June 26, 2024 - Published 6 days, 16 hours and 7 minutes ago
Artur Lima promotes dialogue with California political leaders for benefit of cooperation with the Azores
location California

Vice-Presidência do Governo Regional

The Vice-President of the Regional Government, Artur Lima, held a series of meetings last Monday with community and political leaders from the State of California to discuss opportunities for cooperation and strengthen ties between the Region and the Azorean community living in that state.

"We had the opportunity to discuss points of view so as to involve California more closely in the development process of the Azores and strengthen our presence among the community of Azorean descent," he emphasised.

Among the personalities with whom Artur Lima met were the Leader of the Democratic Party's Parliamentary Caucus in the California State Assembly, Cecília Aguiar-Curry, State Senator Henry Stern and Robert Rivas, Speaker of the State Assembly.

According to Artur Lima, "direct contact with California's political bodies" is a "step forward in institutional relations," which allows us to "work more closely to achieve our common goals."

"The Regional Government wants to reach the second and third generations of emigrants so that they can get to know the land of their parents and grandparents, which could generate new investment opportunities for the Region," he noted. 

In addition, the Vice-President of the Government emphasised that the intention is "to get these generations of emigrants more involved in the social and cultural life of the Azores."

As a guest of honor, Artur Lima also took part in the presentation session of a resolution dedicated to the month of Portuguese heritage in California, which simultaneously honours the day of the Azores and Portugal.

The resolution was presented on June 24 by Cecília Aguiar-Curry, a legislator of Portuguese descent, at an event organised by the California Portuguese-American Coalition (CPAC) at the California State Assembly.

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