Berta Cabral visited Raminho road and underlined importance and urgency of the work
Secretaria Regional do Turismo, Mobilidade e Infraestruturas
The Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures stressed on Wednesday on Terceira Island the importance of the work underway on the Raminho road and its urgency, given the increase in the seismic crisis and the requests from the Azores Regional Civil Protection and Fire Service.
Berta Cabral visited the work in progress on that road, accompanied by the President of the Raminho Parish Council, the Regional Director for Public Works and the Head of the Terceira Island Services of the Regional Secretariat for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures.
"This work is extremely important and urgent. It is a crucial project to reopen the section of the regional road near the Raminho viewpoint under safety conditions for the population," she said.
It should be noted that the contract for cleaning the Raminho road, with a budget of €362,995.00, plus VAT at the legal rate in force, was awarded to the company Nelson Ananias Contente Unipessoal, Lda.
The contract includes clearing and dismantling rocks on the slope of Regional Road no.1-1 - Raminho parish.