April 20, 2024 - Published 73 days, 15 hours and 12 minutes ago
Works on transverse road to bring significant development opportunities to São Jorge, says Berta Cabral
location São Jorge

Secretaria Regional do Turismo, Mobilidade e Infraestruturas

The Regional Secretary for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures stated on Friday that the works on the transverse road on São Jorge Island have been recognised for their structural importance, being a privilege and a source of pride for the population.

Berta Cabral spoke at the signing of the consignment agreement with Tecnovia Açores, S.A., pointing out that shortening distances, creating more comfort and safety, and complying with the legislation in force for the road network are the key goals of the RRP.

Nevertheless, she stressed that the positive effects of a project of this kind and the opportunities it represents for the population and the territory should be particularly highlighted.

"The work for the work's sake is important, but, above all, it is important for the people and the development opportunities that allow them to live better in their land," she stressed.

The Regional Secretary also added that this type of intervention in the road network encourages entrepreneurship and boosts job creation, wealth generation and investment opportunities. It is also an opportunity for land management planning, placing public investment at the service of the population, the island and the Azores.

Designed by TPF-Consultores de Engenharia e Arquitetura, the project represents an overall investment of €8,111,590, with a completion period of 730 days.

The intervention consists of the redevelopment of the existing Regional Road no. 3-2 with the correction of three dangerous turns. It also includes the stabilisation of slopes, which will reduce distances and travel times in the route between the north and south coasts of São Jorge Island and, consequently, the access to the ports and airport located on the south coast.

This is one of the 10 routes integrated into the RRP in the Azores and is the longest, totalling approximately 13 km.

The Regional Secretary also recalled that the RRP, with an allocation of 92 million Euros, already an exception to what has been the case with EU funds, could be the last opportunity for investment in the road network. Therefore, it is important to extend this investment to almost all the islands and generate new development opportunities.

She stressed that "this great effort undertaken to implement the RRP and its reprogramming, which provided for an increase of about 30 million Euros, is based on hard work and a long journey of projects, tenders, compulsory purchases and construction work."

At the moment, only three road network projects have yet to be awarded under the RRP, namely in Santa Maria, Terceira and the Capelas bypass in São Miguel.

"The road network is fundamental on islands and ours needs constant improvement due to its age," said Berta Cabral.

The government official ended her speech by explaining that the investment plan proposed by the Regional Secretariat for Tourism, Mobility and Infrastructures for São Jorge in 2024 allocates 15 million Euros for the progress, connectivity, well-being and development of the island and the Azores.

© Governo dos Açores | Fotos: SRTMI
