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null Berta Cabral says project to protect Ribeira do Guilherme stream mouth will apply for EU funds

July 19, 2024 - Published 7 days, 23 hours and 8 minutes ago
Berta Cabral says project to protect Ribeira do Guilherme stream mouth will apply for EU funds
location Nordeste

Secretaria Regional do Turismo, Mobilidade e Infraestruturas

The Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures stated this Thursday evening in Nordeste that the project to protect and redevelop the mouth of the Ribeira do Guilherme stream has already been submitted by the local authority to the Azorean Government and will apply for EU funds. Should it be approved, it will be put to public tender. 

Berta Cabral spoke at the session commemorating the 510th anniversary of the Municipality of Nordeste, representing the President of the Government of the Azores. According to her, "this is another cooperation project between regional and local authorities, aligned with what has been the strategic guidelines of this Government."

"Visiting Nordeste is an opportunity to see the growth of tourism in a municipality that has been able to reinvent itself without losing its identity. This is a destination for enriching and diverse experiences, guided by the combination of nature, adventure, culture and genuineness," she said.

Berta Cabral also stated that the value of Nordeste has been proven over time "with excellent results and has given rise to entrepreneurship and a commitment to excellence."

She continued: "starting with tourist accommodation, with 169 units available, including tourist developments and local accommodation, corresponding to 850 beds. Three more rural accommodation units are currently under approval, totalling 21 beds. 

The Azores are, on a global scale, a destination that makes a difference. For the Regional Secretary, this means it is "the right time to harness the endogenous potential of the municipality with creativity and innovation, with a strong focus on promoting and disseminating the elements of nature tourism and sustainability that identifies" the Azores.

Berta Cabral took the opportunity to point out that "the quality of life of the entire population has been a decisive element in the policies of the Regional Government, not least because of the importance it attaches to accessibility, as a fundamental means of social and territorial cohesion and the harmonious development of the municipality and the island."

In the case of Nordeste, she highlighted the improvement of agricultural and forest roads and the water supply network, an investment of more than 1.1 million Euros in various parishes of the municipality.

As far as investments are concerned, she also mentioned the renovation work of the Health Center in that municipality, which is underway and represents an investment of around one million Euros. This is precisely to meet a need that the people of Nordeste have long demanded, and to which the Azorean Government is dedicating its full commitment and promptness.

The Regional Secretary also pointed out the Residential Structure for the Elderly of the Santa Casa da Misericórdia (charity), whose renovation aims to ensure better conditions for the care of the elderly. In addition to the 9.6% increase in funding for charities, this will provide faster and more sustainable social responses.

Berta Cabral also highlighted the refurbishment of the Vocational School, through support amounting to 80 thousand Euros, which will contribute to the more productive fulfillment of its mission with its target audience, as well as the São Pedro Nordestinho Multisports Pavilion, an investment of 162 thousand Euros by the Regional Government, which has already been completed and will soon be available to the community and athletes.

The construction of 15 houses in Achadinha, an investment of about 2.5 million Euros, whose works contract is due to be awarded in September, and the establishment of a protocol with the Santa Casa da Misericórdia for a new daycare centre were other investments mentioned by the government official.

"This has been our way of governing for the Azoreans. With dialogue and cooperation to meet the needs and aspirations of all," said Berta Cabral.

In her speech, the Regional Secretary also praised the Nordeste Municipal Council for the commemorative programme that "highlights the ability to honour and project, in the middle of the immense Atlantic, a municipality that will never be indifferent to its residents and visitors."