National Maritime Spatial Planning Situation Plan for the Azores Subdivision (PSOEM-Açores). He added: "I emphasise the firm determination of the XIV Regional Government of the Azores, together with the new National Government, in particular the Ministry of the Economy and the Secretary of State for the Sea, to launch a new model of autonomy for the 21st century: an autonomy of cooperation, in which all entities help each other in the pursuit of common goals and the truly shared management between the National Government and autonomous regions will be embodied in the union of the wills of both levels of public power to achieve a fair final solution. This will correspond, albeit with different forms of intervention, to a co-decision of intervention in the planning and management of the regional maritime spaces of the Azores and Madeira."