January 6, 2023 - Published 739 days, 22 hours and 33 minutes ago
Specific PRORURAL+ support for farmers and SMEs already in force in the Azores
location Angra do Heroísmo

Secretaria Regional da Agricultura e do Desenvolvimento Rural

The Regional Secretariat for Agriculture and Rural Development, through the Regional Directorate for Rural Development, announces that applications are now open for the Exceptional Temporary Support for Farmers and SMEs that have been particularly affected by the impact of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

This Exceptional Support under the Rural Development Programme for the Autonomous Region of the Azores, PRORURAL+, aims precisely to help farmers affected by the rising costs of production factors, namely energy, fertilisers and animal feed.

The support provided for under this PRORURAL+ measure may only be granted to individual and collective farmers operating in the archipelago.

The payment of this financial aid is conditional upon approval by the European Commission of the amendment to PRORURAL+, which includes this measure, with the amount being paid according to the Agricultural Area of farms.

The amount of support can go from 600 Euros up to 1050 Euros, according to the area of each farm.

The support is granted as a non-refundable subsidy, co-funded at 85% by the Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and at 15% by the Region's budget.

The application period runs from January 5 to February 5 this year. Applications should be submitted using the form available on the GestPDR portal at https://gestpdr.azores.gov.pt/ or at the Agrarian Development services of each island.

With this measure, we intend to offset the increase in production costs, arising from the war, which has an impact on the Azores, stated the government official.

"Livestock farming is a fundamental activity in the economic, social and environmental progress of our Region, so it must be monitored and duly recognised by the European Union. This recognition must take the form of measures and actions such as this one, but with more substantial funding for the Azores as an outermost region," stressed António Ventura.

This is a measure created by the Regional Government in conjunction with the Azores Agricultural Federation. In addition to Community funding, it is also funded by the Regional Budget. 

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