June 11, 2024 - Published 21 days, 20 hours and 29 minutes ago
"Unexpected and sudden constraints that affecting" SATA Air Açores have now been solved - Berta Cabral
location Horta

Secretaria Regional do Turismo, Mobilidade e Infraestruturas

The Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures, Berta Cabral, stated today that the "unexpected and sudden constraints affecting" the operation of SATA Air Açores have now been solved, "meeting the needs of all passengers."

"SATA Air Açores is operating with seven aircraft, the same number of aircraft as the company has available for inter-island operations. In fact, everything was solved in record time and according to schedule, demonstrating the diligence and responsiveness of SATA's board and the technical expertise of all its workers," she stressed, speaking at the Regional Legislative Assembly.

Given the unavailability of more than 50% of the fleet, "mostly for unexpected reasons, immediate and joint solutions were found within the SATA Group, using the installed capacity and also Azores Airlines aircraft to accommodate more passengers on three flights than on six SATA Air Açores flights," she recalled.

"Azores Airlines also faced constraints and unforeseen events, some were unrelated to the company. Nevertheless, the situation has been solved in this regard," she added.

And she praised: "It was, in fact, a remarkable effort by all of SATA's staff, who recovered the aircraft, reaccommodated passengers, reorganised flights and stopovers, and worked tirelessly even in the face of contempt, pressure and an unspeakable public attack on the company and its professionals."

Berta Cabral stated that she could not fathom the "political exploitation of a difficult and unexpected operational situation at SATA Air Açores, which is one of the main, and perhaps most important, factors ensuring" the "territorial and social cohesion" of the Azores.

"We cannot be systematically disparaging one of our most precious assets, a pillar of our autonomy and a fundamental tool for our cohesion and way of life. Stability is what the company needs most at the moment to operate, guarantee the mobility of citizens and recover from the dire financial situation that socialist governments plunged it into," she added, praising, once again, "the exemplary commitment, endeavour and dedication of the board and the entire SATA Group."

Berta Cabral also noted that "we cannot solve a situation that has deteriorated consecutively since 2013 in just three years." However, this Government and the company's board "are highly motivated to continue the work done to rescue SATA from the situation" where it was left until 2020.

She added: "I would also like to make a final point that, in fact, SATA Air Açores' operations, despite the aircraft added to the fleet in 2022, are already feeling the pressure of demand. This is a sign of great success: the success of SATA's operation, the success of tourism and the success of the "Azores Fare." I know this is hard to hear from those who are jealous of success but it is an irrefutable reality. We have managed to overcome this pressure of demand with additional flights, extended schedules and selective investments. The future will certainly involve new solutions and innovations, always bearing in mind the fulfilment of the noble mission of saving SATA and serving the Azoreans well."

© Governo dos Açores | Fotos: SRTMI
