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null Public consultation opens on national marine waters assessment reports and environmental targets

January 20, 2025 - Published 16 days, 1 hours and 16 minutes ago
Public consultation opens on national marine waters assessment reports and environmental targets
location Horta

Secretaria Regional do Mar e das Pescas

The Regional Secretariat for the Sea and Fisheries, through the Regional Directorate for Maritime Policies (DRPM), informs that, under the terms of Article 16 of Decree-Law 108/2010, in its current wording, the report updating the assessment of marine waters and environmental targets of Marine Strategies for Mainland Portugal, Madeira, the Azores and the Extended Continental Shelf is currently out for public consultation until March 1, for the collection of contributions from all interested parties.

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), transposed into national law by Decree-Law 108/2010 of October 13 in its current wording, aims to achieve or maintain Good Environmental Status (GES) in the marine environment through the development and implementation of marine strategies.

The national report, now out for public consultation, is structured in four parts:

  • Part I - Framework: common to all four subdivisions, it sets the framework for the report.
  • Part II - Uses and activities, characterisation and socio-economic analysis: includes, per subdivision, the economic and social analysis - art. 8 (1c) - of the use of national marine waters
  • Part III - Assessment of the environmental status of marine waters: includes, per subdivision, the analysis and assessment of the main pressure descriptors - Article 8 (1b) - and the analysis and assessment of the status descriptors - Article 8 (1a)
  • Part IV - Environmental targets: common to all four subdivisions, it includes the status of the environmental targets adopted in the 2nd cycle and updates them according to the results of the assessment results. 

Contributions can be sent to the address Direção Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos (DGRM), Av. Brasília, 1449-030 Lisboa or to the email address: [email protected], mentioning the subject: 3º Ciclo DQEM.

The documents are also available on the portal of the DGRM, DRPM and the Regional Directorate for Maritime Affairs (DRAM) of the Regional Government of Madeira as well as on the participatory portal: