October 11, 2023 - Published 266 days, 3 hours and 21 minutes ago
European symposium of NEREUS regions addresses space data for tourism and agriculture
location Ponta Delgada

Subsecretário Regional da Presidência

The 2nd edition of the European Symposium by NEREUS-regions recently took place, dedicated to the application of space data in the agricultural and tourism sectors.

The event, jointly organised by NEREUS (Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies) and the Region of Basilicata, took place in the Italian city of Matera.

Focussing on the use of space data for tourism and agriculture, the symposium brought together different players from the European space community.

Based on the exchange of regional best practices and success stories, the event provided the regions with a platform to share knowledge and develop solid partnerships and interregional cooperation. This spirit of collaboration is key to unlocking the full potential of space resources and innovative technologies, which promise to be revolutionary in various regional contexts, particularly in tourism and agriculture.

This event stands out from similar ones by bringing tangible examples and cases of practical use in the public and private sectors, while encouraging dialogue between service providers and administrations.

As the space industry continues its rapid expansion, this symposium represented a significant milestone and paradigm for regions looking to strengthen their space communities, develop strategic initiatives and pave the way for future endeavours.

As a full member and founding member of the association, the Autonomous Region of the Azores attended the event through its representation on the NEREUS board, under the responsibility of the Regional Under Secretary of the Presidency.

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