June 3, 2024 - Published 29 days, 17 hours and 32 minutes ago
Berta Cabral says professionals from Child Support Institute are fundamental in "mosaic of solidarity and humanism" in the Azores
location Ponta Delgada

Secretaria Regional do Turismo, Mobilidade e Infraestruturas

The Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures, Berta Cabral, stated this Saturday in Ponta Delgada that the professionals working at the Child Support Institute (IAC) in the Azores deserve to be praised, as, over 30 years, "they have contributed and are contributing to the success of this institution."

"I am talking about the dedicated professionals, the active volunteers, the committed partners and, naturally, the children and families who have been the raison d'être of IAC," she stressed. 

Berta Cabral spoke on behalf of the President of the Regional Government at the session honouring the Honorary President of IAC-Açores, Cinelândia Cogumbreiro, stating that each of the organisation's members "is a fundamental piece in this mosaic of solidarity and humanism."

World Children's Day was marked on June 1, a celebration which, according to her, "continues to draw attention to the importance of children's rights in the development of a fairer society."

At the session, which recalled, through an exhibition, the 30-year history of IAC-Açores as a tireless driving force in promoting the well-being of its target group, Berta Cabral mentioned the due tribute to its honorary president, Cinelândia Cogumbreiro, "a remarkable, inspiring and tireless figure in the defence and empowerment of children in the various social contexts of the Azores."

The government official stressed that, since 1993, IAC-Açores has had in Cinelândia Cogumbreiro "a reference and a purpose, a reference in the defence of the Statute of the Child and a purpose in social intervention with the most vulnerable, always safeguarding their best interests."

"The journey of our laureate is an example of perseverance and commitment to the values of human dignity and children's rights. From her earliest days to her succession, she turned ideas into words and words into deeds. As a person of action, she knew the value of time and knew, above all, that in this cause, there is no time to lose," she noted. 

According to Berta Cabral, she "mobilised resources, created synergies and involved society in the institution's purpose."

Berta Cabral continued: "She was an active and influential voice in the construction of public policies that placed children at the centre of regional priorities."

The Regional Secretary also stated that her "wide-ranging and comprehensive work, her vision and her persistent efforts brought to public debate and social awareness the importance of regarding children not just as passive recipients of care but as active agents capable of influencing their destiny."

With Cinelândia Cogumbreiro, IAC-Açores "grew in size and social impact, achieving results that are a source of regional and even national pride," Berta Cabral said, adding that "her example is an inspiration to all and her valuable contribution should celebrated."

Berta Cabral expressed her solidarity and support, on behalf of the Azorean Government, adding that the Government, institutions and civil society must work to "build a future where all children are valued, respected and protected."

And she added: "Let us never forget that by taking care of our children, we are taking care of our collective future."

© Governo dos Açores | Fotos: SRTMI
