May 1, 2024 - Published 82 days, 12 hours and 25 minutes ago
Regional Government honours merit of youth associations
location Ponta Delgada

Secretaria Regional da Juventude, Habitação e Emprego

The Regional Secretary for Youth, Housing and Employment praised the work, merit and contribution of regional youth associations this Tuesday for "promoting causes, ideas and projects that are essential for building a fairer, more inclusive, more cohesive, more sustainable, more prosperous and more progressive society."

Maria João Carreiro spoke at the session marking Youth Associations Day at the Coliseu Micaelense in Ponta Delgada, an initiative promoted by the Regional Directorate for Youth and attended by the Minister of Youth and Modernisation, Margarida Balseiro Lopes.

Youth associations are a "form of collective living that should be preserved and defended as it promotes common interests" in areas such as community development, occupation and empowerment of young people, creativity and innovation, solidarity or education and environmental awareness, she said.

The government official defended that "it is not enough to evoke this importance" and that "public governance needs to live up to the interests and expectations of young people," creating the material and financial conditions so that youth associations can fulfil their mission.

In this regard, Maria João Carreiro recalled that it was the PSD/CDS/PPM administration that updated the legislation regulating youth policies in the Region - which had not been updated for a decade and a half - introducing improvements to the rules governing youth associations and establishing more rights for youth associations and their leaders.

Likewise, a system of incentives for the development of youth associations was created at the end of last year, which is now "more flexible, fairer and more favourable" to youth associations, as regards the amount of support, eligible expenses and the duration of projects, recalled the Regional Secretary. 

There are 21 associations recorded in the Azorean Register of Youth Associations, seven more than in 2021. The number of projects submitted by associations increased from 101 in 2019 to 131 this year. Public funding for the activities promoted has also increased from 86 thousand Euros in 2019 to 130 thousand Euros this year.

"These are measurable effects of proximity and dialogue-based governance, which we will continue for the good of young Azoreans," assured Maria João Carreiro. 

The following associations received the association recognition diploma:

Arcádia - Associação Juvenil;

Associação de Escuteiros de Portugal (AEP) - Eastern Region;

Associação de Guias de Portugal - Azores Region;

Solidariedar'Art - Associação de Educação e Integração pela Arte e Desenvolvimento Cultural, Social e Local;

PAA – Premissa Açores Associação;

Associação de Jovens Unidos da Ribeira Seca;

Associação UnoJovens de Ponta Garça;

Associação Dinamizadora de Santa Bárbara;

 Associação Juvenil da ilha de Santa Maria;

Corpo Nacional de Escutas – Região Açores;

Clube de Ténis da Ilha Terceira;

ICHTUS – Associação de Juventude do Porto Judeu;

Alternativa – Associação Contra as Dependências;

Associação de Artes Circenses dos Açores – 9’Circos;

Casa do Povo de Santa Bárbara da ilha Terceira;


Silêncio Sonoro Associação Cultural;

Associação de Juventude Aprender a Viver;

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