May 21, 2024 - Published 42 days, 19 hours ago
Paulo Estêvão defends dialogue and "consensus of positions" in areas such as communities and media
location Horta

Secretaria Regional dos Assuntos Parlamentares e Comunidades

The Regional Secretary for Parliamentary Affairs and Communities, Paulo Estêvão, defended, yesterday, dialogue and "consensus of positions" in the areas under his responsibility, namely in the media and diaspora. 

"I will get straight to the point, without beating about the bush. I want to maintain the autonomous consensus in the areas that fall within the remit of the Secretariat for Parliamentary Affairs and Communities: our communities, emigration and immigration, the media and parliamentary affairs," he emphasised.

The government official spoke in the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, in Horta, during the discussion of the proposals for the Medium-Term Guidelines 2024-2028 and the Plan and Budget for 2024.

Paulo Estêvão admitted that "all, or almost all, political agents" who preceded him converged on the same fundamental matters in the areas under his responsibility.

He explained: "maintaining and strengthening the ties that bind us to our diaspora communities and preserving a free press in the Azores, as a fundamental instrument of credible information for our society. Democracy only works to the full if there is a free press and freedom of speech."

The Regional Secretary also stated that he "firmly believes that the defence of democracy and the regular functioning of institutions in the current context of strong political polarisation," throughout Europe, "will only be successful if everything is based on dialogue and consensus of positions."

For him, "it is essential to keep the bridges of institutional dialogue open and to have a strong interaction with civil society as a whole."

Then, presenting the priorities of the Government in the areas under his supervision, Paulo Estêvão emphasised that the "policy for the communities and its budget projection is the same as it has always been - uniting the Azoreans here and there and finding ways of collaborating to strengthen the elements of identity" that unite everyone.

In immigration, the goal is to create the necessary mechanisms, "within the existing legislative framework, to integrate" people into the Azorean communities.

He continued: "A people of emigrants, who are well aware of the hardships involved in arriving in a strange land and starting almost from scratch, in a context of great difficulties, must know, as far as we can, to welcome and create the necessary conditions for the integration of those who want to build their lives here and contribute to the prosperity of our community."

As far as the media is concerned, the goal of governance "is to be part of the solution," avoiding "its weakening or even gradual disappearance."

From this Government's standpoint, the press is "irreplaceable in the task of informing citizens." In this context, "a media support programme is being developed that will substantially increase support in this area."

"All media outlets will be consulted and heard on this project. So will the sector's professionals and this Parliament. It is expected that the programme drawn up in this way will provide the answers the sector needs and that there will be a great deal of political convergence, not only on its targets but also on the resources and tools created to achieve them," he said.

In the field of space, delegated to Paulo Estêvão by the Presidency of the Government, it is necessary to consolidate the Azorean space ecosystem "on the basis of constant dialogue and cooperation" with partners such as the Portuguese Space Agency and its European counterpart, the European Space Agency.

"Another regional project of a more scientific nature, within the scope of the Atlantic Network of Space Geodetic Stations, specifically the fundamental geodetic station in Santa Maria, has allowed us to increase investment and strengthen our participation and commitment. The Azores Strategy for Space also has a future-oriented dimension, which will contribute to the creation of talents and generations of qualified Azoreans in areas directly or indirectly related to space. This will be achieved by investing heavily in dissemination, education and scientific culture for space in our communities, particularly among school-aged young of all ages people and on all islands," added Paulo Estêvão.

With regard to local government, the Regional Secretary emphasised that the budget documents under discussion this week "represent the deepening of the relations between the Regional Government and local authorities."

"We will make the transfers to the municipalities of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, the so-called “Tourist VAT” for the 2020 - 2022 period, due to be paid by the Region by December 31, 2024, in the amount of 3.35 million Euros. The remaining amounts for 2023 and 2024 will be paid in 2025, following the Protocol that will be signed with the Association of Municipalities of the Autonomous Region of the Azores (AMRAA)," he announced.

This Government will also bring to a conclusion the process of settling the transfer of the share concerning Personal Income Tax revenue for 2009 and 2010 to the municipalities of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, which began in 2021, with the final instalment of 1.74 million Euros being paid, thus settling a debt of 5.48 million Euros owed to municipalities.

The Government also proposes the creation of the Regional Fund for the Development of Azorean Parishes (FDFA), which will receive an allocation of two million Euros this year, added the Regional Secretary.

"I will end as I began. The purpose of the policies I have outlined here is to serve the people of the Azores. Joining forces, improving procedures and achieving better results," he said.

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