February 8, 2022 - Published 875 days, 15 hours and 35 minutes ago
Corruption Prevention and Transparency Office prioritises anti-fraud measures under RRP investments
location Ponta Delgada

Secretaria Regional das Finanças, Planeamento e Administração Pública

The Regional Administrative and Transparency Inspectorate (IRAT), as the entity responsible for coordinating transparency, prevention and fight against corruption, has set as a priority for the Corruption Prevention and Transparency Office the implementation of preventive actions aimed at entities covered by the Azores' investments under the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP). 

The measure falls within a collaboration protocol between the Regional Directorate for Planning and Structural Funds (DRPFE), as the technical coordination and monitoring entity responsible for RRP investments in the Azores, and the IRAT, through the Corruption Prevention and Transparency Office. It also includes the development of educational interventions for intermediary beneficiaries, final beneficiaries and implementing entities.

These initiatives aim to raise awareness for the need to draw up and implement internal control systems that will prevent, detect and correct irregularities as well as establish procedures to prevent conflicts of interest, fraud and corruption.

For this purpose, the Regional Government of the Azores, through DRPFE, signed a contract with the "Recuperar Portugal" Mission Structure on September 2, 2021, for the financing of the Azores' investments planned under the RRP, representing an overall amount of 580 million Euros.

Under the terms of this contract, the DRPFE is required to adopt an internal control system to prevent, detect and correct irregularities as well as procedures to prevent conflicts of interest, fraud, corruption and double funding, ensuring the principle of good management and safeguarding the financial interests of the European Union. It may establish institutional partnerships with other public entities in their respective areas of competence.

Moreover, the DRPFE, in conjunction with IRAT, is responsible for defining an Action Plan for Awareness Raising and Training on these matters. Last December, the training initiative "Ethics, Integrity and Transparency in Public Management - Strategies, Policies and Tools to Prevent Fraud and Corruption" was held in collaboration with CEFAPA- Azores Public Administration Training Centre. It was addressed to all PRR investment managers and members of the technical coordination and monitoring team.

Those who are interested may consult the protocol at the following address: https://portal.azores.gov.pt/web/drpfe/prr/documentos/protocolos. 

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