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null Azorean entities registered largest submission of information on institutional advertising in 2022

March 28, 2023 - Published 548 days, 8 hours ago
Azorean entities registered largest submission of information on institutional advertising in 2022
location Ponta Delgada

Presidência do Governo Regional

The 13th survey of Local and Regional Public Administration entities (APLR) on expenses incurred with institutional advertising in the media for the year 2022 registered a collaboration rate of 69.34%, compared to 63.64% for the previous year and 47.25% for 2020.

The annual report on institutional publicity, already submitted by the Regional Government of the Azores to the Regional Legislative Assembly, shows that 147 APLR entities have complied with the duty to collaborate in the institutional advertising management system, as set out in the relevant legislation, and conversely, 65 APLR entities have failed to do so.

The 147 entities that have complied with the duty to collaborate are as follows:

• Government Departments: 11 out of 11 (100% compliance rate);

• Regional Public Institutes: 18 out of 18 (100% compliance rate);

• Regional business sector companies that are public service concessionaires: 3 out of 3 (100% compliance rate);

• Parishes: 93 out of 155 (60% compliance rate);

• Municipalities: 16 out of 19 (84.21% compliance rate);

• Local business sector companies that are public service concessionaires: 3 out of 3 (100% compliance rate).

Institutional advertising consists of communications and advertisements directly carried out by these entities in the written press, radio and television, fully funded by public resources and intended to advertise policies, measures or activities developed by the said entities.

The XIII Government of the Azores reiterates that the principle of transparency in public office should guide the performance of all, with a view to better and more rigorous accountability and actions towards citizens.