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null Communiqué from the Council of the Government

June 26, 2024 - Published 6 days, 19 hours and 11 minutes ago
Communiqué from the Council of the Government
location Santa Cruz das Flores

The Council of the Government, which met on June 26, 2024, in Santa Cruz das Flores, adopted the following measures:

1. Approve the Regional Implementing Decree regulating the implementation of the Budget of the Autonomous Region of the Azores for 2024.

The rejection of the 2024 Regional Plan and Budget proposals presented by the XIII Government of the Azores in November 2023 led to the dissolution of Parliament and the subsequent calling of elections in the Region.

This situation led the Region to depend on a transitional twelfths system in terms of budget implementation, based on the 2023 budget, until the approval of a new budget. This caused constraints on expenditure, particularly those related to investments co-funded by the EU, mainly in terms of the RRP.

With the political clarification that arose from the February 4, 2024 elections, the XIV Government of the Azores, which took office on March 4, 2024, consulted parties, social partners and island councils. It presented to the Regional Parliament a new proposal for the 2024 Regional Plan and Budget as well as the Medium-Term Guidelines for 2024-2028 in record time - less than 60 days. 

Following the approval of these budget documents on May 24, 2024, and their subsequent publication on June 24 by the Representative of the National Government, the XIV Government of the Azores approved the Regional Implementing Decree regulating the implementation of the regional budget in just two days, so as to prevent further delays in its entry into force. This extinguishes the twelfths system, which has been in effect for about six months.

The Regional Government now has only six months left to fulfil its commitments to the Azoreans and, finally, be able to implement all the innovative measures set out in the 2024 Regional Budget.

In fact, only now will it be possible to move forward with the measures for civil servants, namely the reduction in the progression time for their careers and the planned increases in supplementary remuneration.

Only now will it be possible to increase the social support provided for in the Regional Implementing Decree that approved the 2024 Regional Budget, including the increase in the regional pension supplement, especially for low-income pensions. 

With the entry into force of this Regional Implementing Decree, the Council of the Government decided that all regional departments should prioritise investments co-financed by EU funds, especially those related to the RRP.

2. Pass the Resolution approving the National Maritime Spatial Planning Situation Plan for the Azores Subdivision.

3. Approve a resolution authorising the launch of a public tender for the project to redevelop the embankment on Regional Road no.1-1, in the parish of Raminho, Terceira Island, for a base price of four million Euros, with a view to solving the instability problems on this section of the regional road.

4. Appoint as members of the Board of Directors of Portos dos Açores, S.A., Sancha Madalena Castanheira de Oliveira Costa Santos, as President, and Filipe Borges de Sousa Soares de Mendonça and Paulo Manuel Martins Luis, as Full Members.

5. Approve the Resolution authorising the expenditure and procurement of the works contract for the "Refurbishment of eight properties on the island of Flores," in two lots, with a base price of €550,000.00, plus VAT at the legal rate in force.

The XIV Government of the Azores intends to continue to promote the improvement of housing conditions in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, a commitment also made and financed under the Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The Autonomous Region of the Azores has eight dwellings available on the island of Flores, which need to be refurbished to meet the island's pressing needs. The Regional Government has completed the respective implementation projects and is now in a position to proceed with the work.

6. Approve the Resolution delegating to the Regional Secretary for Youth, Housing and Employment the powers to, on behalf of and representing the Autonomous Region of the Azores, carry out all the procedures necessary to finalise the public tender for the acquisition of services for "Drawing up refurbishment projects for the Nascer do Sol Neighbourhood - located in the parish of Santa Cruz, municipality of Praia da Vitória."

7. The Regional Government intends to refurbish the 92 single-family homes in the Nascer do Sol Neighbourhood, formerly known as the American Neighbourhood, located in the parish of Santa Cruz, municipality of Praia da Vitória, Terceira Island.

The public tender procedure, authorised by order of the Vice-President of the Regional Government on November 7, 2023, for the acquisition of services for the "Drawing up of refurbishment projects for Nascer do Sol Neighbourhood - located in the parish of Santa Cruz, municipality of Praia da Vitória, Terceira Island - Azores," for a base price of €72,335.00 and a 90-day completion period, is currently at the awarding phase. 

Due to changes in the organisational structure and powers of the members of the XIV Regional Government of the Azores, it is now necessary to delegate powers to the new member of the Regional Government responsible for housing affairs to finalise the procedure for drawing up the aforementioned contract.