June 11, 2024 - Published 22 days, 1 hours and 39 minutes ago
Applications open for e-Associativismo 2024
location Ponta Delgada

Secretaria Regional da Juventude, Habitação e Emprego

Applications are now open for e-Associativismo 2024 - the Support Programme for the Digital Empowerment of Youth Associations, announces the Regional Government, through the Regional Secretariat for Youth, Housing and Employment.

This year, applications for the purchase of multifunctional copying and printing equipment will be co-financed, corresponding to 90% of the purchase price of the device and not exceeding a maximum amount of 300 Euros.

Applications must be made using the electronic form available at https://juventude.azores.gov.pt by August, according to the Order of the Regional Secretary for Youth, Housing and Employment, Maria João Carreiro, published in the Official Journal. 

Youth associations and their federations as well as youth associations registered in the Azorean Register of Youth Associations (RAAJ) may apply for e-Associativismo.

National organisations represented in the Autonomous Region of the Azores with proven activity may also apply for e-Associativismo, provided they are recognised by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girls Scouts, the World Organisation of the Scouts Movement and The World Federation of Independent Scouts.

The e-Associativismo programme, promoted through the Regional Directorate for Youth, aims to support youth associations in the digital transition, through the acquisition of hardware and software, essential for the smooth running of activities, and the promotion of training and support spaces for young people in the areas of information and communication technologies.

© Governo dos Açores | Fotos: Alejandro Escamilla
