7 de Dezembro 2024 - Publicado há 44 dias, 11 horas e 7 minutos
José Manuel Bolieiro celebra “conquistas da Autonomia” na inauguração do Núcleo da Autonomia dos Açores
location Ponta Delgada

Presidência do Governo Regional

The President of the Regional Government, José Manuel Bolieiro, chaired today the opening of the Azores Autonomy Centre of the Carlos Machado Museum, located in the emblematic Conceição Palace in Ponta Delgada.

This moment had a profound historical and symbolic significance, as it took place on the same date that, in 1975, the Azorean Government presented the preliminary draft of the Political-Administrative Statute of the Autonomous Region of the Azores.

The Autonomy Centre was created as a space dedicated to "preserving and promoting the autonomic history of the archipelago," covering the history of the struggles and achievements that marked the political and administrative affirmation of the Azores as an autonomous region. This new space is part of the Carlos Machado Museum network and consolidates its role as guardian of the Azorean cultural memory and identity.

José Manuel Bolieiro highlighted the significance of the Azores' political autonomy, stressing that it should not be regarded as closure or isolation, but rather as a form of active and integrated participation in the national and European project.

"Our political autonomy does not mean closing in on ourselves; on the contrary, it means understanding the virtue of integration," he said.

He added: "An isolated region brings no pride to its people."

The head of the Azorean Government also praised the importance of this new centre, as it "perpetuates the challenges and historical achievements of the Azores in the collective memory." It will also be essential for promoting scientific research and public knowledge about the Region's autonomic history.

"Our aim for this museum space is straightforward. We want to honour our history and intangible cultural heritage and, with the access we provide to the documentation on display here, contribute to the development of scientific studies into the historical processes that led to the construction of the autonomy of the Azores," he stressed.

The opening of the Autonomy Centre is part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the April 1974 Revolution, a decisive moment for the democratisation of Portugal and the establishment of regional autonomy.

He recalled that after these political changes, the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic acknowledged the political and administrative autonomy of the Azores and Madeira archipelagos in 1976.

The President of the Government also noted the role played by the University of the Azores in historical research and the study of the facts that shaped the autonomic process.

"The University of the Azores has been fundamental in deepening our knowledge of this historical journey, which is fundamental to understanding our identity as an autonomous people," said José Manuel Bolieiro.

The Conceição Palace, now home to the Autonomy Centre, is a historic building that houses the Council of Government, the services of the General Secretariat of the Presidency and now this new museum unit.

After extensive renovation work and functional reconfiguration, completed under the leadership of the XIII Government of the Azores, led by José Manuel Bolieiro, the palace has reclaimed its place as a symbol of regional governance and history.

The Autonomy Centre was designed to host documentary and historical exhibitions, presenting educational content that allows the public to understand the evolution of Azorean autonomy. It also aims to attract researchers, students and those interested in the political history of the archipelago, helping to strengthen knowledge about the role of the Azores in the national and international context.

With the opening of this space, the Regional Government is taking a significant step towards preserving the memory and identity of the Region, promoting study and debate on the challenges and achievements of Azorean autonomy. As such, the Autonomy Centre will be a meeting point between the past and the future, honouring the journey of a people who found autonomy the key to their affirmation and development.

© Governo dos Açores | Fotos: JF
