July 16, 2024 - Published 11 days, 2 hours and 48 minutes ago
Artur Lima addresses Corsican Committee on Legislative and Regulatory Powers and Statutory Evolution
location Angra do Heroísmo

Vice-Presidência do Governo Regional

The Vice-President of the Regional Government, Artur Lima, will visit Corsica between July 17 and 19 at the invitation of the President of the Corsican Assembly, Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis.

The Vice-President of the Government will meet with the President of the Corsican Assembly and the President of the Executive Council, Gilles Simeoni, to discuss matters related to insularity and common actions to be taken on the European stage.

Artur Lima will also speak at the Corsican Committee on Legislative and Regulatory Powers and Statutory Evolution, as part of the cycle of works dedicated to statutory developments on the island. The speech will address regional autonomy, the Political-Administrative Statute of the Azores, and the challenges facing this island as an outermost region.

In April this year, the President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, and the Vice-President of the Government, Artur Lima, met with Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis, President of the Assembly of Corsica, on the occasion of the General Assembly of the Islands Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), held in Ponta Delgada.

This meeting provided an opportunity to reflect on and confirm the possibility of an exchange on matters concerning statutes and insularity based on the Azorean example.

In addition to its protocol component, this event is part of the series of hearings held by the aforementioned Commission with the aim of benefiting from the experiences of the autonomous regions or territories in France and throughout Europe.

In a broader sense, the goal is also to continue promoting greater synergy and joint work among European islands in a context marked by the results of the European Parliament elections.

This is particularly pertinent given that the priorities of the new political agendas emphasise the need for coordinated and renewed action to defend insularity and address its specificities.

On this visit to Corsica, Artur Lima will be accompanied by the Regional Director for European Affairs and External Cooperation, Carlos Amaral.

© Governo dos Açores | Fotos: VPG
