António Ventura highlights Regional Government's investments in agricultural and forest roads in São Miguel
António Ventura highlights Regional Government's investments in agricultural and forest roads in São Miguel
Secretaria Regional da Agricultura e Alimentação
The Regional Secretary for Agriculture and Food, António Ventura, highlighted today that the Regional Government's investment in agricultural and forest roads in São Miguel will amount to more than two million Euros in 2025. He also stressed the role of IROA S.A. in this regard and the coordination with the local agricultural association and the Island Council.
"The Regional Government has created a specific action in the 2025 Plan with an allocation of two million euros for roads in São Miguel," stressed the government official, who visited the Saramento road in the parish of São Vicente Ferreira, Ponta Delgada, this morning.
Acknowledging the ‘state of degradation’ of some roads as a result of the previous administration and the many periods of bad weather on the island, António Ventura pointed out that the investment in roads on the Island of São Miguel rose 68% in the four-year comparison between 2017-2020 and 2021-2024, i.e from to 1.9 million to 3.4 million Euros.
However, he warned that "more needs to be done." In this regard, IROA- Regional Institute of Agrarian Planning is a partner in this "endeavour" with a budget of 7.2 million Euros for "roads and electrification," the "largest investment" in more than a decade and a half in this area.