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null José Manuel Bolieiro opens restructuring of Graciosa Waste Processing Centre

July 23, 2024 - Published 3 days, 22 hours and 21 minutes ago
José Manuel Bolieiro opens restructuring of Graciosa Waste Processing Centre
location Santa Cruz da Graciosa

Presidência do Governo Regional

The President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, opened the restructuring of the Waste Processing Centre (CPR) today during the statutory visit to the island of Graciosa.

"We are taking significant steps in demonstrating that the Azores are a sustainable archipelago from an environmental, social and economic standpoint, and as a worldwide recognised tourist destination" for these features, he stressed.

José Manuel Bolieiro also emphasised that the Region is exceeding the recycling targets set at a Community level.

"We are pioneers, we are leading the way on some islands and we want to speed things up on some islands where the situation is more complex," he said.

The restructuring opened today represents an investment of 969 thousand Euros, with an overall investment of 1.8 million expected by next year in this centre.

The restructuring of the centre includes the acquisition of equipment (such as an industrial pre-shredder and rotary machines) and the redevelopment of the space.

The Regional Government is currently working on the Waste Processing Centres located on the islands of Flores, Faial, Pico, São Jorge, Graciosa and Santa Maria to create specific composting areas for bio-waste from waste collection.