May 30, 2024 - Published 33 days, 13 hours and 56 minutes ago
Azores at 94th Lisbon Book Fair
location Angra do Heroísmo

Secretaria Regional da Educação, Cultura e Desporto

With 657 publications, 18 publishers, book launches and presentations, a musical show and a session celebrating 10 years of "CulturAçores - Revista de Cultura" magazine, the Azores will once again participate in the 94th Lisbon Book Fair.

With a view to disseminating works by regional authors or featuring Azorean themes, the Regional Secretariat for Education, Culture and Sport, through the Regional Directorate for Culture, will take part in the 94th edition of the Lisbon Book Fair, featuring 1,599 books, corresponding to 657 publications from 18 participating publishers.

The Regional Directorate for Culture will be accompanied at the event by the following entities: Amigos dos Açores - Ecological Association, Araucária Publisher, Artes e Letras Publisher, BLU Publisher, Horta City Council, Crafts and Design Centre of the Azores, Companhia das Ilhas, Lda, Geotrota, Azorean Institute of Culture, Ponta Delgada Cultural Institute, Historical Institute of Terceira Island, José Carlos Costa, Predicado Inclinado, Publiçor, Publicações e Publicidade, Turiscon Publisher, University of the Azores and Vale das Amoras.

Both stands of the Regional Directorate for Culture are located in row G, east 3, at places 26 and 27, and their visual design celebrates the 100th anniversary of Raúl Brandão's Journey to the Azores.

On June 5, at 7 pm, the Artes e Letras Publisher will present the book by Maria Brandão "Avenida Marginal, Ficções," 2024, featuring the participation of authors Alexandre Borges, Judite Canha Fernandes, Ana Catarina Ferreira de Almeida, Leonardo Sousa and Teresa Canto Noronha.

On June 6, at 6 pm, the Predicado Inclinado publishing house will launch and present the book by Professor Francisco Cota Fagundes "Escrever para (Sobre)Viver."

On June 7, at 7 pm, there will be a presentation of the bilingual book "CÓDIGO POSTAL: PARAÍSO - Breve História da Aldeia da Cuada /Postal Code: Paradise A Brief History of Cuada Village" by Luís Filipe Borges and Sara Almeida Santos, published by Letras Lavadas. The book will be presented by Professor Vamberto Freitas. In turn, the book "Cruzeiro Literário" by Ernesto Rodrigues will be presented on the same day, at 7:45 pm, followed by "Leituras Poliédricas" by Teresa Martins Marques at 8:30 pm. At the presentation of the two books published by Letras Lavadas, the authors will be accompanied by editor Ernesto Rezendes and professor Vamberto Freitas.

On June 9, at 6 pm, there will be a session celebrating 10 years of "CulturAçores- Revista de Cultura" magazine, featuring the participation of coordinator Humberta Augusto, Nuno Ribeiro Lopes and Raimundo Mendes da Silva. Created in 2014, ‘CulturAçores - Revista de Cultura,’ a magazine published by the Regional Directorate for Culture, celebrates its first decade of existence in 2024, compiling not only the activities promoted by the regional culture department, its cultural facilities and other entities involved but also reflecting, in a collaborative process, on its nature and mission. Over ten years, there were 15 publications, available for purchase or subscription, in print and/or digital format, which are the result of the collective efforts of several authors, mostly from the cultural promotion services of the Regional Directorate for Culture, its technicians, as well as external specialists with diverse backgrounds.

On June 15, the eve of the closing of the Book Fair, the Region will host a concert by the new project Sónia Pereira Trio, featuring Sónia Pereira on vocals, Antonella Barletta on piano and Roberto Rosa on trumpet, artists from Terceira Island. From traditional Azorean music to originals and setting poems by various Azorean authors to music, including Carina Fortuna, Catarina Valadão, Paulo Freitas, Hélio Costa, Tânia Ferreira and António Bulcão, they bring soul and emotion to the audience with every note in a journey through jazz and world music. The show will take place in the orange square at 8:30 pm.

© Governo dos Açores | Fotos: SRECD
